HISTORY: This cow was one of a group of 17 found in sternal recumbency. The forelimbs support 60 per cent of a cow’s weight and, therefore, the use of a canvas sling under the sternum is almost mandatory for consistent success. Unable to extend limbs to reach a standing position. Moreover, Australia is the largest inhabitant... Horses are one of the oldest domesticated animals to a human being. Lettuce and cabbage leaves are accepted by some cows. and injection Tonophospan 10ml i/m for 3 days are administered. It will not only prevent further pressure damage and secondary lesions but will also be an important step towards having a standing cow. Powder chelated Agrimin Forte 50 gm bid for 10 days orally given. A recumbent cow is often described as being 'down' and when it has been recumbent for a prolonged period as a 'downer cow'. You must provide good quality ration with balanced nutrition. Mucoid feces with sometimes spots of blood. Monitoring the blood mineral status is an important part of downer cow management. It is essential to sit the cow in a sternal recumbency position and turn her so that she is lying on the side opposite to the one on which she was found. Prevention of metabolic disorders, prevention of toxemia, and managing and preventing traumatic injuries. Occurrence of Downer Cow Syndrome 58% of cases occur in first 24 hours of lactation 97% of cases occur in first 100 days of lactation May become recumbent for any number of primary medical reasons: e.g. This cow died several hours after having been found. If the animal struggles to rise, an assistant should grasp the root of the tailhead with both hands and lift. Differential diagnoses for primary disease——-, Metabolic Disease: Blood chemistry: Hypo – Ca, Phos, Mg, K; fat cow syndrome, Treatment:Treatment of downer cowsSupportive care for a downer cow is essential. Allen and Davies (1981) suggested that downer syndrome occurred as a result of one of combination of the factors like milk fever, hypophosphataemia, fat cow syndrome, excessive protein intake, Vitamin E & Selenium deficiency, recumbency due to trauma and malnutrition. "Downer cow is a term applied to the syndrome of recumbency and inability to rise the cattle. Treat the animals as early as possible before the cow become recumbent. Milk fever, postparturient hypocalcemia, or parturient paresis is a disease, primarily in dairy cattle but also seen in beef cattle and non-bovine domesticated animals, characterized by reduced blood calcium levels. She should be turned to lie on the opposite side every two hours. • Definition: Any cow that remains in sternal recumbency for more than 24 hours after initial recumbency, and after treatment for primary medical problems. More in-depth discussion is covered in the Managing the Down Cow fact sheet. The etiology of HBS is uncertain but believed to be multifactorial. All cattle were extubated when they regained sternal recumbency. The downer cows most difficult to treat are those that do not try to eat. Etiology and Pathogenesis. Sternal recumbency. 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Affected cows should be kept in sternal recumbency, changed from side to side at least every 3 hours to minimize the degree of ischemic necrosis and para-analgesia, which results from prolonged recumbency. Hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, hypophosphatemia, hypokalemia, acetonaemia, fat cow syndrome, acidosis and bloat, hypothermia. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A cow that is recumbent for too long may develop soft and nerve tissue lesions because of her recumbency. All Rights Reserved. It occurs following parturition, at onset of lactation, when demand for calcium for colostrum and milk production exceeds the body's ability to mobilize calcium. Required fields are marked *. Lateral recumbency must be corrected immediately to avoid regurgitation and inspiration of stomach contents. Throughout the world there are different horse... Pet birds are beautiful and intelligent creatures, many of which have the intriguing advantage of talking. eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'thevetexpert_com-box-3','ezslot_5',112,'0','0'])); Although it has been suggested that the disease of cattle is a complication of hypocalcemic parturient paresis, it is highly probable that many different factors may result in a cow becoming recumbent. However, best prognostic indicator is clinical observation. In involuntary sternal recumbency, some cows may have a dull, listless appearance. The disease is characterized by recumbent longer than 24 hours, usually occurs following parturient paresis, no detectable specific diagnostic cause, animal in sternal recumbency, remains recumbent even after two successive treatments calcium, occurs