Qualitative Analysis. Business Maps are an extremely valuable trade-area analysis tool as they help you visualize specific areas of interest exposing hidden sales opportunities and possible gaps in your marketing strategies. The Trade Competitiveness Map provides national export performance and national import profiles for around 240 countries and territories. On this basis, developing countries can be ranked according to their trade The Market Analysis Tools portal is the access point to one of the world’s largest databases on trade statistics, tariff data, foreign direct investment data and voluntary standards. The Export Potential Map translates rigorous trade analysis into practical information about export opportunities for 222 countries and 4,064 products. MARKET ANALYSIS PROCESS Define your product. Market analysis tools Trade Map. Design and visualize specific marketing territories. Governments need to monitor trade performance in order to provide adequate trade policy support to small and medium-sized enterprises. Quantitative Analysis. Map Business Online is an affordable, easy-to-use online mapping software that is an effective trade-area analysis tool helping you: 1. Trade Competitiveness Map makes it easier for all three sets of actors to conduct strategic market research, monitor national export performance and design trade development programs. RichLive Trade software is best used for performing technical analysis and charting of stock markets. They are deemed particularly instrumental to users in least developed countries, where local sources of trade intelligence are often unavailable.Access to ITC’s Market Analysis Tools is entirely free of charge thanks to support from the World Bank, the European Commission and funders of the ITC's Trust Fund. The tool facilitates evidence-based prioritization of sectors and markets to inform and develop national and regional export strategies, help guide businesses in their export decisions, as well as strategically direct trade policy negotiations. ITC is also part of a multi-agency initiative to make trade information more accessible for MSMEs through the Global Trade Helpdesk. TIPS will be holding an introductory training workshop on the use of the International Trade Centre's (ITC) online Market Analysis Tools (TradeMap & Product Map) in Pretoria.The seminar will focus on the utilisation of ITC's tools for market analysis in the development of international trade strategies. Training content is tailored to the particular needs of the beneficiary. • Monthly trade data is available until December 2019 for 104 countries and until September 2020 for 45 countries. Analyze Targets at a market and sub-market level via mapping tools such as trade area visualization, Google Street View and hotspot analysis. New users need to register. Screen the markets Trade Map & Market Access Map World Trade Atlas Research market characteristics Product Map & Country Map Euro monitor The buy sell signal software designed specifically for Indian market can thus be used by traders for analyzing stock, currency and commodity markets. Introduction to ITC’s Market Analysis Tools and Export Potential Map. The application also covers tariff rate quotas, trade remedies, rules of origin, plus the corresponding certificates, bound tariffs of World Trade Organization (WTO) members, non-tariff measures and trade flows. ITC provides a range of face-to-face and web-based capacity building programmes in market analysis and research that support companies, trade support institutions and governments in developing countries. The Market Analysis Tools suite covers the world’s largest databases on trade statistics, tariff data, and rules of origin related to applicable free trade agreements. It also helps those agencies identify competing countries and the most active investing countries in specific sectors. You can get the complete list of available ANNUAL data by clicking here. Start using ITC's tools now. Aim is to set a price as close to the monetary benefit acquired by consumers, whilst remaining competitive with regard to competing product propositions within the marketplace. The Product Market Analysis Portal, or Product Map, consists of 72 web-based portals, each focusing on a particular industry and presenting extensive international trade data and market analysis tools specifically designed for organisations active in international trade. The International Trade Centre has developed four Market Analysis Tools : Trade Map, Market Access Map, Investment Map and Standards Map to enhance the transparency of global trade and market access and to help users in their market analyses. You need to enable JavaScript to run this app. Learn how to use ITC's market analysis tools in our free self-guided training platform. Lastly, trade data is broken down at the industry and product levels, which provides a disaggregated insight into trade performances. Trade Map's features include analysis of present export markets; pre-selection of priority markets; an overview of competitors in global and specific markets; a review of opportunities for product diversification in a specific market; identification of existing and potential bilateral trade with partner countries; and information on tariffs. The technical analysis side of forex trading is all about the recognition of trends and patterns, in order to forecast the direction of an instrument’s next movement. MAP Market Access MAP Tools A suite of tools and posters is available for our members to use, either within the membership fee, or at a highly subsidised rate, depending on the scale of the work involved and costs of tools available from other vendors. ITC - MAT Portal. Improving transparency in the market-access conditions that countries face and impose worldwide is important for developing countries’ exporters, trade support institutions and policymakers. Trade Map provides - in the form of