So, we’ve collected our 9 favourite traditions and pranks from around the world for April Fool’s Day. Get into the mood, review past master-pieces then get ideas for a really good practical joke. April Fools Day in Scotland is sometimes called Taily Day or April Gowk. A Roman emperor made his jester king for the day and declared April 1, a day of silliness from there on out. You give someone an urgent note that they are supposed to deliver, but the note informs the receiver that it is an April Gowk joke, and they send the person to yet another person, who sends them somewhere else…etc. A common practice was to hook a paper fish on the back of someone as a joke. The most important thing to remember about the history of April Fools’ Day is that we shouldn’t take anything about it too seriously. Fooling around the web I had fun with April Fool’s related stories and selected some to share below: In Scotland, April Fools Day celebrations last for two days. Children spend the day trying to sneak a picture of a fish onto the back of their schoolmates. This continues to be the current practice, with the custom ceasing at noon, after which time it is no longer acceptable to play pranks. His dad started April Fools' Day to sell more joke water-squirting lapel "flowers." A study in the 1950s, by folklorists Iona and Peter Opie, found that in the UK, and in countries whose traditions derived from the UK, the joking ceased at midday. April 1st being widely recognized and celebrated as a day when many people play all kinds of jokes and foolishness, I was wondering if I would keep my good humor was I to be a victim of a prank? People therefore gave fish to their friends and family. The victims of this prank were thus called Poisson d'Avril, or April Fish--which, to this day, remains the French term for April Fools--and so the tradition was born. Filed under: Traditions General Information, Travel France Online is a Free Online Travel Resource that aims at promoting France’s fabulous cultural and architectural heritage, Traditions – General Info Section Express train RER from CDG Airport to Paris [wce_code id=1] Charles de Gaulle Airport to Paris in 30mn by the express RER train link The express train link RER is the second most popular means of transport from CDG airport to Paris after the taxi. Maybe it was reminiscent of the ichtus used by Christians in the Roman era. Today, the holiday is stylized both as April Fool’s Day, emphasizing an April fool as a singular concept, and April Fools’ Day, indicating plural April fools, whether the people or the pranks. ‘The second day of the Scottish April Fool’s custom is devoted exclusively to pranks involving the posterior region of the body. April 1st was encompassed within Lent, the 40-day period when meat consumption of meat was strictly forbidden. So, to serve fish to eat in April was impossible – claiming to see or eat one could only be a joke. The traditional New Year 'Boxing Day', when gifts were exchanged, had therefore to be moved with it. April 1st was encompassed within Lent, the 40-day period when meat consumption of meat was strictly forbidden. For Italians, the first of April marks the celebration of "Pesce d'Aprile" (April Fish), and antics are very similar to those we know for April Fools' Day. April Fish is also a common prank on April Fools Day in Italy, called Pesce d’Aprile in Italian. In Scotland, they are all for it and April Fool’s Day, also known as “April Gowk,” “Gowkie Day” or “Hunt the Gowk”,  last 48 hours! In fact, the Scots loved April Fools' Day so much they turned it into a two-day celebration. Why a fish, exactly? France: the French poet Pierre Michault refers to the poisson d’avril (French for “fish of April” or April Fish) in 1466, possibly the first mention in France How the pranking tradition first originated and where are unknown, but many countries around the world celebrate some form of April Fool’s Day. This is also around when April fool came to refer to the trick itself. The earliest concrete records we have about April 1 are from France and Holland in the 1500s. Was it a fool’s birthday or one of the biggest scams that ever happened? Ever wondered why and how this day came into existence? Originally, the fish was a real dead fish, but nowadays it is most often a paper fish. And don’t forget to shout “April Fool!” when the prank is revealed. April Fool’s Day is actually known as