at any time but associated with parturition. In extreme cases, the cow can be drenched with rumen contents. monthly, bi-lingual (English-Hindi) & highly circulated technical magazines dedicated to Poultry  and Livestock Industry. The most common symptoms of the disease are: Severely affected and do not usually eat or drink. A cow becomes recumbent when it is unable to stand. Sometimes drenching with a thin gruel to which powdered ginger and/or gentian has been added can be helpful.Homeopathic treatment-Homeopathic medicines comprising of Rhus tox, Bryonia, Pulsatilla and Guaiacum are given, dispensed in drinking water for 7 days. Prolonged recumbency due to inadequately treated and unresponsive hypocalcaemia is one of the common causes of downers syndrome. However, it is believed that most downer cows have been recumbent from parturient paresis. The hip lifter is then lifted together with the cow, prompt treatment of milk fever to avoid prolonged recumbency, Monitor treated cows closely for 24-48 hrs. then fall again. recumbency due to inadequately treated and unresponsive hypocalcaemia is one of the common causes of downers syndrome. post-treatment, Good design for chutes, etc. Ninety four per cent downer cows were average to high producers. B1, Vit. Sand is used as bedding material because cow is easily rolled from one side to other and for the regular removal of excreta. on sternal recumbency for more than 24 hours after initial recumbency, and after treatment for primary medical problems (Merck’s Vet. : Do not leave an animal unattended until it has regained sufficient consciousness to maintain sternal recumbency. An important step in the treatment of a recumbent cow is to help her stand.Occurence of downer cow syndrome—-58% of cases occur in first 24 hours of lactation97% of cases occur in first 100 days of lactationMay become recumbent for any number of primary medicalreasons: e.g. The typical downer is in-sternal recumbency and unable to rise for no physically apparent reason. Six heifers and 1 cow out of 45 cattle were affected during a 3-week period. Downer cow syndrome is a common problem in. The animal should be rolled into sternal recumbency. Dogs have... Sheep are classified in the subfamily Caprinae, and all domestic sheep are included in the genus Ovis and species Ovis aries. Continual use causes trauma and pain that is counterproductive. The time interval between the onset of recumbency and Milk fever treatment should be as short as possible. About 30 % of cows treated for milk fever will not stand for up to 24 hours after treatment and turn to downer animals (Radostitset al., 2000). This is... You have entered an incorrect email address! Halothane anesthesia was used to create this artificial parturient paresis-like position. The clinical signs were characterized by flaccid paralysis and gait abnormalities. The stunning operator conferred with the CSI and then climbed back up on the stunning platform and attempted a second captive bolt stun. Prolonged recumbency due to inadequately treated and unresponsive hypocalcaemia is one of the common causes of downers syndrome. A surprising finding in their study was that repositioning did not increase the likelihood to recover; the authors assumed that the lack of benefit is because the repositioning was initiated too late, or that repositioning was only performed on the most severe cases. Attempting to stabilize a recumbent cow on a concrete surface is highly undesirable but sometimes unavoidable. : Ne pas laisser un animal sans surveillance tant qu'il a repris conscience suffisante pour maintenir décubitus sternal. The value of hip clamps is controversial. Strictly, the downer cow is defined as one that has been down for longer than 24 hours, is not suffering from milk fever, is in sternal recumbency, there is no obvious cause and is usually related to calving. An incidence of 21.4 cases per 1000 cows, of these recumbent cows, 33% recovered, 23% were slaughtered, and 44% died or required euthanasia. : La gêne est essentiellement en fin de journée, disparaît après le décubitus. The disease... Rabies in cattle is a highly fatal viral disease of the central nervous system, which occurs virtually in warm-blooded animals and man. Their proper use requires experience, skill, and a delicate touch. As there is no single etiology of the “downer cow syndrome,” preventive measures should eliminate the risk factors that predispose the cows to recumbency in the parturient paresis. Unable to extend limbs to reach a standing position. However one must stress that obvious reasons for recumbency must be treated before assisted standing is performed. In my article, I shall discuss the most common facts about the state. Published on Jul 30, 2018 Downer cow syndrome in a