tables, graphs and maps - indicators on export performance, international demand, alternative markets and competitive markets, as well as a directory of importing and exporting companies. The web-application is interactive, simple and easy to use. Firms seeking opportunities to diversify products, markets and suppliers, and trade support institutions setting priorities for trade promotion, sectoral performance, partner countries and trade-development strategies must have detailed statistical information on international trade flows to effectively utilize resources. For more information, please consult the comprehensive brochure on our services and offers. Perform comprehensive market analysis across multiple locations. The book starts with a discussion of the quantification of trade flows and trade policies. The International Trade Centre has developed a suite of online tools to make global trade more transparent and facilitate access to new markets: Trade Map, Market Access Map, Investment Map, Export Potential Map, Sustainability Map, Procurement Map and Trade Competitiveness Map. The Market Access Map provides information on applied customs tariffs, including … New users need to register. STRENGTHS The tool provides information on applied customs tariffs, including MFN tariffs and preferences granted unilaterally and in the framework of regional and bilateral trade agreements. Firms need to scan global markets for product and market diversification opportunities. MARKET ACCESS MAP(. Business contacts. Santander Trade offers a set-content, database and tools provided and managed by Export Entreprises S.A. Santander provides access to its client companies but is totally unrelated to the contents and services provided which are, fully, the responsibility of Export Entreprises S.A. Trade and Investment Support Institutions (TISIs) have to identify the right sectors on which to spend specific sector-development strategy. Following the update of Trade Map on 17th December 2020: • 2019 global trade indicators are now available in Trade Map, based on data reported by 145 countries. International Trade Centre Trade and Market Intelligence +41 (0)22 730 05 40 +41(0)22 730 05 77 marketanalysis@intracen.org Procurement Map is the only free-access web platform that combines information on public tenders with relevant information on sustainability standards and information on legislations implemented by countries to support women vendors or SMEs in public procurement. Our demo account enables you to trade on any device with a virtual account balance of EUR10,000 with live market data, real-time news, analysis, and more! Trade for Sustainable Development (T4SD) is ITC’s partnership-based programme that provides comprehensive, verified and transparent information on voluntary sustainability standards through Standards Map. analysis of trade and trade policies towards the main sources of data and the most useful tools available to analyse real world trade and trade policies. The tools enable companies and trade support institutions to identify export and import opportunities and compare market-access requirements, and they help policymakers monitor national trade performance and prepare for trade negotiations. The Trade Map provides on-line access to one of the world’s largest trade databases and presents indicators on export performance, international demand, alternative markets and the role of competitors from both the product and country perspective. ... Increase your retail sales using insightful data-driven trade area analysis. Understanding the structure and evolution of international markets is essential for both firms and trade support institutions. The tools enable companies and trade support institutions to identify export and import opportunities and compare market … The Procurement Map seeks to help businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, bid for public procurement contracts around the world. Based on an economic model that draws on trade, tariff, GDP and geographic data, the tool helps countries spot untapped export potential as well as opportunities for export diversification. Price: The one year subscription to ITC's market analysis tools: Trade Map, Market Access Map, Investment Map with full access is US$ 900/year. Trade Map covers 220 countries and territories and 5300 products of the Harmonized System. Market shares are stable, when firms product propositions are all on the Industry Value to Price trade-off curve 6.3. ITC Market Analysis Tools Promotional Video, Certificate in Small Business Internationalization, Public-private dialogue for export strategy, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Consultative Committee of the ITC Trust Fund, Building a Conducive Business Environment, Strengthening Trade and Investment Support Institutions, Promoting and Mainstreaming Inclusive and Green Trade, Supporting Regional Economic Integration and South-South Links, Anniversary greetings from ITC's partners, Global Goals for Sustainable Development (SDGs), Arise Plus Lao People’s Democratic Republic, EU-Nepal Trade and Investment Programme (TIP), EuroMed Trade and Investment Facilitation Mechanism, Facilitating Uzbekistan's Accession to the WTO, Global Textiles and Clothing Programme (GTEX), JSF for Women and Youth Programme in The Gambia, Myanmar Trade and Investment Project (TIP), Netherlands Trust Fund - Phase IV (NTF IV), Pakistan: Growth for rural advancement and sustainable progress (GRASP), Partnership for Investment and Growth in Africa (PIGA), Supporting Indian Trade and Investment for Africa (SITA), Local Business Intelligence - SME Competitiveness Survey, comprehensive brochure on our services and offers. To help users make the most of the tools, ITC offers an online training course free of charge, and makes available user guides in different languages, as well as information about subscription options and terms and conditions.