Unfortunately, only traces of its gigantic 65 m gate-towers survive, with blue, white and … Unfortunately, only parts of its gigantic 65 m gate-towers survive, with blue, white and gold mosaics. This was Amir Timur’s summer palace but all that remains is the craggy ruins of its entrance arch which stand at 38m tall and are separated by what would have been the 22.5m arch span. Construction of the palace started in 1380 and lasted for more than 25 years. Ak-Saray Palace was Timur's Summer Palace. This is what remains of Ak-Saray, the Mongol conqueror Timur's summer palace and a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2000: Of everything Timur built, Ak-Saray ("the White Palace") was planned to be the most magnificent. It was started in 1380 by artisans deported by Timur from the recently conquered Khwarezm. Regretfully, only two giant run-down walls have been preserved. Timur's Summer Palace, the “White Palace” was planned as the most grandiose of all Timur's constructions. Aq-Saray Palace. The inner courtyard alone was 250 meters (820 feet) in … It was to be the grandest of all of the buildings built by Timur. They come here because of his Summer Palace (White Palace), or rather what's left of it. Floor mosaics of his palace are being restored. Then we're to visit Timur's Summer Palace - Ak-Saray Palace. Even today, the inscription above the entry says: "If you challenge our power – look at our buildings." The palace, whose name translate to “white, light magnificent palace,” was constructed with white marble slabs. Given the scale of the entrance I can only imagine how impressive the rest of the palace must have been. There’s actually little left except bits of the gigantic, 38m-high pishtak (entrance portal), covered with gorgeous, unrestored filigree-like mosaics. Construction began in about 1380 and took roughly 25 years to complete. Bangunan ini merupakan gedung menyatu secara serasi dengan merefleksikan hubungan harmonis antara manusia dan alam sekitarnya. It was started in 1380 by artisans deported by Timur from the recently conquered Khwarezm. It was started in 1380 by artisans deported by Timur from the recently conquered Khwarezm. Construction on it began in 1380 by artisans Timur had deported from Khwarezm. Just north of the centre, Timur’s summer palace has as much grandeur per square centimetre as anything in Samarkand. The gate towers of Aq Saray, Timur's Summer Palace, the “White Palace”, started in 1380 and planned as the most grandiose of all Timur's constructions, were 65 metres high; today only parts of it survive, with blue, white and gold mosaics. Timur’s Summer Palace, the “White Palace” was planned as the most grandiose of all Timur’s constructions. White Palace in Shahrizabz The White Palace was meant to be the most splendid of Timur's constructions. Then we'll get to Dor-ut Tilovat & Kok-Gumbaz Mosque, where Timur's father and his spiritual master were buried. The complex was meant to serve as Amir Timur’s summer palace. The building was massive in size. Summer Palace memiliki luas sekitar 300 hektar, yang mencakup lebih dari 3.000 bangunan. We're going to visit Mausoleum of Jakhongir, the tomb of the eldest son of Timur in the Dor-us Siodat Memorial Complex, and Ak-Saray Palace, the ruins of Timur's summer palace, with only two towers at the entrance survived. Timur's Summer Palace, the “White Palace” was planned as the most grandiose of all Timur's constructions. Unfortunately, only traces of its gigantic 65 m gate-towers survive, with blue, white and gold mosaics. Area bangunan lebih dari 70.000 meter persegi, termasuk pavilliun, menara, jembatan, dan koridor. We will also go to Dor-ut Tilovat - the mausoleum of Amir Taragai, Timur's father, and Kok-Gumbaz Mosque where Shamseddin Kulyo, Timur's spiritual mentor was buried.