Creates strong winds when the ability activates. A Pokémon under the effect of Embargo cannot use Fling. A Pokémon that has used the move Minimize (or had the effect passed to it via Baton Pass) will be affected more harmfully by some moves. Enables a sure getaway from wild Pokémon. Please note that these websites' privacy policies and security practices may differ from The Pokémon Company International's standards. The Ability Magic Bounce reflects the same moves. Raises power of Dark type moves for all Pokémon in battle. These abilities affect Status Effects . The effect of Telekinesis is canceled when Gravity is used, the levitated Pokémon uses Ingrain, or the levitated Pokémon obtains an Iron Ball; Telekinesis cannot lift targets if Gravity is in effect, and will fail if used on a target that is rooted or holding an Iron Ball. Protects the Pokémon from ball and bomb moves. The Pokémon makes it rain when it enters a battle. In Generations I and II, the effect of Leech Seed is applied after the afflicted Pokémon takes its turn. Abilities have been present in Pokémon games since the 3rd generation, and continue to introduce tons of game play elements that go beyond the basic stats and attacks. In Generation V, Pokémon glow purple while afflicted with poison. A stop-gap measure of dealing with Paralysis is to switch in a slow, bulky Pokémon against a likely Paralysis abuser, but it is recommended to have a more reliable method of dealing with it. Starting in Generation VI, Ghost-type Pokémon can switch out and flee regardless of the can't escape status. Multi-turn attacks such as Fly and Dive require confusion to be checked both turns, further reducing the chance of a successful attack. In Generation V, if the Pokémon has Magic Coat active, the move will fail. If the move Gravity is used, Fly, Bounce, and Sky Drop cannot be used, and any Pokémon in the air return to the ground with their move cancelled; due to a glitch in the Generation V games, if Gravity is used while Sky Drop is in effect, only the user will be returned to the ground—the target will be permanently stuck airborne. The Pokémon creates a Grassy Terrain when it enters a battle. In Generation II, Steel-type Pokémon cannot be poisoned by Poison-type moves (but they can be poisoned by Twineedle); from Generation III onward, Steel-type Pokémon and Pokémon with the Immunity Ability cannot normally be poisoned. The Pokémon may heal its own status problems. Pokémon can't attack on consecutive turns. All status problems heal when it switches out. In Generation I, semi-invulnerable Pokémon avoid all moves except Swift, Transform, and Bide, and can exploit the Invulnerability glitch. Furthermore, Ghost-type Pokémon can now switch out or flee even if they are trapped by a binding move. If the user of the binding move switches out or is knocked out, all targets bound by that Pokémon's moves will be freed. Protects allies from attacks that limit their move choices. Some Pokémon also have ways to eliminate status effects from themselves. D&D Beyond From Generation V onward, Pokémon close their eyes while sleeping and move more slowly. Additionally, a Pokémon with Natural Cure will cure its status condition when switching out, any Pokémon with Hydration will be automatically cured of any non-volatile status condition at the end of the turn (during rain), and any Pokémon with Shed Skin has a 33% chance to heal any of these status conditions. While Static is a decent ability, its problem comes with how Electric-type Pokémon's stats are usually distributed, with high speed and either attack or special attack, but little in the way of defenses. In Generations I and II, Ice-type Pokémon cannot be frozen by Ice-type moves (but they can be frozen by Tri Attack in Generation II). Inflicts damage to the attacker on contact. Powers up ally Pokémon's Steel-type moves. The game will get a … In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series, Infatuation prevents the Pokémon from doing anything for 5-6 turns, and causes linked moves to cease. Many Pokémon have access to one of two base abilities plus a secret hidden ability, giving a maximum of three to choose from. Contact may poison or cause paralysis or sleep. If the user of the binding move is holding a Grip Claw, the duration will always be 5 turns. In Generation IV, a Pokémon whose HP is reduced to 1 via poison outside of battle will have the poison status removed; in Generations I to III, its HP will be reduced to 0 (causing it to faint). The Pokémon moves after all other Pokémon do. Pokémon Abilities List. Makes stat changes have an opposite effect. Please note that these websites' privacy policies and security practices may differ from The Pokémon Company International's standards. A