In love and war, as in every aspect of life, God’s moral law holds sway. According to Kant, a zone of peace has been established among liberal societies. International conflicts over the control of governments and territorial disputes ________. According to Waltz, what quality characterizes a sovereign state? Because positive gains from economic activities are more effective inducements than negative threats of violence, economic conflicts lead to violence much less often than do territorial disputes. Israeli blockade of Hamas-ruled Gaza ports. large groups that share ancestral, language, cultural, or religious ties and a common identity. It creates a need for the UN because it provides services that no single state would. The United States is committed to NATO expansion, which Russia considers a threat to its security, Share ancestral, language, cultural, or religious ties. International security and international political economy. The explosive power of fission weapons is measured in _________, whereas the explosive power of fusion weapons is measured in _______. Which of the following would be sufficient to constitute a change in the structure of the international system, as defined by Waltz? Based on the definition of the term, which of the following are likely agents of socialization? Which of the following can explain why regional and specific IGOs have been the most successful in international relations compared to other types of IGOs? Modern realist theory developed in reaction to __________. According to IR research, a unipolar power distribution appears to be the best at maintaining __________. the relative power of a state is more important to realists than the absolute power of a state. where defense has the advantage, and defense is distinguishable from offense. Which of the liberal traditions outlined by Doyle does Kant belong to? If true, this would best illustrate _____________. According to Morgenthau, the difference between "official duty" and "personal wish" (p. 21) is the same as: the difference between acting in terms of national interests as opposed to acting on personal moral and political values. Terrorists are more willing than states are to violate the norms of the international system. It involves organized combat usually between clearly recognizable armies. is far beyond any economic or strategic value it holds, Conflicts generate large wars when power is distributed relatively equally and a rising power is threatening a declining hegemon. Peace operations of the United Nations include which of the following? Anarchy in the international system refers to _________. In 1971, in place of the nationalists in Taiwan, the delegation of the People's Republic of China was given China's seat in the UN. an explanation by Immanuel Kant of how peace and cooperation are possible. anarchic international politics and ordered domestic politics. States are unitary actors that can think about their actions coherently and make choices, A realist likely believes that, "The national interest is defined as the acquisition, and retention, of power.". Marxist approaches to IR held that both IR and domestic politics arise from unequal relationships between __________. Realists see the rules of IR as timeless and unchanging, whereas liberal theorists see the rules of IR as evolving incrementally. A State's exclusive economic zone (EEZ) is recognized to extend how far from the coastline? An example of an action without UN approval was ________. How can governments improve the chances of cooperation even in an anarchic system? a. Jus in bello b. Jus ad bel c. Jus ad bellum d. Just war __________ war is a war over control of the entire world order, whereas __________ war is warfare by one state waged to conquer and occupy another. Which is the latest country to pull out of the International Criminal Court? What does postmodernism fundamentally call into question altogether? Which of the following IGOs perform collective security functions? With the Quizlet flashcards app you can: - Get test-day ready w… What is the dilemma that lies at the heart of the one-shot prisoner's dilemma game? Which of the following scholars believed that increased knowledge of other cultures will lead to peaceful cooperation among all people? A security dilemma occurs when __________. Which of the following statements regarding aircraft carriers is false? 358 Chapter assessment Terms and peopl 1. Diversionary foreign policy is __________. Deterrence is defined as the threat to punish another actor if it takes a certain negative action. Realists see the rules of IR as timeless and unchanging, whereas liberal theorists see the rules of IR as evolving incrementally. Standards: IAW FM 27-10 to within 70%. The three types of military capabilities are ________. Which of the following best exemplifies the exercise of "female power" as characterized by Tickner? When women won the right to vote after World War I they _____________. On the individual level of analysis, __________. The idea that the largest wars will result from challenges to the top position in the status hierarchy is referred to as the __________. are stronger when embedded in permanent institutions. Thomas Hobbes belongs to the _________ school of thought. the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, fueled by the building of Jewish settlements in the West Bank. They refer to a set of rules, norms, and procedures around which the expectations of actors converge in a certain issue area. Poor peasants in Latin America