April Fish Day in some parts of Europe. Journalists read fake news (which they deny of course by the end of the program, if not earlier). Today in France, April Fools' Day is called Le Poisson d'Avril—"the April fish"—and a classic prank is to stick a paper fish to an unsuspecting passerby's back. Today, the holiday is stylized both as April Fool’s Day, emphasizing an April fool as a singular concept, and April Fools’ Day, indicating plural April fools, whether the people or the pranks. April Fools Day – Poisson d’Avril is a very popular tradition in France. Some believe that the fish is tied to Jesus Christ, who was often represented as a fish in early Christian times. In France, April Fools’ Day is known for the “poisson d’avril” (April Fish). The butts of these pranks were first called poisson d’avril or April fish because a young naive fish is easily caught. Originally, the fish was a real dead fish, but nowadays it is most often a paper fish. Today in France, those who are fooled on April 1 are called the “Poisson d’Avril” (the April Fish). To find out why these jokes are called April fish, we have to go back to 1564 to the time of Charles IX. Here is a selection of jokes, tricks, jokes and ideas so your children, or you, can enjoy a successful April Fools Day too! On a gentler and more savory note, people began sending decorative postcards in the beginning of the 20th century, to wish each other love, friendship, and happiness on April 1st. 1. The tradition is several centuries old with some saying it started from unknowing people being sent to market to buy freshwater fish when they were not in season. In the United Kingdom and the United States, people carry on the popularized tradition of shouting “April Fool” or “April Fool's” after carrying out practical jokes; while, in Poland, not a single word should be taken at face value until noon. The traditions spread to England and Scotland in the eighteenth century, and was brought to the American colonies by … But most people who partake in the foolish fun have no idea why we still celebrate this day filled with gags. Are your kids wondering: “Why do we celebrate April Fool's Day?” This question came from Mira, a 1st Grader from the US. Others say the fish is related to the zodiac sign of Pisces, which is represented by a fish, and falls near April. Remind us never to go the Scotland in early April. To fully understand the colors of April Fools’ Day we first need to delve into the holiday’s history. April Fools Day in France is traditionally called Poisson d’Avril, which translates to “April Fish.” The term refers to the fish that are recently hatched and therefore naïve and easy to catch. And don’t forget to shout “April Fool!” when the prank is revealed. The traditional prank for the first day is to send people on a fool’s errand. April Fools' Day, also known as All Fools' Day is not a national holiday, but its traditions are observed in many countries on 1 April. Pranks have reportedly been played on this holiday since 536 BC, making it perhaps the oldest known joke day. Those who clung to the old dates were unpopular with those who adopted the new date. No one really knows for sure. "It is still a common trick in France, and elsewhere in Europe, to attach a paper fish to somebody's back on April Fools' Day, and also to give chocolate fish as gifts," Andrea says. On April 1, 1700, English pranksters begin popularizing the annual tradition of April Fools’ Day by playing practical jokes on each other. April Fish trickery can last all day, and may include other kinds of tricks. Robert Bontine Cunninghame Graham of Gartmore, 1852-1936 .. R.J. Stewart : The Best Guide to Doon Hill on the Steps of Reverend Kirk, From Walter Scott’s Black & White Tartan Design to Famous Scottish Clans Tartans Card Set. 2012 April Fools Hoaxes 2011 April Fools Hoaxes 2010 April Fools Hoaxes 2009 April Fool’s Day Hoaxes April Fool’s Day Hoaxes April Fool’s Day Pranks April … Today, the holiday is stylized both as April Fool’s Day, emphasizing an April fool as a singular concept, and April Fools’ Day, indicating plural April fools, whether the people or the pranks. On the Scottish roads: the A 82 from Glasgow to Glen Coe…, April Fools Day Traditions Around the World, Test Your April Fool's Day Trivia Knowledge - Take Our Quiz! That tradition dates back to 1564. Thirlestane Castle 2: our unforgettable visit of the castle! Today