volatile battle status is usually self-inflicted and will wear off when a Pokémon is taken out of battle or a battle is over. If a move cannot target the center of attention, it will be used on its intended target. Attack. It initially inflicts damage equal to 1/16 of the Pokémon's maximum HP, with the damage inflicted increasing by 1/16 each turn (2/16 on the second turn, 3/16 on the third turn, etc.). Pokémon with Steadfast still flinch, but gain Speed each time they do so. Boosts the Defense stat in Grassy Terrain. A Pokémon can be charging when using any of the following moves. Damaging Z-Moves will also strike through protection, but deal only one-quarter of the damage they would otherwise deal. III 233 Neuroforce: Powers up moves that are super effective. A Pokémon that uses Protect, Detect, Spiky Shield, or Baneful Bunker will be unaffected by both damaging moves and status moves during that turn. If the user of the binding move held a Binding Band, the bound Pokémon takes 1/8 of its maximum HP as damage each turn (instead of 1/16). In Generation VI, a Pokémon affected by Heal Block cannot use HP-draining moves, except Leech Seed. A volatile status is a status condition that is inflicted by a move or Ability from another Pokémon and will wear off when a Pokémon is switched out of battle or when a battle is over. Pokémon that are readying Razor Wind whip up a whirlwind. To view a list of which Pokémon are able to learn each respective ability, click on the ability name or description to go to that ability profile page. Powers up moves if they become critical hits when attacking. Pokémon Abilities are various powers or characteristics that each Pokémon possesses and uses passively in a Pokémon battle. A Pokémon will be taking aim when using any of the following moves. Support the PokéCommunity’s running costs with a small monetary donation. The Pokémon gradually regains HP in a hailstorm. When a Pokémon uses Mind Reader or Lock-On to take aim at a target, the user's next damage-dealing move will hit that target without fail, even if the opponent uses a move that offers a turn of semi-invulnerability, such as Fly. In Generation I, a Pokémon that wakes up is not able to attack during that same turn; from Generation II onward, a Pokémon can wake up and use a move during the same turn. If the sleeping Pokémon awakens, then the nightmare will no longer be in effect. A bound Pokémon now takes damage equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP each turn, instead of 1/16; if the user of the binding move held a Binding Band, the bound Pokémon takes damage equal to 1/6 of its maximum HP instead. The Pokémon copies the Ability of a defeated ally. Protects the Pokémon from Defense-lowering attacks. It is caused when Attract is used on an opponent of the opposite gender, may be caused when a Pokémon makes contact with a Pokémon of the opposite gender that has Cute Charm as its Ability, and is caused to the target of the infatuation when a Pokémon holding a Destiny Knot is infatuated. The Focus Sash, Focus Band, and Ability Sturdy all have similar effects. Retrieves a Poké Ball from a failed throw. Damages the attacker landing the finishing hit. The first are non-volatile, the second are volatile, and the third lasts while a Pokémon is in battle. Ups Defense if there is a status problem. Boosts the Pokémon's Speed stat in a hailstorm. A volatile status condition is not indicated by an icon. It powers up Fire-type moves if it's hit by one. From Generation III onward, Fire-type Pokémon and Pokémon with the Water Veil or Water Bubble Ability cannot normally be burned. Since they aren't shown in battle as a status condition (having an icon) a Pokémon can be affected with multiple volatile battle statuses, volatile conditions and a non-volatile condition at the same time. Boosts move power when the Pokémon moves last. Several two-turn moves have a turn where a Pokémon becomes semi-invulnerable, and most moves will miss regardless of accuracy, even moves that never miss. Dynamax Pokémon and Pokémon with the Inner Focus Ability are immune to flinching. A Pokémon that can't escape can still switch out if it is holding a Shed Shell; uses U-turn, Volt Switch, or Baton Pass; or is hit by Whirlwind, Roar, Dragon Tail, or Circle Throw. Each of the 386 Pokémon have a special Ability some unique to that Pokémon, others spread about through many other Pokémon. Items such as Potions can still be used to heal the Pokémon. Pokemon with magic guard are immune to taking damage from status, items, or weather. Technician However, a sleeping Pokémon may hurt itself in confusion if using a move such as Snore or Sleep Talk. In Generations I and II, if a badly poisoned Pokémon is switched out, the condition