There’s that phrase again. Hey you know what, I’ve had disadvantages too. So you should wear your mask if you’re going to be indoors in a crowd. President Trump became the first President in United States History to be impeached by the House of Representatives — twice. You don’t hold my strings. They’re stereotyping. Can you love someone else’s liberty. I know too much. They’re really among the few who don’t have any. It is what makes society, as we know it, go. Should we allow people to talk in public about vote count anomalies, voting machine problems, etc.? His mandate is fake. 8. Ideas within a philosophical movement remain fixed, but we are not fixed as we seek to propound or to oppose those ideas. The immediate ramifications are non-existent. There is a reason for this. 17. No more America First, no more wall, come on in COVID-infected illegal aliens, death of women’s sports. And people who have not yet reached full maturity, need things to be settled. I like shooting guns. It’s a whole year old. Between those who can, and cannot, afford to stop doing things. Good things? We’re not political. If we’re arguing honestly, we can’t even argue it. We are polarized because we are surrounded by a message of “Stop doing anything or else you’ll die and take everyone with you.”. It isn’t wildness and it isn’t tameness either. Indeed, those of us who worried about such a thing, were routinely castigated as kookburgers. 16. But I think it will be even less fun to be Placeholder Joe. And what they know must run contrary to the narrative they’re pushing, because if the truth supported the narrative they’re pushing, they’d enjoy the luxury of openly discussing it. That’s okay, you’re just wrong. We have fact checks, that interview experts who say the audio is unclear. 2. But we have to wait so long to get any hard news. 6. Now consider this. There’s no ambiguity here. They’re re-defining everything about this and what little “science” is attached to it is writhing around like a dying earthworm on a hot sidewalk — not for reasons science should be moving around. Matter. If they were infiltrated by outside groups, why should we not think the Trump supporting crowd was not similarly infiltrated? 7. All they’re really learning about is new ways to game the system and fool the parents, but they’re changing the definitions of everything that matters. Orders about what to say and what not to say. “[R]emoval from Office” is listed first because it’s more important. People can train together and get it right with repetition. Where’s that plan President Biden said he had? It’s not an accident, it’s a plan. What are the top attractions to visit in Atlanta? IT. Grow a chest hair. There’s something else that has been stripped away. They did think of it. There is, however, a position on the ideological spectrum that will make its adherents particularly susceptible — and it’s the other one, The Left. It’s a problem of life, limb and honor. But when truth has something to do with what you’re doing, and you could lose life or limb by being wrong, that isn’t how we do it. So even if we accept all their fake-grown-up child-thinking premises, there’s a huge gap that remains. The fact remains, liberalism is a pox upon us, a modern plague. They’re not interested in getting rid of any. Measure something without using the Metric System. The process of doing this was fake, since the people making the decisions about others weren’t producing anything. Once they figure that out, they know all about what to think of it; they don’t need to know anything else! 16. It would be a lot of work, but that’s okay because it’s just a thought exercise. So fake. Anyone want to complain when Republicans take the House, and then retaliate? Last year the Chinese Virus shut down our economy. It means the conversations that have to happen, are going to happen. I'm on an ego trip today. Some of these bullies that stopped picking on me, like in a heartbeat, because I had the balls to fight back turned out to be among my best friends. October 12, 2020 by Admin Staff. Make "the Blog that No One Reads" one of your daily reads. Shortly before the Joint Session commenced, President Trump, addressed a crowd at the Ellipse in Washington, D.C. If your parents never taught you to listen to a natural male voice that’s not my problem. Do you agree with Congresswoman Maxine Waters that Trump should be charged with premeditated murder? As I said, this is a tentative finding on my part and I look forward to the insights of those who are better educated about constitutional matters to see if they agree or not, and why or why not. I fail to see how the Senate is deciding anything of any importance here. Between those who think they already know everything worth knowing, and those who regard it hellish and unthinkable to ever go a day without learning something new. He didn’t do a bad job. These questions are likely to create “factional infighting” on the other side…which is not my primary intent here, but these are conversations that should be happening. 