HF cross breed cow and successful treatment: Downer cow means any cow that remains in sternal … (2008) concluded in their study that recumbency for less than 24 hours, treatment with calcium, potassium or phosphorus and cases that not received treatment by a veterinarian before recumbency were more likely to recover. Cox (1982) proposed that downer cow was any cow which was down in sternal recumbency for more than 24 hours without evidence of a systemic involvement. Your email address will not be published. Malnutrition and over fattening during the dry periods should be avoided. The affected animals are usually bright and alert but are unable to stand. [t]he cow was in sternal recumbency with her head held up and was looking around and blinking. ‘Downer cow’ or ‘Post parturient recumbency’ is to describe a cow that is so injured, weak sick to stand or walk (Carolyn et al., 2007). Upon presentation, the heifer was bright and alert but unable to stand despite repeated stimulation. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Signs and clinical examination is essential for the diagnosis of the disease. Copyright © 2018-2019 Pashudhan Prahare. Cow is responded well with treatment and physiotherapy. For cows that show relapse after treatment with calcium alone, slow intravenous injection of a solution containing calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and dextrose is given. This may indicate hypocalcemia in periparturient mature cows. A cow becomes recumbent when the animal is unable to stand. The sling is designed in such way that the weight of the animals is equally distributed . It is manifest by sudden onset of abdominal pain and obstipation progressing to sternal recumbency, shock, and death. A recumbent cow does not require a warm environment; however, in a cold environment, an inactive animal can gradually succumb to hypothermia. Lymphosarcoma in vertebral canal, BSE. Support eg, straw bale placed under the shoulder may coq required for some animals to maintain sternal recumbency. Feline calicivirus ( FCV ) is a common infectious... Horses come in an extensive range of colors. The primary host of the parasite is cattle, and other susceptible hosts are sheep, goat, deer, rabbit, and horses. Lifting on any other part of the tail may cause damage. [t]he cow was in sternal recumbency with her head held up and was looking around and blinking. Placing bitter-tasting weeds such as ivy or dandelion in the mouth may provoke salivation and an interest in eating. The larvae of the equine Lungworm Dictyocaulus arnfieldi frequently... Cats are the most adorable pet animals in houses... Downers Cow Syndrome: Most Important Information For Farm Owner. I think this article will help you to take the necessary preventive measures for the disease. Experimental downer cows were produced by maintaining healthy cows in sternal recumbency for 6, 9, or 12 hours with the right pelvic limb positioned under the body. Injection Calcium magnesium borogluconate (Mifex) 450ml (300ml slow i/v and 150ml s/c and Injection 5% DNS 2000ml i/v once were administered. Maintenance doses were given to the animals for another 21 days. Rain and wind can reduce body temperature considerably and worsen shock if present. The primary aim of treatment is to get the cow onset her feet, and the treatment should be symptomatic and can be made based on biochemical tests and conditions. Caring for a downer cow; VET'S VIEW. Sternal recumbency is the normal reclined position of cattle when laying. The cases of recumbency around calving can involve the factors that are metabolic disorders, severe toxemia, and traumatic injuries. Biochemical analysis and necropsy changes are more important for assessing the prognosis of the disease. Injection Oxytetracycline at the dose rate 10 mg/ kg body weight and Meloxicam at the dose rate of 0.5 mg/kg body weight are administered intramuscularly for five and three days respectively. Milk fever is more commonly seen Early detection and treatment of milk fever. The aim is to prevent prolonged recumbency and muscle damage. Blood et al. On every day of the recumbency, an attempt should be made to bring the cow to its feet. If the animals are lying in the open ground, erect a temporary shelter to protect from sun light. recumbency• > 48 hrs., CK activity declined rapidly, even in downer animals• a low CK value after being down for 5 days is meaninglessCK => limited usefulness as prognostic indicator• Clinical observation is a better predictor of prognosis than CK levels. The importance of... Vibriosis in Cattle or Vibrionic abortion or Epizootic abortion is an infectious disease of cattle and sheep characterized by abortion and infertility. Downers cow syndrome can prevent easily by improving the management of the farm. This pathology precedes various myopathies and may precipitate the compartment syndrome. Because of her potential genetic value as a future brood cow, she was referred for further evaluation. Thus their negative results of repositioning should not be interpreted as a negative effect.Generally at field level in India,Treatment is done by medicine along with physiotherapy to correct the etiological factor. 