reverts to regular poison. In Generation I and Generation VII, burn inflicts damage equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP every turn; from Generation II to VI, burn inflicts damage equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP every turn. This effect can be Baton Passed. Today, I’m going to focus on status effects. Atk if another Pokémon has Plus or Minus. Most moves which cause burn are Fire-type. The flinch status is a one-turn status that prevents a Pokémon from attacking. If Baton Pass switches in a Pokémon that is not asleep (via Sleep Talk), then the nightmare will no longer be in effect. Status Conditions are various effects caused by abilities or moves of Pokémon. If burnt, the Pokémon does not suffer the usual drop in Attack. The most Abilities any species or form has is three: two normal Abilities and one Hidden Ability. Combines Unnerve and Chilling Neigh/Grim Neigh. Contact with the Pokémon may cause paralysis. Boosts the power of aura and pulse moves. Boosts sound-based moves and halves damage from the same moves. Pokémon that have flown up high are vulnerable to Gust, Smack Down, Sky Uppercut, Thunder, Twister, and Hurricane. If the target switches out before the turn duration ends, the binding move will automatically be used against the incoming Pokémon, deducting an additional PP from the move. All status conditions heal when the Pokémon switches out. From Generation VI onward, Electric-type Pokémon cannot be paralyzed. III Swift Swim: Doubles speed when it is raining. If a bound Pokémon uses Rapid Spin, it will be freed. The freeze condition (FRZ) causes a Pokémon to be unable to use moves. All these effects can be cured with a Lum Berry, a Full Heal, a Full Restore, a Lava Cookie, an Old Gateau, Heal Powder, a Miracle Berry, a Casteliacone, or Sacred Ash. When its stats are lowered its Attack increases. In sunshine, Sp. A tormented Pokémon cannot use the same move twice in a row. Sleep lasts for a randomly chosen duration of 1 to 7 turns in the handheld Generation I games, 1 to 3 turns in Pokémon Stadium, 1 to 5 turns in Generations II to IV (except the Japanese versions of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl), and 1 to 3 turns in Generation V onwards,[1]. Prevents other Pokémon from lowering Attack stat. Boosts the Attack stat, but lowers accuracy. If a Ghost-type Pokémon uses Curse, its target will be afflicted by the cursed condition. The Pokémon uses its moves without making contact with the target. A non-volatile status condition is a status condition that remains outside of battle and after being switched out. Normalize: All the Pokémon's moves become Normal type. A Pokémon can be trapped when struck by any of the following moves. Abilities, introduced in Generation 3 (Ruby/Sapphire), are special attributes given to each Pokémon that can aid them in battle. Ups Sp. The Pokémon moves after all other Pokémon do. Boosts Special Attack after knocking out a Pokémon. Pokémon Proposed Signature Ability; Supremacy - Status problems inflicted by the bearer cannot be prevented (not even by immunity to the status problem). From Generation I to VI, the chance to hurt itself is 50%; from Generation VII onwards, it is 33%. In Generation I, poison inflicts damage equal to 1/16 of its maximum HP every turn; from Generation II onward, it inflicts damage equal to 1/8 of its maximum HP. Negates all moves that force switching out. Pokémon cannot be frozen in harsh sunlight. From Generation III onward, burn damage is applied after all Pokémon on the field have taken their turns (and there is no skipping). Pokémon with the Limber Ability cannot normally be paralyzed. All moves which badly poison are Poison-type, except Psycho Shift (while badly poisoned) and Fling (if Toxic Orb is held). Turns the sunlight extremely harsh when the ability activates. This effect can be transferred by Baton Pass. If they make their way in Pokémon GO, 1 of these 2 things can happen: 1. Magic Bounce and Dancer have no effect when their user is semi-invulnerable. Boosts the Pokémon's evasion in a sandstorm. Draws in all Water-type moves to up Sp. The table contains the name and description of the ability. Starmie, Corsola, Blissey, and Celebi have an ability called Natural Cure, which heals them from any status condition when switching out during a battle, or when the battle ends. Abilities are a game mechanic that provide a passive effect in battle or in the overworld. Click an ability name to see the Pokémon Powers up party Pokémon when it is sunny. In Generation V only, a Pokémon's sleep counter is reset to its original amount when switched out; this also applies for self-induced sleep. Restores a little HP when withdrawn from battle. Boosts the Pokémon's Attack