If a student declares no contest of the facts leading to the suspension but simply wishes to request consideration for readmission, the student may submit a request in writing for an “appeal for readmission” to the Academic Affairs Action Team within a designated, published number of days of receipt of the notice of suspension. Students who wish to withdraw from some, but not all, classes in a given term are encouraged to meet with an advisor/navigator. 20 or higher in English and 20 or higher in Reading, 480 or higher in Writing and 480 or higher in Critical Reading. The following students are exempt from the English and/or mathematics section(s) of the COMPASS Assessment: To be eligible for these exemptions, assessment scores and/or college transcripts must be on file with the Assessment Director. One component of the QEP requires students successfully complete a prerequisite assessment prior to enrolling for online instruction. Each institution will designate college preparatory courses in language arts and mathematics. Recommendation by the applicant’s instructor to the Associate Dean of Academic Services or Associate Dean of Technical Services by completing the Recommendation for Credit by Examination form, Successful completion (per instructor recommendation) of each competency taught in the course, Fee payment of $25.00 for each course credit earned. “Language arts” is defined as English, reading, and composition. Any missed material will not be re-taught by the instructor. Students are required to complete prerequisites and satisfy corequisites for each course for which they are registered. l   Plagiarism also includes the practice of employing or allowing another person to alter or revise the work which a student submits as his or her own, whoever that other person may be. The full student handbook can be found at www.sheltonstate.edu. Students taking the assessment satisfy this portion of the ASBE College Preparatory Program. Those who have earned thirty-two (32) hours or more are classified as sophomores. Students who have attempted 33 or more semester credit hours at the institution must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA. A transfer grade of “D” will only be accepted when the transfer student’s cumulative GPA is 2.0 or above at the time of admission. The College may grant - but is not required to do so - up to twenty (20) semester hours of credit to a student in a technical program for prior study-related work and/or educational experiences. NOTE: Calculation of the GPA for graduation honors will be identical to that method used to calculate the GPA to fulfill graduation requirements for the degree, diploma, or certificate being earned. Shelton State Community College and The Alabama Community College System recognize that learning occurs in a variety of ways. A student who opposes the sanction imposed by an instructor may appeal the matter to the appropriate Associate Dean. After this period, tuition will not be refunded for course(s) dropped if the student has other courses remaining within that term. Through on-campus leadership opportunities, progressive partnerships with local industry, and innovative instructors with practical experience, Shelton State prepares you for gainful employment and enhanced quality of life. The dean shall not be a member of this appeal panel. The transcript will read SUSPENDED - ONE SEMESTER. This agreement is designed to build upon the educational experiences begun at the secondary level in specific career occupations. If the student has a cumulative 2.0 or above, the “D” grade will be accepted the same as for native students. See the specific programs listed in the catalog for requirements for each certificate. This conference will take place within fourteen working days (or as soon thereafter as may. Golf Course & Country Club in Shelton, Washington. If, at the conclusion of the semester in which the student has attempted a total of 12 or more semester credit hours at the institution, the cumulative GPA at the institution is below 1.5, the student is suspended for one semester. Students who are registered for twelve (12) hours or more are classified as full-time students by the College. Students are required to complete prerequisites and satisfy corequisites for each course for which they are registered. 91 W State Route 108 (2,336.11 mi) Shelton, WA, WA 98584. Students who have questions regarding the syllabus should contact the Office of the Dean of Academic Services, 205.391.3902, or the department of division chairperson. AREA IV:  History, Social and Behavioral Sciences     12 Credit Hours. To receive an AA, AS, or AAS Degree, a student must do the following: Each AAS degree requires 60 - 76 credit hours. Unless extenuating circumstances exist, the change of grade must be made within one semester after the grade was initially assigned. Students must complete three semester hours in speech, unless provisions, for addressing oral communication  competencies represent an integral. Microcomputer Applications, CIS 146       3 Credit Hours, 3. The Policies may also be found by visiting the College’s Web site, www.sheltonstate.edu. Work-related excuses, child-care issues, and/or travel will not excuse an absence. Students who have earned thirty-one (31) semester hours or less are classified as freshmen. Portfolio assessment by itself may be used for PLA only when the following methods cannot be used: course challenge exams as determined by the Associate Dean of Academic Services or Associate Dean of Technical Services, College Level Examination Program (CLEP), American College Testing Proficiency Examination Program (ACT/PEP), Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Support (DANTES), American Council on Education’s Program on Non-collegiate Sponsored Instruction (ACE/PONSI), College Board Advanced Placement (AP) Program, American Council on Education College Credit Recommendation Services (ACE/CREDIT), or American Council on Education Military Program (ACE/MILITARY). Shelton State Community College will obtain written consent from students before disclosing any personally identifiable information from their education records. d. The student has a right to be advised by anyone of the student’s choice. 4. The eligible student may review the record. b.  a 3 - 4 credit hour course with a pre-requisite of MTH 112 . COMPASS retesting is allowed under certain circumstances. A student returning from a one term or one year suspension and, while on Academic Probation, fails to obtain the required GPA for the number of hours attempted and fails to maintain a term GPA of 2.0, will be placed on a ONE YEAR SUSPENSION. It is the student’s responsibility to complete the form to request course forgiveness. If the student still believes there is a problem, he/she has 7 more calendar days from notification of the chair’s response to request in writing a review by the dean is desired. Upon receipt of the Policies, students are deemed to be on notice of the contents of the Policies and are expected to abide by those policies for every class the student attends at the College. Not more than 25 percent of total credit required for any program may be awarded as a result of PLA. At Shelton State Community College, the College Placement Test is the official placement assessment of the institution. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure all course prerequisites and corequisites are met. Upon receiving the syllabus, students are assumed to understand and abide by the expectations, policies, and procedures stated therein. (STARS guide), 2. Final local responsibility for discipline is vested in the President of the College. Recommendations, such as a program of study change, reduced course load, course forgiveness, academic Superior academic achievement by graduating students receiving degrees will be recognized by the following designations on transcripts: Student participation in Phi Theta Kappa, the national post-secondary academic honorary society, will also be noted on the transcript. Credit may not be awarded twice for the same learning. It is the student’s responsibility to complete the form to request course forgiveness. CHM 221 , CHM 222 , PHY 201 , PHY 202 , PHY 213 , PHY 214 . The use of a cell phone or other electronic communication device by a student during a class assessment without the express authorization of the course instructor shall constitute prima facie evidence of cheating. A student may earn the Associate in Arts (AA), Associate in Science (AS), or Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree upon satisfactory completion of the requirements of the specific program as specified by Shelton State Community College and the Alabama Community College System, http://catalog.sheltonstate.edu/content.php?catoid=8&navoid=287. This agreement is designed to build upon the educational experiences begun at the secondary level in specific career occupations. 5. Students must. Instructors are encouraged to keep a record of attendance for each class meeting. The last day to withdraw from any class is defined by the College’s Academic Calendar and occurs approximately 80% of the way through the term for the class (full semester or split term). The appropriate dean, however, is not obligated to follow the instructor’s recommendation. Transfer credit will be evaluated and recorded by Enrollment Services. The Dean of Academic or Technical Services and the Registrar will determine if prior learning credit is available for the particular course(s) and determine the appropriate evidence that must be provided for awarding such credit. The student may appeal a one term or one year suspension. A student participating in approved College activities should make every effort to arrange class responsibilities such as oral reports, speeches, recitals, and group work participation around the schedule of approved activities no hardship is placed on other class members or the instructor. Students may submit a Course Forgiveness Form to the Registrar to request course forgiveness. Students requiring the College Placement Test must complete the assessment prior to enrollment. The panel may hear such evidence and witnesses as it deems appropriate. Full name and student number required. A student may earn a certificate or short-term certificate upon satisfactory completion of specific program requirements as determined by the College in accordance with policies of the Alabama Community College System. eLearning Orientation. Identify the party or class to whom disclosure may be made, and, Participation in officially recognized activities and sports, Weight and height if a member of an athletic team, Dates of attendance and current status (full or part-time). 7. After appeal to the Student Services Action group, the Office of the Dean of Student Services will ensure that the student is granted due process through the following steps: 1. Financial aid will be adversely affected by absence the first day of class. The letter must be submitted to the appropriate associate dean (Academic or Technical Services) within seven (7) business days of the beginning of the following term. Classes taught at the College are governed by the “Standard College Policies” (the “Policies”). In the event that an I is given, the instructor must submit to the division chair (or other designees) a written plan for the student to complete the work to establish the course grade. Compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. For additional information, contact the Office of Financial Aid, 205.391.2218. All Courses. Hours forgiven when a student declares academic bankruptcy will still be included for determining financial aid eligibility. The Alabama Community College System has directed that each institution offer a program of college preparatory instruction. Students who have questions regarding the syllabus should contact their instructor or the department or division chairperson. A student course overload must be approved by the Dean of Academic or Technical Services. Misrepresentation: The falsifying, altering, or misstating the contents of documents or other materials related to academic matters, including schedules, prerequisites, transcripts, and medical or military excuses. Implementation of academic bankruptcy at an institution does not guarantee that other institutions will approve such action. Upon satisfactory completion of the requirements described in the section entitled Requirements for Academic Credentials, the student is considered to have earned a certificate or degree. Academic bankruptcy hours will be counted in the attempted hours for financial aid in determining a student’s quantitative standards of progress. Developmental courses will not count toward the minimum course load requirement, a semester grade point average of 4.0; and. Grades accrued at other regionally accredited post-secondary institutions are not included in GPA calculation. Students who wish to make an adjustment to their schedule during the published Drop/Add period may do so by accessing the online student portal. Students are expected to attend all classes for which they are registered. As a component of a well-balanced educational plan, Shelton State encourages students to include a course in health, Ecological Approach to Health and Fitness, HED 199 , or Personal Health, HED 221 , which transfers to most four-year institutions as an elective. Students must complete 8 credit hours in the natural sciences, which must, include laboratory experiences as a significant component. completion of a minimum semester course load of 12 semester credit hours of college-level work. Additionally, a copy of the written decision will be provided to the student. Area/Ethnic Studies, Art or Art History, Foreign Languages,  Humanities. The transcript will read ADMITTED ON ACADEMIC PROBATION. (If the case involves misrepresentation, as defined above, the appropriate dean may refer the matter to the Dean of Student Services). Shelton State Community College Transfer Credit Listing Transfer Credit Listing The TROY Transfer Credit Listing is designed to be a resource to identify potential transfer credit and associated TROY course equivalents from completed course work at other regionally accredited institutions of … Possible acceptable, documented excused absences include representing the College in officially approved activities, military service, accidents, court appearances, illness of the student or illness of an immediate family member, or the death of an immediate family member. A student auditing classes must fulfill admission requirements as stated in the Admissions/Records Information section of this catalog and meet all required course prerequisites. This Course Forgiveness Policy applies at Shelton State Community College only; respective transfer institutions may or may not accept the adjusted cumulative grade point average.