48 hrs. The stunning operator conferred with the CSI and then climbed back up on the stunning platform and attempted a second captive bolt stun. Massage of hind limbs with vegetable oil to increase muscular activities is carried out and hot water fomentation is performed. A ‘Downers cow syndrome’ has been defined as a cow that has been in sternal recumbency for more than 24 hours. Cox (1982) proposed that downer cow was any cow which was down in sternal recumbency for more than 24 hours without evidence of a systemic involvement. send to hospital pen), Cannot go to slaughter, cannot enter the food chain, Off-farm: Rendering truck: animal will be condemned. Many have a history of milk fever. In 8 of 16 experiments, cows were able to sta … Support (eg, straw bale) placed under the shoulder may be required for some animals to maintain sternal recumbency. Shipping fever or hemorrhagic septicemia is an acute respiratory infectious disease of cattle, yaks, sheep, goats, camel, deer, swine, birds, and rabbits. The MAC of isoflurane in these cattle was 1.27 ± 0.03% (1.14 ± 0.01% corrected to sea level). The syndrome commonly found in cows rear with poor nutrition and management. Horses must be well fed before they can perform at their best. Pet birds that... Horses domesticated a thousand years ago. The discomfort is mainly late in the day, disappear after recumbency. The downer cow is also be defined as a post-parturient recumbent cow does not get up even after two successive treatment with calcium (Geetha and Gnanraj, 2017). ACT,LAWS & REGULATIONS RELATED TO A.H, LIVESTOCK & FARM MANAGEMENT-पशुधन प्रबंधन, Livestock Based Integrated Farming System, LIVESTOCK MANAGEMENT TRAINING & CAPACITY BUILDING, RESEARCH-ANIMAL HUSBANDRY & VETERINARY SCIENCE, Traditional herbal formulation for cattle & Buffaloes, TYPICAL CASE HISTORY & SUCCESSFUL VET'S INTERVENTION, घरेलू नुस्खा -परंपरागत पद्धति द्वारा पशुधन का ईलाज, डॉ वर्गीज कुरियन इनोवेटिव डेयरी फार्मर्स अवार्ड, Ischemic necrosis of muscles of ‘down’ hind limb, Often high producer, early lactation – +/- history of primary disease, If can partly stand may observe muscle swelling, stiffness or nerve deficits, Thorough exam to look for other primary disease, Musculoskeltal injury (pelvis, hip, long bones, stifle, hock, ruptured tendons), Nerve injury (spinal cord lesions, calving paralysis). Promotion, Designed and Developed by SEO Web Advisor. (1983) defined the downer cow syndrome is a The second most likely cause of depression is toxemia, the cause of which is most commonly found in the genital tract or mammary gland. Prognosis——Prognosis frequently guarded & depends on: In one method, the clinician stands with feet pressed under the cow at a point below the scapulohumeral joint. We are pleased to introduce ourselves as publisher of ” PASHUDHAN PRAHAREE”. Injection Triamcinolone (Vetalog) 5 ml i/m for 3 alternate days. There are a lot of straps to fit. 20 Most Popular Goat Breeds of the World You Should Know, 10 Different Types of Birds You Should Know As A Bird Lover, Shipping Fever in Cattle: Most Important Information For Farm Owner, Rabies in Cattle: Causes, Signs, Transmission, Prevention, and Control, 25 Most Common Sheep Breeds of the World You Should Know, Vibriosis in Cattle: Causes, Signs, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention, Horse Feed: 17 Most Common Feed Ingredients For Your Horse, Fowl Typhoid: Causes, Signs, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention, Gumboro Disease in Poultry: Most Important Information For You, 10 Most Common Australian Horse Breeds You Should Know, 18 Most Adorable Pet Birds That Talk Suitable For You, 10 Big Horses of the World Reviewed For Horse Lover, A Comprehensive Guide on Horse Hoof: Care and Management, Feline Calicivirus Infection: Most Important Information You Need To Know, 21 Most Common Horse Colors You Must Know For Identification, 20 Tips on Healthy Pets : Desire of Every Pet Owner, Cataract in Dogs: Everything You Should Know As a Dog Owner, Lungworm in Horses: Top 8 Information of the Disease for Horse Lover, Cat Fever: Causes, Clinical Signs, Diagnosis, Care, and Treatment. Bring the animal to sternal recumbency until treatment is available. Cattle in lateral recumbency are prone to bloat, which can lead to death. A sharp blow is delivered by driving the knees into the muscle mass below and caudal to the scapula. If the cow does not drink, she must be given fluid therapy either by drench or parenterally. However, it is believed that most downer cows have been recumbent from parturient paresis. A ‘Downers cow syndrome’ has been defined as a cow that has been in sternal recumbency for more than 24 hours. The time interval between the onset of recumbency and Milk fever treatment should be as short as possible.