stat but only allows the use of the first selected move. A Pokémon with No Guard can hit the Pokémon during their semi-invulnerable state, and a Pokémon with No Guard in the semi-invulnerable state can be hit by any Pokémon. If the Pokémon that used the binding move held a Binding Band, the damage is instead equal to 1/8 of the afflicted Pokémon's maximum HP. A bound Pokémon is also trapped, preventing it from switching and escape. A volatile status is a status condition that is inflicted by a move or Ability from another Pokémon and will wear off when a Pokémon is switched out of battle or when a battle is over. This effect is not transferred by Baton Pass. Pokémon with the Own Tempo Ability are immune to being confused. If the protected Pokémon is hit by Feint, Shadow Force, Hyperspace Fury, Hyperspace Hole, or Phantom Force—which can all hit regardless of protection—the Pokémon's protection is removed for the rest of the turn. Magical coat reflects status effects back at the attacker, sorta like counter and mirror coat reflect damage. Even if the binding move misses, the target will not need to recharge for Hyper Beam. If the Pokémon that used the binding move held a Binding Band, the damage is instead equal to 1/6 of the afflicted Pokémon's maximum HP. Ghost-type Pokémon can no longer be trapped, meaning that they can switch out and flee regardless of being bound. A Pokémon cannot gain a non-volatile status condition if it's already afflicted by another one. Burn damage is halved if the Pokémon has the Ability Heatproof. A Pokémon that is infatuated cannot attack 50% of the time, even against Pokémon other than the one it is infatuated with. The Pokémon Company International is not responsible for the content of any linked website that is not operated by The Pokémon Company International. Additionally, Imposter (Ditto's signature Ability) automatically causes the user to transform into the opponent. Boosts certain moves' power in a sandstorm. Reckless: Powers up moves that have recoil damage. This Ability raises a Pokémon’s Attack when they’re afflicted by a status (the drop from burn doesn’t apply), a perfect way to circumvent one of the biggest threats to physical attackers. The paralysis condition (PAR) reduces the Pokémon's Speed stat and causes it to have a 25% chance of being unable to use a move ("fully paralyzed") when trying to use one. A Pokémon can be identified when struck by any of the following moves. ... Heals Status Conditions of nearby Pokémon at the start of the turn: Warm Blanket The bad poison condition inflicts damage every turn, with the amount of damage increasing each turn. Pokémon with Aroma Veil and their allies are immune to Taunt. Creates a sandstorm when hit by an attack. In this game, a Pokémon that has flinched is unable to perform any actions (i.e. From Generation III onward, the poison remains bad poison while switched out, but the damage counter will be reset when switched back in (i.e. A bound Pokémon can still flee (but not switch out) if it has the Ability Run Away or is holding a Smoke Ball. The Pokémon is protected against critical hits. If the user of the binding move switches out before the target is released, the target will be unable to attack during that turn. Baton Pass transfers the Perish Song countdown. Pokémon with the Ability Volt Absorb or Water Absorb will take damage, as opposed to healing, from Electric- or Water-type attacks respectively while Heal Block is in effect. Many volatile status conditions will also wear off after a number of turns have passed. Draws in all Electric-type moves to up Sp. What Are Pokémon Abilities? A Pokémon readying Skull Bash withdraws it head for one turn, in which it cannot act. In Generation V, Pokémon glow yellow while afflicted with paralysis and their animation will be slowed significantly. From Generation V onward, Leftovers and Shell Bell cannot heal Pokémon affected by Heal Block. Substitutes also prevent the opponent from lowering the user's stat stages. From Generation V onward, Pokémon that have used Minimize will also receive double damage from Steamroller. Each Pokémon can have only one ability, however, some have the option of two different abilities. A Pokémon will recharge when using any of the following moves. Changes the Pokémon's type to its last used move. Pokémon that can have this ability include Dewgong, Lapras, and Vaporeon. Prevents the use of self-destructing moves. Makes the foe nervous and unable to eat Berries. From Generation III onward, a Pokémon that can't escape can still flee or Teleport from a wild battle if it is holding a Smoke Ball or has the Ability Run Away. Powers up moves if they become critical hits. Abilities are special effects given to Pokémon that can either