who benefit substantially, in terms of income, from the drug trade pose a challenge to the United States in its attempts to restrict. Blockade used in many wars, American Revolution, Civil War, Cuban Missile Crisis, Great War for Empire, Mexican War, Spanish-American War, Vietnam War, War of 1812, World War I. armed force surrounding a fortified place and isolates it while continuing to attack. What strategy does Oye suggest as a means of promoting cooperation among governments? How can one distinguish between difference and liberal feminism? This has led to a lot of political discord, and a lot of culture war, since in America class warfare is usually disguised as cultural warfare. The agency charged with inspecting the the nuclear power industry in member states to prevent secret military diversions of nuclear materials is the _________. The Iran-Contra scandal resulted from the activities of which government agency? According to Keohane and Martin, what is wrong with Mearheimer's assertion that NATO and the EU are likely to decline following the end of the Cold War ? The Marshall Plan was a policy or organization designed to fight ________. Which of these statements best captures the logic of the predator argument as outlined by Wendt? The Sino-Soviet split resulted in China becoming extremely ______. A nation is NOT a ______ share characteristics such as language and culture. Which of these statements best captures the logic of the predator argument as outlined by Wendt? Women are more inherently more peaceful than men. Learn faster with spaced repetition. derived from the analysis with respect to counterrevolutionary warfare. __________ tested nuclear weapons in 1998. Which of the following is an element of prospect theory? The argument that a dominant state can enforce international rules, avoid collective-action problems, and encourage peace is known as the democratic stability theory. According to Morgenthau, a political theory cannot exist without. What is the DILEMMA that lies at the heart of the one-shot (playing only once) prisoner's dilemma game? accuracy. How does a zero-sum game compare to a non-zero sum game? Which statement describes an argument in favor of the position that a new cold war will emerge between the United States and Russia? National leaders can expect certain behaviors from their international counterparts. The most important center of the nonviolent Sunni fundamentalist movement, called Salafis is currently in which country? According to Waltz, what must an international organization do to function effectively? In Wendt's opinion, why did classical realists need to make the assumption that human nature is driven by an innate lust for power? Stability that comes at a cost of constant oppression of the lower ranking members of the status hierarchy. The school does not recognize that states can escape the world of self-help through their interactions. What is the dilemma involved in the so-called security dilemma? States __________. Since World War II, an international norm has developed _____________. In what way have technological developments changed the nature of military force? Irredentism is the regaining of _______ lost to another state. Any expansion of permanent seats might include India, with 20 percent of the world's population and a predominantly Islamic country. Waltz is likely to argue that people with close cultural affinity are less likely to fight each other. Constructivists argue that state identities are constructed through socialization. Which scholar did not hold a pessimistic view of human nature? Human Rights Law only applies to actions taken by civilians in armed conflict, while the Law of War … The primary effect of terrorism is psychological. The dissolving of huge multinational states such as Austria-Hungary or the Soviet Union is an example of the influence of what powerfully disruptive force? Territorial waters traditionally are recognized to extend how far from a state's coastline? Preagricultural hunter-gatherer societies. A current example of lingering dispute is __________. That trade increases wealth, cooperation, global well-being, and, ultimately, peace is ___________. that it's entirely rational for both players to choose individually an outcome that is collectively suboptimal. 3 of 8) Human Rights Law establishes specific obligations in armed conflict, while the Law of War primarily establishes goal for the conduct of hostilities. Which of the following statements regarding terrorism is true? Shi'ite Muslims live predominantly in _________. With respect, to the impact of gender on war and peace, difference feminists believe that ____________. A current example of a regional IGO is the _________. Which of the following best characterizes the term structure as defined by Waltz? A example of a state that either acknowledges having nuclear weapons or that has exploded a nuclear weapon? According to Morgenthau, which of the following conditions is most likely to generate stability and peace in a realist world? It decides for itself how to handle its domestic and foreign problems. to Geneva Convention, and the student. Morgenthau perceives it to be objectively given and unchanging, whereas Tickner views it as subjective and variable over time. __________ is characterized by the principle that people who identify as a nation should have the right to create a state and pursue sovereignty over their affairs. Piracy has become a problem in what region of the world? Which of the following best approximates