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'thevetexpert_com-banner-1','ezslot_7',116,'0','0'])); Treatment for Milk fever must ensure that animals receive sufficient calcium in time. Prolonged recumbency due to inadequately treated and unresponsive hypocalcaemia is one of the common causes of downers syndrome. The cow was diagnosed with obturator paralysis which was causing the inability to stand, knuckling of fetlock joints and the ‘dog sitting’ position that the cow preferred. B6, Vit. Physiotherapy comprised of soft bedding (paddy straw and sandy soil) and supportive slings. A negative aspect of the sling is that it is difficult to install on the animal. (1983) defined the downer cow syndrome is a condition occurring following parturient paresis, characterised clinically by prolonged recumbency even after 2 successive infusions with calcium. In most cases, recovery depends on the quality of recumbency management and nursing care. There are many causes of a downer cow, including: 1) Trauma at or after calving: Bone fracture or nerve paralysis 2) Metabolic: Milk fever or hypomagnesaemia (hypomag or grass staggers) 3) Toxic disease: Metritis or mastitis A cow becomes a downer cow when the initial cause resolves but the cow still doesn't rise. B12) 10 ml i/m. Correct feeding is both a science and... Fowl Typhoid or Infectious Leukemia, or Salmonella gallinarum infection, is a significant infectious disease of birds characterized by acute septicemia... Gumboro or Infectious bursal disease (IBD) is an acute, highly contagious immunosuppressive disease of chicken. A cow becomes recumbent when the animal is unable to stand. In other words, if the animal was presented in lateral recumbency on its left side, it should be rolled into sternal recumbency on its right side. The affected cow usually crawls around utilizing the forelimbs whereas hind limbs remain in flexed position. A recumbent cow is often described as being down on the ground (sometimes for an obvious reason and sometimes for no apparent reason), and when she has been recumbent for a prolonged period is referred to as a downer cow. Peripelvic injuries, fractured pelvis, and femur. Rather than being offered large amounts of feed, the cow should be tempted with sweet hay. The sling is then attached to a front end loader or an overhead attachment; there are models that attach to a movable freestanding structure. Tripelennamine hydrochloride should be administered intravenously, which appears to act as a potent, temporary CNS stimulant in cattle and is usually given before attempting to get the affected cow to rise. Sternum refers to the chest, recumbency refers to laying or reclining. Cox (1982) proposed that downer cow was any cow which was down in sternal recumbency for more than 24 hours without evidence of a systemic involvement. The details of the reasons are as follows: Metabolic :eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'thevetexpert_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',114,'0','0'])); Downer cows are most commonly seen in the interval from two days to 10 days after parturition. Powder Potassium chloride 30 gm orally for 5 days is given. This failure to rise i… Any cow found lying on its side (lateral recumbency) needs to be set up on its chest (sternal recumbency) as soon as possible. Blood minerals and hematological values are within the normal range. Adequate bedding is necessary to protect the bony prominences. Acute coliform mastitis, acute septic metritis, acute diffuse peritonitis, aspiration pneumonia, traumatic reticulo-peritonitis, and the uterus rupture. In another case, studied by Geetha and Tensingh (2017) where a crossbred Jersey downer’s cow showed symptom of sternal recumbency … "Fever" is a misnomer, as body temperature during the disease is generally not elevated. The affected animals died spontaneously or were euthanized approximately 2–14 days after the onset of clinical signs. Protection from the elements is essential. It is essential to move downer cows from concrete floors or slippery, muddy yards before trying to get them to stand. Pashudhan praharee is the mouthpiece of Indian Dairy & Poultry industry, dedicated to the animal health care & livestock development.Our mission is to strengthen the animal husbandry practices in India and transfer the technologies from Lab to Land. Provide