in France, April Fools' Day is called le poisson d'Avril—"the April fish"—and a classic prank is to stick a paper fish to an unsuspecting passerby's back. Portugal's version of April Fool's Day involves throwing flour bombs at unsuspecting friends April Fool’s Day or All Fools Day has been celebrated across the western hemisphere for centuries. Many a 1st April has been spent with me walking round completely oblivious to the fact I have a paper fish on my back, read on to learn why. In the UK, an April Fool prank is sometimes later revealed by shouting "April fool!" In French, the day is called Poisson d’Avril, or April Fish! This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. April Fools’ Day spread throughout Britain during the 18th century. France is particularly unique in the way they mark April 1. […] 2. 1. “Gowk” is Scottish for “cuckoo” (an emblem of simpletons) and thus, a “gowk” is the butt of any practical joke.’. And don’t forget to shout “April … Why else would we show you a picture of a fish rather than a house for sale in France!. The victims of this prank were thus called Poisson d’Avril, or April Fish—which, to this day, remains the French term for April Fools—and so the tradition was born. But if you find a paper fish stuck to your back, or even to your front door, you’ll know you’re in France, where we celebrate the holiday known as Poisson d’avril, or April Fish.. Nowadays, nearly 20 countries around the world celebrate some form of April Fool’s Day. Scottish flavors in the Canadian Maritimes. The answer is simple! ‘Hunting the Gowk’ on 1 April, when people play tricks, tell fibs, and set foolish tasks, to try and catch each other out. April Fools’ Day is a special day dedicated to playing practical jokes and pranks. The same as April Fools’ Day, but is known as ‘April Fish’ due to the popular prank of sticking a paper fish onto someone’s back. April Fools' Day is observed throughout the Western world. What a fish has to do with April Fools' Day is not clear. This is known as “Taily Day” and the origin of the ever-popular and still-hilarious “Kick Me” sign is likely traceable to this observance. Thus a person playing a prank after midday is considered the "April fool" themselves. If the friend finds it, they yell, “Poisson d’Avril” in place of the “April … On Canadian tradition comes from investigator James Randi, who annually announces a tongue-in-cheek award called the Pigasus Award on April Fools Day. In 2018, the news outlet Nice-Matin published an April fools day hoax article about the famous blue chairs along the beautiful “Promenade des Anglais” stating that they were replaced by … Learn how your comment data is processed. April fools across the world In many areas of Europe, 1 April is actually known as April Fish Day, attributed to the fact that it seems to be easier to catch fish in streams and rivers around the date. The French call April 1 Poisson d'Avril, or "April Fish." Today in France, those who are fooled on April 1 are called the “Poisson d’Avril” (the April Fish… This practice can be traced back to the nineteenth century, as evidenced by the many postcards from that time depicting the practice. OK, but what's a theory about where the fish came from? at the recipient, who becomes the "April fool". In addition, fish were given as gifts at New Year‘s and because 1 April also coincided with Lent, meat was not eaten but fish was allowed. Day Jokes and Stories There is something special about April Fool’s day morning. Some assert a link to rivers being ripe with vast numbers of fish at this time of year. […], […] the 18th century in Scotland, the Scotts turned April Fools’ Day into a two day long prank-pulling extravaganza. Those who still celebrated April 1 were seen as 'fools' by the general populace, and fair game to be the butt of pranks and tricks were known as a "poisson d'avril" or "April fish." Iran – The 13th day of the Persian New Year is called Sizdah Bedar, and usually falls on April 1 or April 2. April Fish is also a common prank on April Fools Day in Italy, called Pesce d’Aprile in Italian. The French would put paper fish on the 'fool's… These “awards” seek to expose paranormal or psychic frauds or to ridicule institutions that promote paranormal claims. Today in France, April Fools' Day is called le poisson d'Avril—"the April fish"—and a classic prank is to stick a paper fish to an unsuspecting