the goal Morgenthau's theory of political realism? This type of action can be considered an example of which principle? Warfare refers to an act of engaging in any type of conflict. With respect to warfare, _____ asked Nov 27, 2015 in Political Science by Garixx. Some liberalists have argued that introducing communication to the Prisoner's Dilemma in the form of a lawyer that can relay messages between both prisoners could change the payoff structure in favor of cooperation. What can the permanent members of the UN Security Council do that nonpermanent members cannot? According to Morgenthau, what is the "supreme virtue in politics?". Governments can create norms and rules that clarify the standards of conduct. What was the result of the Korean War at the time of the 1953 truce? How does geography usually affect the balance between offense and defense? are stronger when embedded in permanent institutions. Women are underrepresented relative to men in positions of relevance to international politics. Decision makers ___________. Which of these is NOT one of three traditions of liberalism discussed by Doyle? A war over control of the rules of the international system as whole is a hegemonic war. their economic, ethnic or religious grievances. The ______ level of analysis concerns the influence of the international system upon outcome, whereas the ____ level of analysis concerns the influence of trends and forces that transcend the interactions of states upon outcomes. The first attempt at creating a collective security system was the __________. The disadvantage of dominance as a solution to collective-goods problems include which of the following? Machiavelli argued that republics are not pacifistic and are actually the best form of state for imperial expansion, Mearsheimer's central conclusion is that institutions hold great promise for promoting stability in the international system. UN involvement in the Darfur region of Sudan and the Democratic Congo in 2012 were the UN's two biggest _______ that year. According to Singer, the international system as a level of analysis postulates a high degree of _______ in the foreign policy operational codes of our national actors. d. policies to expand free trade are a central focus of antiglobalization protesters Which group has been found to be more prone to warfare than contemporary society? In 2014-2015, in the _______ civil war, Kurdish fighters received significant international support in fighting ISIS. US-South Korean alliance in Asia became stronger. Choices about how capabilities are used in situations and whether or not a state is willing to use its capabilities are known as ___________. The fifty-odd year period following the Napoleonic Wars is usually referred to as _______. The success of collective security depends on ________. Liberal states try to reach accommodations with other liberal states because liberal states are presumed to represent their citizens. The stemming of global warming is an example of collective interest. According to Henshaw, women's participation in armed rebellions is: Highly contextual and can vary according to political and social contexts. According to the UN Charter, states __________. Which of the following is a strategy that can prevent groupthink? by Duane Thorin “War is an act of force to compel our adversary to do our will.” - - (Karl von Clausewitz in Principles of War) The war we are in - the Cold War, as it is often called – is fundamentally and finally a Political War. Difference feminists believe that women's unique abilities can be used to transform the entire system of IR, whereas liberal feminists believe that female participation in foreign policy will enhance state capabilities. It is designed to help you learn the material. Action: Identify what actions are legal and. The U.S.-Israeli virus targeting Iran's nuclear centrifuge. The current constellation of power in the international system could best be described as a ________ system. The more players, the less likely cooperation is. -Social Darwinism is a term used for ideologies which exploted ideas of survival of the fittest -To elitists strong nations were composed of white people who we're successful at expanding their empires, and would survive in the struggle for dominance. Levels of analysis offer _______ explanations for international events. the arrangement of units in relation to each other. A feminist perspective of international relations acknowledges that there are multiple realities that include cooperation and conflict, morality and real politik. Condition: Given FM 27-10, Quick Reference. The Rwandan genocide of Tutsis is a historical example of the concept of a crime against humanity. Because they are uncontrollable, which of the following weapons has virtually never been used in war? How do dominance and reciprocity compare as solutions to collective-goods problems? For postmodernists, the breakup of the Soviet Union into 15 sovereign states is evidence of a problem with which belief of realists? when nations focus their energies on their own defenses. Violent conflict would diminish the profit of economic transactions by more than could be gained by such conflict. because the world faces a set of interdependent problems that require cooperative rather than zero-sum solutions. This is an example in the altering of what? Nonviolent approaches were successfully spread in the U.S. during the 1960s by civil rights leader __________. With respect to regimes, which of the following statements is true?