adequate bedding during calving and avoid hard and slippery floor at calving. Compiled & Edited by –DR RAJESH KR SINGH, JAMSHEDPUR, 9431309542, One of the most challenging problem for veterinarians is management of recumbent/downer animals. Lateral recumbency refers to an animal lying flat on its side with head on the ground rather than with its head up; sternal recumbency refers to an upright animal resting on its breastbone … Toxic conditions: mastitis, metritis, uterine torsion, peritonitis, RDA/RTA, etc. Provide shelter or cover with rugs in exposed situations … a. access to the outdoors, shade, shelter, rotational pasture, exercise areas, fresh air and natural daylight suitable to the species, its stage of production, the climate and the environment; b. access to fresh water and high-quality feed in accordance with the needs of the animal; c. sufficient space and freedom to lie down in full lateral recumbency, stand up, stretch their limbs and turn Other cows found in involuntary sternal recumbency may be bright and alert in appearance—the most typical demeanor of the true problem downer cow… The pasture in which the cow had been kept bordered a glacial lake that was covered by a thick layer of green algae the day before the heifer was discovered. The pathophysiology and blood biochemistry related to downer cows have been studied by others. • Maximum CK activity occurs approx. Cow is assisted to stand for 30 minutes four to six times a day using supportive slings. If this is not done, the weight of the cow results in ischemia in the muscles of the hindlimb. Lateral recumbency with head drawn back. The disease is characterized by recumbent longer than 24 hours, usually occurs following parturient paresis, no detectable specific diagnostic cause, animal in sternal recumbency, remains recumbent even after two successive treatments calcium, occurs at any time but associated with parturition. Grazing animals are more … Blood et al. Upon stimulation, the heifer made attempts to rise, but collapsed in sternal recumbency after approximately 30 seconds. This method must not be used on the thoracic wall unprotected by the muscle mass to avoid fracturing the ribs. Time to sternal recumbency after 90 ± 16 minutes of anaesthesia from intubation was 4.60 ± 0.58 minutes and time to standing was 6.70 ± 1.02 minutes. Treat decubital sores & provide excellent bedding, Hip lifters/clamp– The hip lifter or hip clamp consists of a straight extendable bar and have two metallic rings attached to each end of it. Progression to secondary recumbency——–Prolonged recumbency causes pressure damage: Cow struggling to get up may cause musculoskeletal damage that results in long-term recumbency: Clinical signs——Usually in sternal recumbency but unable to rise• Often bright and alert (“alert downers”)• Eating, drinking, urinating, defecatingHindlimbs: under body or stretched out behind (‘frog-legged’)• Forelimbs functional: “creepers”• Sensation often present in hindlimbs (withdrawal reflex)• +/-attempts to rise (part way up “sitting” or roll to other hip), Recumbency and CK (Creatine kinase activity ) testing——-. A common complication of milk fever: 20-28% of milk fever cows become “downers”Non-medical risk factors:Season (winter): lack of exercise, footing on iceManagement: housing, footing, trauma, stockmanship Sanitation: infectious diseaseNutritional management: metabolic disease, Metabolic disease causing primary recumbency—-, What else is a cause of primary recumbency?——, Septic/Toxic shock: eg. Calf laying in sternal recumbency. Your email address will not be published. Special investigation on the spine’s caudal part, including the tail, the pelvic ring, and hind legs. for moving cows, Stockmanship: Move cows calmly, quietly and slowly, Supervise parturition & provide appropriate assistance to avoid prolonged calving, Can be transported, but must be done humanely (e.g. An advantage is that it gives a better support for the animal and the weight is spread out over a larger surface. As there is no single etiology of the “downer cow syndrome,” preventive measures should eliminate the risk factors that predispose the cows to recumbency in the parturient paresis. Treatment: lifting devices—-LIFTING TECHNIQUES AND DEVICESThere are various techniques and devices used to assist a dower cow to stand; hip lifters, inflatable balloons, different types of slings and flotation therapySling– Supportive slings for cows come in various different shapes and sizes. You can make adequate preparation to prevent the disease on your farm.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'thevetexpert_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_8',113,'0','0'])); The causes of Downers cow syndrome may be metabolic, toxic, or traumatic injuries.