passerby's back. The tradition never really disappeared, but simply evolved. Popular thinking is that it started in the mid-1500s when the Gregorian April Fool’s Day is actually known as April Fish Day in some parts of Europe. because fish are stupid like fools. the tradition of representing Christianity with a fish symbol. Now, you wonder why children use a fish on April Fools Day? In France, an April Fool's joke is known as Poisson d'Avril - April Fish. Robert Burns : Our Poet at Ellisland Farm, 1788-1791 .. Nowadays on April Fish you’ll find pranks in the media, and perhaps even a fish stuck to your front door, courtesy of the neighborhood children. April Fools Day originated in 1564, when King Charles IX decided to move the start of the year from April 1st to January 1st! April Fools’ Day spread throughout Britain during the 18th Century. The French would put paper fish on the … The origins of April Fools’ Day are shrouded in mystery, experts say. Jane Haining, Auschwitz’s Scottish Christian Martyr.. El precioso "camino de los poetas" que hay en EscociaEl precioso "camino de los poetas" que hay en Escocia | Larva Editorial, The Poet’s Path in Alloway and Tam O’ Shanter story…, Michael Stuart Green Painter & Printmaker, The University of Edinburgh – Walter Scott Archives. For more April Fools' fun, read all about ingenious hoaxes: in … If the friend finds it, they yell, “Poisson d’Avril” in place of the “April Fool!” cry of people in the English-speaking world. In France, where the day is known as poisson d'avril, or “April Fish,” pranksters attach paper fish to the backs of unsuspecting people. Friends make funny jokes and hoaxes all day long; everyone is having a good-humored day! Italians basically celebrate April Fool's Day the same way French people do, but instead, they call it "Pesce d’Aprile" which is "April Fish" in Italian. Some writers suggest that April Fools’ Day originated because adopters began tricking the non-adopters by sending them on foolish errands, playing practical jokes on them, or attaching fish to their backs, thereby creating France’s poisson d’avril or April Fish Day. I’d better, because it is said that you’ll attract bad luck if you get mad! In Scotland, the tradition became a two-day event, starting with “hunting the gowk,” in which people were sent on fake errands* (gowk is a word for cuckoo bird, a symbol for fool) and followed by Tailie Day, which involved pranks played on people’s backsides, such as pinning on fake tails or “kick me” signs on them. But for them the rest of us could not succeed“. However, fish consumption was allowed! The Origins As with many long-standing traditions, no one really knows for sure how it began. Practices include sending someone on a "fool's errand," looking for things that don't exist; playing pranks; and trying to get people to believe ridiculous things. The second day is known as Taily Day, which seems to have spawned the infamous “Kick Me” sign, and numerous posterior jokes. A fishy prank in France . France: the French poet Pierre Michault refers to the poisson d’avril (French for “fish of April” or April Fish) in 1466, possibly the first mention in France; How the pranking tradition first originated and where are unknown, but many countries around the world celebrate some form of April Fool’s Day. ; Children play an April Fools Day trick by placing a paper fish on adult’s backs then running away yelling ‘Poisson d'Avril’. The day is observed by trying to play a practical joke on a victim who becomes known as an April Fool.The practical jokes range from simple to elaborate. The answer is simple! Children spend the day trying to sneak a picture of a fish onto the back of their schoolmates. Past Pigasus awards have been given to the Kansas school board, John Edwards and Nostradamus. Poisson d’Avril. April Fools’ Day April Fools’ Day – or ‘All Fools’ Day’ falls annually on the first of April and is a time for playing practical jokes and hoaxes for fun. In France, there’s a rather playful tradition when it comes to April Fools Day. Who was ‘Don Roberto’? Here, April Fools' Day is celebrated for the first two days of April. It’s also fast and good […], Sending greeting cards is a tradition that originated in Asia centuries ago and became popular in England and France in the mid-19th century, Discover how to get to Paris from Charles de Gaulle Airport using one of the three main means