15. They don’t know shit from Shinola about whether the election’s been fixed but they’re eager to show off for each other that they embrace the correct and approved opinion. Gets back to the point made earlier about defining this dangerous speech. You start by throwing in the kitchen sink, tie in someone's syphilitic uncle, bend around a rip tide of brilliance and bring it all home in a neat, diamond dripping package of an exceptionally readable moment of damn fine wordsmithing. Yes, they do, by the millions, but they’re not challenging it honestly. You talk about ceding ground to the enemy? The democrats impeached Trump for investigating a crime. He is missing something. But they’re not following logic and reason. Being unfamiliar with his work, and having been tipped off that he performed to great acclaim in Hail Caesar!, which I have not seen, I don’t want to single him out for criticism. What they’re really uncovering is new ways to diagnose more kids and make more money. Are you displaying symptoms? Like many things that have never been tested until late in the game, liberals fail this one when it’s finally administered. We’re still waiting for the details on that, but no matter how that goes, two and two still make four and I’m not inclined to reward theft, or pretend it didn’t happen. That’s what’s happening here. What science is there to justify keeping the schools closed for the Chinese Virus? 7. The world as a plaything. A lot of people who voted against Donald Trump want their new world, or their old world, of no-fighting, no conflict, nobody calls anybody “losers,” soothing pastel colors, puppies, rainbows, unicorns, etc….but they still want to be able to call their Trump supporting parents, children, colleagues and fellow citizens fringe-kooky whackadoodles and worse. Morgan won’t move his fat ass for 45 cents, but we really have to have him. My intellectual superiors won’t allow me to question the idea that Joe Biden netted 81,283,485 votes. Whether you want a pleasant Friday lunch or an upscale evening out, you’ll find good food and great company at Perry’s – and right in your backyard. Dr. Fauci’s relief that he’s now working with fellow liberals, is palpable. You can do it in a Zoom call. Californians voted like idiots, here in California where I am, they ruined the state to the point where they can’t hack it anymore, then they moved to Texas and voted like idiots over there. A star chamber packed with strangers. I see people wanted to get Trump himself in trouble for using the word “fraud,” and that’s not fraud but Trump would definitely call it fraud…take that to the bank. It wasn’t so long ago liberals wanted us to “question authority.”. Authoritarians are cowards too. And so now we have the myth of the Biden/Harris victory. But again, geeks can build annexations onto the dome, and stretch it’s wall out of shape. Be ungaslightable. 5. Not me! There are two, not just one. Look how much I love liberty. Leftists who want to have all the election fraud evidence lined up so they can knock it over item by item by item, are just adorable. No reason, if truth supports the narrative. If that means the bad guys have won something, well then that’s too bad. They’re not wrong about that. Yesterday’s rant had to do with the implications of living in a lie, and asking questions that threaten to breach the lie, like the dome of a pretend-world. The truth is, whenever everyone in power can agree that it’s not convenient to invoke it, we don’t have it. I read him nearly every day because he manages to provide an interesting perspective, even though I don't always agree. Then puff out your chest and brag about it. But here, the democrats don’t care about that, they just want to make sure Donald Trump can’t run again. Now the democrats say their goals have something to do with empathy. I don’t like the idea of kids on the elementary school playground calling each other “LOSERS” just because they heard Trump do the same thing. He really does think he’s expanding liberty. It’s a worthy thing to ponder now when we’re wondering what we can do to help ourselves, and others who are worse-off than we are. I’ve been not-watching football since before not-watching was cool. And I have seen this problem come up before throughout Hollywood’s remake fever. Liberal means leftist. They’d much rather attend their fancy dinners at The French Laundry than crusade for any sort of greater egalitarianism or equality in our society. Brutally Honest: Morgan Freeberg is brilliant. Morgan