As it does not go by the principle of increasing crop size, it has lesser complications for the soil and atmosphere. 8. List of Cons of Organic Farming. 6 Pros and Cons of Organic Food Organic food refers to fruits, vegetables, meat, and other foodstuff that are grown, raised, and processed through organic farming. Buying organic is not your only defense against the pesticides found in the foods that comprise the dirty dozen. Organic foods are free of harmful pesticides, antibiotics, GMOs, and additives.. Another concern for organic products is the cost which is a bit higher than non-organic food. In organic farms, there is increased diversity of crops. A lot of people believe that the production of organic food will not allow the use of chemical fertilizers or pesticides. Eat organic and forget about heart disease! Research made by the British and Swedish food agencies has found that organic food has not been considered safer compared to food produced via conventional means. 5. Additionally, organic farms typically produce less … Taste in food develops with the amount of its sugar content. The Pros: You lighten your carbon footprint: Many organic options are created to reduce or eliminate infestations without harming humans, pets, plants, or the environment. Getting a lot of information can often mean that it will be more challenging to figure out what needs to be done. Even the animals under organic farming are fed with organic supply devoid of synthetic growth hormones or antibiotics. Many people believe that organic food does not … This is the most alarming fact related to organic food. Let’s have a look at the various cons of organic food: In organic farming, the produce is usually lower due to lack of synthetic fertilizers. So, what are you planning to do? Nutrition Tips - Pros & Cons of Organic Food - Duration: 2:52. geobeats 4,734 views. According to sources, the concept of organic farming can be friendly to the environment. Contents. As such, they tend to be pricey than non organic food. What else can be the best pros of organic food than this. On the other hand, genetically modifying food products should make them produce more and make them last long. 2. Actually, organic food is produced without artificial preservatives or irradiation. It goes off the shelves rather quickly. Organic food will ensure people of lower levels of pesticides as only a low amount of chemicals are used for the production of organic food. Price – Many times the word “organic” brings to mind another word — expensive. pros cons Organic Foods are not sprayed with toxic chemicals: It does cost almost twice as much... Organic Foods help the enviorment Organically raised animals need more care. Organic farming is a boon to our deteriorating environment. Hydrogenated Fat-Free. Often, the meat and produce is raised organically but lacks costly organic certification. Let’s take a look at some of the main pros and cons: Organic food – the advantages Organic food is: 12. You can enjoy naturally sweet apples and berries. I have professional career as freelance writer since last four years. Studies have indicated that organic foods are not only safe for humans but also safe for the environment as well. Hence, there is no reason believing that it will provide a healthier alternative to non-organic food. There is evidence to suggest that eating organic foods can reduce your exposure to cadmium by 48%. 6. At the same time, it will be a lot better for the environment and for the animals. 2. Audio Lesson. With better nutritional inputs, organic farms increase this taste considerably. This... 2. 5. They also conserve water for our future. Well, the bottom line is that the choice is yours. This is basically due to non feasibility of organic farming in every region. Animal-Friendly [ Read: Organic Food Brands Available In Market ]. Pesticides have also been known to be hazardous to children and women who are pregnant. Likewise, it can be a disadvantage to pregnant women as it will put added strain particularly on their taxed organs. For this reason, the consumption of organic foods has been linked to the risk of ingesting e-coli bacteria into the digestive system of a person. All these factors make them heavier on your pocket. As such, the food you eat has no chemical residues to harm your body. Likewise, the Organic Trade Association said that it will help in the reduction of soil erosion as it creates richer soil aiding in plant growth and reduces groundwater pollutants. GM technology has been adopted more rapidly than any other agricultural technologies. It goes off the shelves rather quickly. A valuable alternative to tackle malnutrition Some plants are genetically altered to increase their nutritional status. Fast Rotting: This is the most alarming fact related to organic food. Hydrogenated Fat-Free It also readies you to take on the challenges of hectic life schedules easily. Easily Goes Bad Today, you can find store shelves stacked with organic snacks and cereals along with usual vegetables, fruits, milk, and meat. This makes organic farm produce good for human consumption and reduce the risk of a heart condition as compared to other non-organic products. In this blog post, the pros and cons of organic farming are examined. 