of transport, taxi, fast train RER and bus, Direct buses from Charles de Gaulle Airport to Paris are a fast and economical means of transport while standard public buses are the cheapest but slowest, © 2011 2021 - Travel France Online | All rights reserved, April Fools Day - Poisson d'Avril - Origin, Traditions - General Info - Latest content, selection of jokes, tricks, jokes and ideas, Express train RER from CDG Airport to Paris, New Year greeting cards tradition in France, How to get to Paris from Charles de Gaulle Airport, Buses from Charles de Gaulle Airport to Paris. Advertisement. Italians basically celebrate April Fool's Day the same way French people do, but instead, they call it "Pesce d’Aprile" which is "April Fish" in Italian. In France, April 1st is also known as poissons d’avril – or April Fish. One of the favourite “April fish” jokes among French children is to tape a paper fish to someone’s back without them knowing it. Well, there are many occurrences and instances in history about the existence of the day but the exact origin remains a mystery. April 1: Scotland: Huntigowk Day: In Scotland, to ‘hunt the gowk’ is to find a gullible person or a ‘cuckoo’, and prank them! (…). It takes place on April 1st when all jokes, hoaxes and silly things are allowed and welcome! The French call April 1 Poisson d'Avril, or "April Fish." The Amusing History of the World’s Funniest Day. Then we have Scotland’s traditional two days of misrule. Merry Christmas Edinburgh ! What’s the best joke you think you can pull off? Introduction April Fools' Day is celebrated in different countries around the world on 1st April every year. On this day, people attempt to attach paper fish to the backs of unsuspecting friends and colleagues. However, as we all know, habits are hard to disappear! April 1 is a holiday reserved for pulling pranks on friends and family with news outlets famously joining in … Indeed, people eventually started to exchange fake gifts - in general food - and made fun of it! The traditional April Fish prank in France is to tape a fish to someone’s back, … The April fool’s day or All Fools ’ Day is celebrated on 1st April of every year. In France, where the day is known as poisson d'avril, or “April Fish,” pranksters attach paper fish to the backs of unsuspecting people. People go around sticking paper fish to the backs of … The most […],
. In English- speaking countries it is known as an April fool; in France, an April fish; in Scotland, he is an April gawk. Poisson d’Avril. However, fish consumption was allowed! Many newspapers also spread a false story on April Fish Day, and a subtle reference to a fish is sometimes given as a clue to the fact that it is an April Fools' prank. Poisson d'Avril/April Fools Day Facts Chocolate fish are enjoyed in France throughout the Easter season and appear on 1 April. the symbol for the Pisces astrological sign, which falls around April 1. both. Advertisement. From simple pranks on friends, family and co-workers to elaborate fake news hoaxes and marketing pranks. April Fool’s Day in Canada is similar to April Fool’s Day in the United States, and also incorporates the tradition of Poisson d’Avril from French April Fools Day celebrations. April fools across the world Even the medias would jump in and play the game by publishing untrue stories just for the fun of it! April Gowk pranks are usually only played in the morning, and if someone tries one after noon, they are considered the fool instead. It indeed took ages for people to adjust and decades later many still kept presenting their family and friends with gifts on April 1st. Celebrating Hogmanay at Onich, on the Shore of Loch Linnhe ! April 1st was encompassed within Lent, the 40-day period when meat consumption of meat was strictly forbidden. Children play an April Fools Day trick by placing a paper fish on adult’s backs then running away yelling ‘ Poisson d'Avril’. The victims of this prank were thus called Poisson d’Avril, or April Fish—which, to this day, remains the French term for April Fools—and so the tradition was born. True. These people celebrated the New Year on April 1 and were ridiculed and seen as foolish - hence Fool's Day. April Fools’ Day spread throughout Britain during the 18th century. Such fish feature is prominently present on many late 19th- to early 20th-century French April Fools' Day postcards. Merry Christmas Scotland !! The