help or hinder Pokémon, but are unable to be seen. In the current metagame, status moves and abilities are not very much talked about. A taunted Pokémon can still use a status Z-Move. Abilities, a feature that was introduced in the games Ruby/Sapphire have become a vital aid to every Pokémon trainer. Anticipates an ally's attack and dodges it. Infatuation cannot be passed with Baton Pass. It's displayed in the party screen, and the Pokémon's summary. VIII 099 No Guard The Pokémon cannot be affected by Magnet Rise and Telekinesis and they are removed if active upon rooting. Restores additional HP when a Berry is consumed. Deals more damage to a Pokémon of same gender. This could save your offensive Blissey from losing too much HP from an unexpected status. it always will take 1/16 of its maximum HP as damage after switching in). Here's a list of every Ability and Hidden Ability in Gen 8, a description of what it does, what overworld effects it has, and a list of which Pokémon from Sword and Shield have the chance of learning it. Ignores moves and abilities that draw in moves. Pokémon that are readying Sky Attack become cloaked in light. In Generation V, Pokémon glow red while afflicted with burn. The opponent's evasion modification will not affect the accuracy of a Pokémon that uses Foresight, Odor Sleuth, or Miracle Eye. This effect can be transferred by Baton Pass. Boosts the Pokémon's Speed in a sandstorm. Contact with the Pokémon may cause infatuation. A Pokémon can be affected by multiple volatile status conditions at a time. Many moves that cause paralysis are Electric-type moves. Starting in generation 3 with Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, each Pokémon wields an ability, a passive trait that provides a (generally positive) effect in battle.Abilities come in all shapes and sizes, and we've seen hundreds over the years. The move Purify will cure a major status ailment from the target as well as healing the user by 50% of its maximum HP. In Generations I and II, Fire-type Pokémon cannot be burned by Fire-type moves (but they can be burned by Tri Attack in Generation II). The Pokémon employs no-guard tactics to ensure incoming and outgoing attacks always land. When a Pokémon of that species is generated (e.g. In Pokémon Conquest, all status conditions disappear after battle. From simply powering up moves of a specific type, to completely altering forms of Pokémon, abilities have near infinite potential to further vary our Pokémon. Bulbapedia will be undergoing maintenance today (10 March 2021) starting at 12:30PM UTC. Prevents other Pokémon from lowering accuracy. Reduces HP if it is hot. Although only the first attack can be a critical hit, every attack during the duration will do the same amount of damage. Pokémon that have used Dig burrow underground, and can be hit by Earthquake, Magnitude, and Fissure. In addition, all other moves, except one-hit knockout moves, hit the target regardless of accuracy and evasion; however, it does not allow moves to hit semi-invulnerable Pokémon. Focus Sash, Focus Band, and Sturdy can prevent a Pokémon from knocking itself out due to confusion. PokemonPets Pokémon Abilities List. Each turn, a Pokémon afflicted with Leech Seed loses 1/8 (1/16 in Generation I) of its maximum hit points. Damages attackers using any draining move. Several two-turn moves have a turn where a Pokémon cannot act. From Generation III onward, Ice-type Pokémon and Pokémon with the Magma Armor Ability cannot normally be frozen. After a battle is over, the badly poisoned status will become a regular poison. Sniper. Makes status-changing moves more likely to miss. They can be cured by healing at a Pokémon Center, specific curative items, specific moves, and other ways. Ensures attacks by or against the Pokémon land. The Pokémon summons a hailstorm in battle. In Generation I, Pokémon cannot be paralyzed by damaging moves of the same type as themselves. The Pokémon Company International is not responsible for the content of any linked website that is not operated by The Pokémon Company International. A Pokémon levitating on magnetism via Magnet Rise is immune to Ground-type attacks for five turns. Raises the likelihood of meeting wild Pokémon. Normal-type moves become Electric-type moves and their power boosted. If a Pokémon uses Mimic, this move will be temporarily replaced by another move copied from the target. A Pokémon that can't escape is unable to switch out or flee as long as the Pokémon that trapped it is on the field. If the Pokémon that used Leech Seed switches out or faints, any Pokémon in the same position as the original user gains the drained HP instead. From Generation I to IV, a poisoned Pokémon loses 1 HP for every four steps taken outside of