Freeberg at House of Eratosthenes (pftthats a mouthful) honors big boned women in skimpy clothing. But on the other problem, the public trust problem, I’m square in the middle of it. They’re actually making laws, which is supposed to be Congress’ job. It won't last. How many millions or billions of fraudulum would it take to change the results of the election in Georgia, Nevada, Arizona, Michigan, et al? I like my jokes dirty. And you have to be honest with yourself about it. And we know that is fair and just. The worst kind would be capturing a vote for Donald Trump, inside the machine perhaps, and transforming it into a Biden/Harris vote. Young men are intimidated from doing such basic things, and they don’t think about the intimidation. 12. “I do not know that he will do right by me” is the lesson learned by the learned. Looks like we just had an election, and my side lost. Well, the answer is pretty simple. We’re representing our constituents, don’t you see. Let’s face it, there is no mandate for any democrat policy but there is a mandate for “get that guy out of here.”. False statements…addressed a crowd…made statements that encouraged lawless action. They don’t understand. But we just accept this. I look at these bobbleheads struggling to swagger around the way Bo and Luke Duke used to do it, and there’s something that isn’t there. As America confronts her destiny, we’re looking at thousands and thousands of years of various civilizations doing it the other way, with aristocrats twiddling and fiddling with more humble layers of humans. That explains everything. And he speaks The Truth...and it's fascinating stuff. From one hemisphere it’s all “How dare you” and “Listen to the experts.” From the other hemisphere it’s an eyeball roll, a protest of incredulity…and a job that has to get done, that the first one can’t bring itself to comprehend. I like eating meat. 10. The very best the guilty people would do, is put on a sham…”The swamp investigated the swamp and found no swampiness.” But they’d make sure and control all of it. It’s like sausage, you don’t want to watch it being made. Haven’t you noticed? We have discovered the cure for the Chinese Virus here in California, and it’s got to do with cracking a million signatures on Guessin’ Gavin’s recall petition. Double-voting. How angry are the parents getting over this stuff? These are just more postcards from the heartland of faux-adulthood, “I get to tell you what to think.”. Biden wins by 10,457 votes, 0.31% of all Arizona Biden/Trump votes, 0.0129% of Biden’s national total. And he speaks The Truth...and it's fascinating stuff. Nairobi (/ n aɪ ˈ r oʊ b i /) is the capital and the largest city of Kenya.The name comes from the Maasai phrase Enkare Nairobi, which translates to "cool water", a reference to the Nairobi River which flows through the city. Just don’t do it. And I doubt people can keep secrets. It’s a certain ease, a harmony of sorts with chaotic things. How big does the Incredible Hulk get? And this hatred for a country that has helped so many, is merely an offshoot of the fantasy. We hear of the people who “stormed the capitol” and committed the acts of violence, be they genuine Trump supporters or not, having trashed the movement. It gives off the appearance that someone has managed to pinpoint, or at least ball-park, two numbers and compared one to the other, something that I doubt has happened. When a friend or family member who hasn’t been paying attention and is willing to admit it, approaches you and says “I don’t understand this conservative/liberal stuff, please explain it to me,” there’s no mystery about what he means. And I began to notice they worked it into their bullying, the fashioning of a fake phony narrative: They were the “real victims,” and I was the “real bully.” I am grateful for this education. Why are California, New Jersey and Michigan opening when the Chinese Virus statistics are not good in those states? The relationship between the rulers and the ruled, with the rulers laboring away under real responsibility, is what they want gone. They will object to any and all audits. If that were the case, there never would have been a Trump. Why do we even call liberals liberals, when they don’t love liberty — far from it — and when Donald Trump introduces change, they resist the change by any & all means necessary? Argue about politics. Best of luck. Their desire for law and order is fake. The trouble with our friends, the liberals, is that they’re human, and we humans all have flaws. Joe Biden doesn’t know what he’s signing. We’re left to debate whether it was foolish Trump supporters doing damage to their own cause, or brilliant Trump-phobes who committed the perfect false flag operation (seems to be an eclectic mix of both). It’s