earliest concrete records we have about April 1 are from France and Holland in the 1500s. Here, April Fools' Day is celebrated for the first two days of April. These people celebrated the New Year on April 1 and were ridiculed and seen as foolish - hence Fool's Day. They were called "Poisson d'Avril" (April Fish) because at that time of year the sun was in the zodiac sign of Pisces, the fish. April Fools Day in France is traditionally called Poisson d’Avril, which translates to “April Fish.” The term refers to the fish that are recently hatched and therefore naïve and easy to catch. France’s “Fools” In France and some of the UK, they pin a paper fish to their prankee’s backs. Children clip a paper fish in the back of their parents, who lovingly ignore it and spend the entire day with the fish hanging on their back. Source: April Fools Day Traditions Around the World, “The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year“, Mark Twain Stories Depicted on Disney Postage Stamps, “Let us be thankful for the fools. French children sometimes tape a picture of a fish on the back of their schoolmates, crying "Poisson d'Avril" when the prank is discovered. "Real" fish was eventually replaced with fish-shaped cakes then paper fish, and associated with jokes and hoaxes. Up until this time, the New Year in France was celebrated in the spring but there was no fixed date. In France, this is paper fish, and April Fools’ Day is know as Poisson d’Avril or April Fish. Adults play pranks and jokes too in France. Now, you wonder why children use a fish on April Fools Day? In a few European countries – including Italy – April 1st is known as “April’s Fish.” These days, April’s Fish – Pesce d’Aprile in Italian – is essentially the same thing as April Fools’ Day, with pranks or jokes played on others for laughs. The traditional April Fish prank in France is to tape a fish to someone’s back, and call them a Poisson d’Avril when they discover it. If you find yourself at the wrong end of a practical joke today, you’ll remember that it’s April Fool’s Day. Now, you wonder why children use a fish on April Fools Day? Practical jokes and hoaxes are common across the country on 1 April, but why is there a fish in the name of the Italian day? On the second day, the traditional prank is to stick an April Gowk sign on someone’s backside, similar to a “Kick Me” sign. | Dr. Squatch Blog, New Glasgow Quebec once the smallest village in Canada. 5 FACTS ABOUT APRIL FOOLS' DAY AROUND THE WORLD “Lie Day” for the Portuguese In Brazil, this day is referred to as “Lie Day” or Dia da Mentira. People therefore gave fish to their friends and family. The traditional April Fish prank in France is to tape a fish to someone’s back, and call them a Poisson d’Avril when they discover it. The victims of this prank were thus called Poisson d’Avril, or April Fish—which, to this day, remains the French term for April Fools—and so the tradition was born. The association with fish is a bit mysterious, but likely has its origin in the plentitude of young and easy-to-capture fish found in their rivers in April. because fish smell … like fools? The origin of the April Fish in France is quite obscure. Sometimes referred to as All Fools' Day, April 1st is not a national holiday, but is widely recognized and celebrated as a day when many people play all kinds of jokes and foolishness. A newspaper sold an inaccurate story as a "joke" to the public to save face. In Scotland, the tradition became a two-day event, starting with “hunting the gowk,” in which people were sent on fake errands* (gowk is a word for cuckoo bird, a symbol for fool) and followed by Tailie Day, which involved pranks played on people’s backsides, such as pinning on fake tails or “kick me” signs on them. In French, the day is called Poisson d’Avril, or April Fish! Some theories say that April was a bad month for fishing, or a time (depending on the era) when fishing was forbidden, since newly spawned fish had to grow. ************ The association with fish is a bit mysterious, but likely has its origin in the plentitude of young and easy-to-capture fish found in their rivers in April. April Fools’ Day spread throughout Britain during the 18th Century. | Tumblehome Learning - Science & Engineering Books For Kids & MoreTumblehome Learning – Science & Engineering Books For Kids & More, Shower Thoughts | What Funny April Fools Pranks Should I Pull?