And police brutality – and their other abuses of coercive power – should always be shocking. If not I would be unhappy to see the police (or anybody else for that matter) assert the right to define goodthink. If you have any information, call the incident room on 0208 785 8244. It comes after the mayor of London also said the police handling of the vigil for Sarah Everard on Clapham Common was "unacceptable" – and that he is "not satisfied" with the explanation he […] Welcome to Clapham Common. Raw grief was turned into raw anger by the force, one of whose members stands accused. She wrote on Twitter: “Some of the footage circulating online from the vigil in Clapham is upsetting. This is a court, this ain’t fancy dress’ – If you think a cat filter is ridiculous, you should see what judges and barristers sometimes have to wear in court – and why they should not, The noises made by United Kingdom ministers complaining of exclusion from European Union decision-making is the sound of Brexit, The Queen’s Consent – a strange and obscure feature of the constitution of the United Kingdom – and why it should be abolished, “But: sovereignty” – why the question needs to keep on being asked of Brexit as to how any of this is worthwhile. We run projects to improve the biodiversity of the Common and restore its buildings and facilities. During this pandemic this tendency for the police to misuse and abuse their powers has had a further feature. There will be a vigil for Sarah Everard and all women who feel unsafe, who go missing on our streets, or who face violence, at the Clapham Common bandstand on Saturday at 6pm. Welcome to Clapham Common. The Duchess of Cambridge today made an unannounced visit to Clapham Common to quietly pay her respects to Sarah Everard, whose body was found in woodlands in Ashford, Kent, earlier this week. As for the policing last night – I don’t have much sympathy for the people at Clapham Common. Updated: 36 mins ago. Tracey Thorn () The scenes from last night did not evidence any sincere concern for public health from the police. People are threading their bouquets through the Clapham Common bandstand and already it is making the most beautiful monument to Sarah Everard and to all who knew and loved her. Proud to see that women are already gathering in Clapham Common for #SarahEverard. What if? @juicillee @UKChange Clapham Common is a common, it’s great having some open space in Clapham, but I fail to see why flood lighting it would make you feel safer in Berkshire. That was the question put before the court; not whether it should go ahead, but whether it was prohibited. And what can be done about it? Simply cannot understand how this has been handled & the policing decisions that were made. But at no point will there even be any genuine accountability and redress. Is there something please in law (human rights or other) that gives them a framework to differentiate between a protest about violence against women and – say – a protest by vaccine sceptics? Many constituents have written to me. – the law and policy of that Handforth Parish Council meeting, Four examples of Prime Ministerial power – how Boris Johnson in fact ‘did everything he could’ for there to be a trade barrier down the Irish Sea, How Theresa May casually decided that Brexit meant the United Kingdom would leave the single market and customs union – the fascinating and revealing interview with Philip Hammond, For every Bingham there will be many more Hardings – why the law of public procurement matters – by a partial and prejudiced public procurement lawyer, The one good thing that may come out of the current row about vaccines export controls, What the AstraZeneca agreement actually says, What is Article 16 of the Northern Irish Protocol – and what on Earth was the European Commission thinking? Yet somehow those responsible are rarely held to account – and I don’t just mean the people on the ground, but their bosses too, who tell them where to go and what to do. (Please try not to shoot innocent men again, ok, thanks, bye.). In case anyone does not know, she comes from an illustrious family, is very well-connected and had a career break from the police in the ‘Foreign Office’ (cough). Hobnail booted, thick response when smart, risk assessed, intelligence-led policing was demanded. I paused over “warranted”. The ugly scenes from last night can be seen as an example of police abuses of power generally and in respect of their illiberal and misconceived approach to the coronavirus regulations in particular. Kate was filmed walking through Clapham Common in London in videos posted on Twitter. A vigil is planned for Clapham Common on Saturday while sister events are planned for other cities and towns, including in Cambridge, Cardiff, Leeds, St Andrews and Liverpool. Yvette Cooper () Just awful scenes from Clapham Common tonight. 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March 14, 2021. But not nearly as much as this week, living near Clapham Common. Comments will not be published if irksome. Some even demand it. These ugly scenes were then followed by ugly evasions. We work to protect and improve Clapham Common as an active environmental group of some 600 members. The police were stupid to rise to it yet again. This blog enjoys a high standard of comments, many of which are better and more interesting than the posts.