3. Organic farming reduces pollutants in groundwater and creates richer soil that aids plant growth while reducing erosion, according to the Organic Trade Association. Minimal Chemicals Allowed Therefore, it is always good for the heart to patronize organic food. No Nutritional Proof Farm markets and community-supported agricultural co-ops are a good resource for consumers. While more people are now inclined to ‘go organic’, certain myths about this latest health trend have been broken in recent studies. The levels of bacteria have been found in the production of organic foods. So then, let's try to make sense of all the different possible pros and cons of organic foods: Starting at the negative side: 1. Longer Growth Period However, organic food production still allows a minimal amount of chemicals in order to develop a reasonable amount of produce. The toxins in such food can cause serious health issues for them. You have to choose whether or not you want to buy organic that way. Organic food usually, if not always, is more expensive than conventionally grown food. If you believe that you'll get what you pay for and believe in the health benefits of organic food, you will gladly pay extra for “clean food.”I have found that sometimes the higher cost is only pennies higher, or I can usually find organic … I prefer writing on fashion, beauty, travel & tourism, personal care, life style and health. In recent years due to elevated rates pesticides have been associated with diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer’s. Thus, it will be harmful for children as well as pregnant women as they have vulnerable immune systems. Organic food is more expensive to buy than non-organic food. 2. 1. Should I Buy Organic Food and Products Online? 4. With these pros and cons of organic foods, whether you should choose organic food or not, depends on your personal choice anyways! Organic foods are not expensive and full of natural ingredients that are safe for the digestive system and other systems of a human body. But it is also possible for the production of conventionally-grown vegetables and fruits with fewer residues. Organic farming uses manure instead of fertilizers, crop rotation in place of single crop, weeding for herbicides, and nitrogen-fixing plants instead of nitrogen fertilizers. The sales figures for organic food may seem promising. Healthier Alternative to Conventional Food Anything that is produced at a farm that uses green and environmentally-friendly methods of production is beautiful and healthy. Pesticides are used to prevent... 2. They have less of an environmental impact than conventional farming.. It’s well known that pollutants from... 3. 2:52. Organic food may go ‘off’ more quickly than non-organic produce. Moreover, food producers have ensured that certain types of meat should taste just like how they should on the basis of different taste test experiments. These are general pros and cons of GMO crops and food.The reality is that the final list of pros and cons can be individual to the type of crop or food being grow, where it’s grown, how it’s grown, how it’s approved and regulated, and so on. Attractive means that the item both tastes and looks very good. Organic food refers to crops that are grown without the use of harmful pesticides, irradiation, fertilizers, and other synthetic materials. The increase of sales of organic food each year has been thought of as a response to increasing public concerns in the use of pesticides. Since organic food products are not modified genetically, they are better and richer in taste. And you are also safe from poisonous pesticides posing serious health issues. Is organic food really so much healthier than conventionally grown food? All these factors make them heavier on your pocket. Buy local food. According to sources, the concept of organic farming can be friendly to the environment. This is because organic fruit and vegetables do not contain artificial preservatives and are not irradiated. Once you have ensured that you have consumed the right diet for your daily consumption, you can incorporate some organic foods along the way. Click here for additional information . Starting from the high-end health stores, organic food has now entered the mainstream markets and grocery shops. I desire to take my writing skills on higher levels through interesting and informative articles. You can take control against pests without repeatedly subjecting the environment – or loved ones – to toxic chemicals. However, the food is not just beautiful and healthy but delicious too. In fact, lower birth weight, autism, and birth defects in some cases are attributed to these chemicals. PROS of Organic Foods: Pesticides are not used in organic foods; natural compounds are used instead. Nevertheless, making the right choices to achieve a healthy lifestyle can be difficult to make. As such, they tend to be pricey than non organic food. This bacteria found in intestinal tract of animals is a threat to human health. Many health risks, such as cancer, are associated with pesticide use. This is also thought of as a result to the increasing awareness of the production of food and the distance being traveled. Organic farming induces better taste in your food. Research has proved that pesticides and harmful fertilizers of non organic food may traverse placenta to harm the unborn babies. Also, because, organic food has lower shelf life, you cannot always expect to procure it from far flung areas where organic farming is done. Pros: Organic farming is usually healthier for farm workers. Let’s discuss some of the pros and cons associated with organic foods. 