your choice how to see me, my choice how to inspire you. Are you not displaying symptoms? So now with the problem fixed, we can go back and not pay attention anymore? But you’re not an affront to moral decency. The consequences are gawdawful. this morning for my daily Misha fix and he had found this guy named Morgan Freeberg in Fair Oaks, California, that has a blog, House of Eratosthenes. I certainly will. It matters. Feel, not think; feel. Texas came close to rolling over for Biden, which they didn’t do, but one thing they did do is manage their energy the blue-state way: Move on to phony-baloney energy sources before the phony-baloney energy sources were fully able to handle the load. We didn’t pick Vote By Mail because it made the best sense or yielded the most trustworthy results; we were cornered into it by the Chinese Virus. That’s the official total and it’s been made official in every possible way. On the blogroll he goes. So how do you tell when the wound has closed and the growth has been achieved? Hate to say it, but you’re seeing the default state: People who have spent their entire lives building exactly nothing, come up with the standards, policies and guidelines to be enforced upon the people who build the things. 14. Oh yes, we’ve been lagging a lot in that department. Not ashamed. They’re doing this constantly. After all, it’s not like Washington DC is a Mount Olympus with cerebral ideas and harmony and congeniality with Trump gone. I’d rather build things than buy them, if I can. Formerly loyal politicians, pundits and back-benchers all leaped backward. Yeah…that’s convincing. This whopper about “[BLM] protestors would have been treated very differently…[had they been the ones that] stormed the capitol” is as good an example as any. They actually look at it as a root cause of our social ills, and their cures tend to have something to do with taking liberty away. We use words to convey meaning. For the last year, there hasn’t been any such crisis. Once again, liberty is a problem to the liberal, and his solution to the problem is to encroach on the liberty. Company: Yikes! Two sets of rules. And that’s what we’re watching right now. The. ...I just remembered that I found a new blog a short while ago, House of Eratosthenes, that I really like. So how many other school districts have this rancid attitude. They’re accustomed to knowing which answer to choose on a written test, and they want to know…just that much. This is what we’ve been doing with liberalism. Or six. What makes it cold? But why are you wearing a mask on the jogging trail? The fake grown-ups have a third rule too, and this is what’s really setting us at each other’s throats. Eventful is an online calendar & events discovery service, offering tour dates & tickets for concerts, festivals, movies, performing arts, sports & more. 20. He only started being this super bad nasty dumb guy a little while ago. It doesn’t really matter because it doesn’t have to be organized. One or two simple honest questions would have pierced the periphery. When the gas company calls and you tell them the check is in the mail, that is a dozen fraudulum. Nuclear power, fossil fuels, alternatives. How could a minimum wage increase not affect employment? The sales pitch worked, phony as it was, precisely because most men are not what feminists make us out to be. Most of it is just decrees, from people who haven’t grown up all the way, telling us what to think. I like that. Now that we’re living in the world the wounded, incomplete people have made for us, and they run everything, I should write about them more specifically. Add exactly thirty years to that, and go find a movie in which that guy plays a prominent role, and is thirty. Those of us who can see what’s wrong with all this aren’t congratulating them so we’re to blame for the ensuing conflict. Fiction makes sense, because it has to, until it can’t. I’m not a lawyer in Constitutional Law and I don’t play one on teevee, but I’ve been mulling this thing over and over in my mind. Is it immoral for spiders to eat flies? Well, I just did. The consequences that really hurt people, but mean exactly nothing to the people who won. Well, when you live life that way, I think what we’re seeing here is that it shows. There are five big bundles of evidence. No solutions. We had to respect authority, but the rules were firm and, if we were expected to follow them, always explained. People think they’re quantifying the fraud, and they must think very highly of their own attempts to quantify it if they really believe there’s 0.0129% or less. January 6th is not all about policy or who-runs-what. We were following a trackback and thinking "hmmm... this is a bloody excellent post! The first group, like the second group, will not