battle. While a Pokémon is bound, it cannot use moves, including on the turn it is hit if it would move second. Contact moves can strike through Protect/Detect. A Pokémon can be bound when struck by any of the following moves. Learn more… Donate now From Generation II onwards, this also boosts the Pokémon's Defense. From Generation VI onward, Pokémon with Oblivious are immune to the Taunt condition; if a Pokémon with Oblivious is afflicted by Taunt (such as if it is taunted by a Pokémon with an Ability like Mold Breaker), it will be cured immediately. These Pokémon include Meganium and Jumpluff. The Pokémon creates an Electric Terrain when it enters a battle. Damage done by a binding move's continuing duration is done after recurrent damage. Oblivious The cursed condition remains as long as the afflicted Pokémon is on the field. The sleeping Pokémon loses ¼ of its maximum hit points every turn. If a Pokémon afflicted with Leech Seed uses Baton Pass, Leech Seed is transferred to its replacement, even if it is Grass-type. Clear Body – Prevents other Pokémon’s moves or Abilities from lowering the Pokémon’s stats. If at such a time Hyper Beam has 0 PP, it will still be used; in this case, due to the same glitch, the move's PP will roll over to 63 and full PP Ups will be applied to it. Most moves that cause flinching are physical moves. In Triple Battles, the center of attention will draw the attacks of all opponents in the field, but it can only draw attacks from non-adjacent opponents if they use a move which is able to strike non-adjacent targets. This turn can be skipped with a Power Herb. If the center of attention faints, switches out, or is taken into the air by Sky Drop, it no longer draws moves. If a cursed Pokémon uses Baton Pass, the cursed condition is passed to its replacement. Passes a burn, poison, or paralysis to the foe. Ups Defense if there is a status problem. Most Pokémon use their Abilities in battle. In Generation II only, sleeping Pokémon cannot flinch when hit by moves that cause flinching (but can flinch via King's Rock), and are thus able to successfully execute Sleep Talk or Snore regardless. From Generation V onward, the Mental Herb cures the Pokémon of Taunt. They were introduced in Generation III as an all new game mechanic. Contact with the Pokémon may burn the attacker. After three turns, all Pokémon who heard the Perish Song will faint, excluding Pokémon with the Soundproof Ability. In Generation IV and V, a Pokémon affected by Heal Block can use HP-draining moves and still inflict damage, but will not restore HP. From Generation VI onward, the bound status deals damage equal to 1/8 of the afflicted Pokémon's maximum HP at the end of each turn. Synchronize – The attacker will receive the same status condition if it inflicts a burn, poison, or paralysis to the Pokémon. Deals double damage to Pokémon switching in. You can even get a few cool things by doing so. Many volatile status conditions will also wear off after a number of turns have passed. Not every Ability is beneficial; some will hinder the user. The Pokémon gradually regains HP in rain. 55 Effective Healing Increases the effectiveness of usable healing items by 100% and the effectiveness of held items by 50%. There are 308 single-ability Pokémon and 355 dual-ability Pokémon. 10 Neutralizing Gas Sometimes, an Ability doesn’t need to have a flashy effect in and of itself. Additionally, Pokémon with abilities like Limber are immune to Paralysis and status healing abilities like Natural Cure or Hydration can also be used. Pokémon that have used Fly, Bounce, or Sky Drop (both the user and target) fly up high. The effect will also take place when Perish Body is activated. All sound-based moves become Water-type moves. A binding move will negate the recharge turn of Hyper Beam only if successful. No Guard: Ensures attacks by or against the Pokémon land. A Pokémon can be affected by multiple volatile status conditions at a time. Prevents other Pokémon from lowering its stats. Natural Cure – All status conditions heal when the Pokémon switches out. All other effects of the status condition remain, e.g. Some moves cannot be stopped by protection, such as Future Sight and Curse. The Leech Seed status can be caused by Leech Seed or Sappy Seed. Additionally, if the user of the binding move attacks before the user of Hyper Beam during a recharge turn and the use of the binding move misses, the user of Hyper Beam will automatically use Hyper Beam during that turn. "Can’t Escape" is an unfortunate status condition that makes it impossible for the afflicted Pokémon to flee battle or be switched out. The charging can be skipped with a Power Herb, or in the case of Solar Beam and Solar Blade, the presence of harsh sunlight.