tolerate any doubts. Just let it ride. They’re closer. Some respected commission of authorities, perhaps one yet to be established, that is to be offered unlimited deference by everyone precisely because we have no idea who’s on it. You don’t tell me what to think, and you don’t reward theft. “Should we call leftists liberals?” is not that important of a question, in my mind. And I mean, by that, real adulthood not legal adulthood. Discuss the question honestly, admit that this is something the author of the fiction didn’t bother to entertain, that the pretend-world ends here, and real-reality beckons. Well, I also don’t like their parents being forced to explain to them what a blow job is, when the kids are something like eight years old. Liberals become leftists because they think like leftists. They are not being wise although they feel like they are. Rush Limbaugh would bitch about liberals, explain to his audience that “liberals don’t want their plans to be evaluated based on results, they want them evaluated based on intentions and feelings”…there’s zero confusion about what he means. Brutally Honest: Morgan Freeberg is an intriguing guy...[he] asks great questions and answers others with style, flair, reason and wit. A lot. But at least they’ve been paying attention and they’re refusing to be gaslit into accepting silly, nonsensical things. Some of them are even proud of it. So how about you bump that up to %55 then he’ll be left with the same amount as us. Then the conversation is over. Ten or so Republicans climbed on board, and there are going to be more. But if the establishment says all swans are white, and you’ve seen a black one, your anecdotes become relevant. And I like this from "The Blog That Nobody Reads", because it is -- mostly -- about me. I shall leave it to them. Therefore there is a deep division between those who have been waiting for just such a message so they can stop doing anything, and those who would be enslaved for their maintenance. Let (there) not be any confusion about that.” [emphasis mine]. The point is to put together a temporary, fragile coalition that includes lawmakers who want it to happen. They say they’re the few who have principles. And so with all the loud voices heard most often, belonging to people who haven’t fully reached adulthood, the whole “certify the votes” ritual turned into an imbroglio. I see the new President held a press conference. Should Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez be censured or punished in any way for lying? But none of them are whole. It is the difference between the negative and the positive. I like my beer cold. Freeberg says its "The Blog That Nobody Reads" but it may now become the blog that everybody reads. I guess I’m seeing something not a lot of other people can see. They are “anecdotal” but anecdotal doesn’t mean “it never happened.”. It still hasn’t happened yet. Good manners, but no one’s calling out the losers? Joe Biden has the same issue. Is it dangerous to voice doubts about Biden’s victory, or about election integrity, even when those doubts are sincere? Feminist attacks on men have become commonplace, even expected. 16. Using technology and economic models “borrowed” from us. Someone please tell me, why are we in such a hurry for the entire country to emulate those bits and pieces of it, in which the law of the land is crime itself? Liberals-working-for-other-liberals hasn’t done good things for us here in California, but every day is a new day. Plastic or paper straws. But then in the middle school years when the bullying reached its apex, my growth spurts started to be a little bit…off. But, I resolved quite some time ago to put this up when it comes out, and the day has come. This one has a climactic scene in which the star, Truman, having put all the clues together, takes it upon himself to sail out on the open sea. Also less than impressive. This doesn’t mean I treat either one of them unfairly. They are wounded…incomplete…people. Girlfriend’s husband blows your head off with a shotgun — COVID death. But there’s a certain dishonesty permeating throughout all of them, which we don’t notice because we’re honoring the rules that come with thinking about fiction. 9. 1. I’m not sure I have it myself but Harrison Ford had it in 1977. I’m not interested in political correctness. This is a distinction that is practically meaningless most of the time, but in some contexts the distinction does have meaning. You can’t have more votes than voters. 3. And many would start with that. A year. We see liberals who hate and fear liberty…because they always did. ", and then we realized that it was just part III of, well, three...Damn. These boys have been told just about everything they do is “toxic masculinity,” and it really shows.