1. Organic clothes, organic food, organic cleaning products – the word “organic” seems to be the hottest trend right now. The following two tabs change content below. Let’s have a look at the various cons of organic food: 7. You will choose organic or stick to the tried and tested food? Pros of Organic Meat & Produce. More Expensive Eating these items can reduce your exposure to some pesticide residues. You can buy practically everything else you need online (cars, houses, and so on). StyleCraze provides content of general nature that is designed for informational purposes only. This, in turn, reduces your risk to heart related ailments. Organic farming also conserve water and soil. It Tastes Better I believe in writing with thought integrity and an effort to instigate interest of the readers in the content. It … Lower Levels of Pesticides Organic Nutrition: Pros And Cons. It is often a popular belief that organic food has a lot of health benefits compared to non-organic products. 500 Cutest Dachshund Names for a Girl or Boy Puppy Dog, Top 500 Golden Retriever Names for a Female or Male Puppy, 301 Great Pyrenees Dog Names for a Female or Male Puppy, 500 Cutest Yorkie Names for a Girl or Boy Puppy Dog, Golden Pyrenees Guide: 26 Facts About the Great Pyrenees Golden Retriever Mix, German Shepherd Great Pyrenees Mix Guide: 27 Things to Know About the Germanees, German Shepherd Akita Corgi Mix: 26 Things Every Owner Should Know, Chihuahua German Shepherd Mix Guide: 25 Things to Know About a Chihuahua Shepherd, Alaskan Shepherd Guide: 29 Things Every Owner Should Know, Blue Heeler German Shepherd Mix: 26 Things Every Owner Should Know. They are rich in antioxidants, have a high concentration of nutrients and are free from harmful pesticides as well. Some alarming revelations have been made in recent studies that organic food is not actually better than conventional food on the counts of health benefits and nutrition. Organic foods taste much better than non-organic foods. Balance in the diet must be considered by people prior to buying organic foods. However, before you jump on the organic bandwagon, it is important to identify the pros and cons of purchasing and consuming organic foods. #9 Is climate-friendly Tell us in the comments section. 1. 2. And now, this technology is used by 16 million farmers. Here are the pros and cons of eating organic foods: Pros: Free of pesticides . So, with organic food, your unborn baby is protected from such disorders. As compared to conventional farming, organic products are rich store houses of minerals. Unlike conventional farming which is heavily reliant upon commodity crops such as corn and soybeans, organic farmers have more opportunities to grow specialty varieties of crops that can be sold for a higher price. 2. Accordingly, hydrogenated fat can lead to heart diseases. Fat-free: Organic foods do not have hydrogenated fat which causes heart disease. However, there are no consensual reports that link organic food to health benefits. A lot of people choose organic food because they think it tastes better compared to non-organic produce. 3. Actually, organic food … The food available is fresh and varied. Are Tummy Vibrating Belts Effective For Weight Loss? First, the organic farming process is good for the overall environment. So why not organic products too? Although organic foods are more expensive and can be more challenging to find at the grocery store, buying organic is definitely the easiest decision you can ever make for you and your family’s health. With organic food on the line, perhaps reviewing a few pros and cons of organic food will make the choices a lot easier. Yes, organic produce is devoid of any hydrogenated fat. Pesticide residues are four times more likely to be found on traditional crops like compared to organic ones. Remember to grow your own food as much as possible and join a local, organic co-op if you can. All rights reserved. Here’s some points to consider as you think it through: 1. Without the chemicals, growing organic foods protect the environment from pollution and contamination of nearby bodies of water. This is because there is great diversity of plants and animals. They are gratifying. Improvement of food processing. For this reason, it is safe to say that organic food is just as nutritional as non-organic products. It’s perfect for the discerning homeowner who believes in natural, green options. This is due to the fact that it does not contain any form of preservatives. The Pros and Cons of Organic Food Here are the major pros of buying organic: You will be exposed to much less pesticides You will be exposed to less … Here is a list of cons of organic food. Accordingly, residues could not be detected in almost seventy percent of sampled produce. No Health Benefits It may also lower your risk of exposure to antibiotic-resistant bacteria. So, each set of crops or food being assessed may have different factors or variables to take into consideration.We actually wrote about how the use of GMOs in the future probably needs much clearer gu… Sponsored. Check out the pros and cons of organic food to help you decide whether to add them to the shopping list for the next time you or your assistant runs to the grocery store: Benefits of Organic Food A few studies have indicated that some organic foods, such as blueberries, have significantly higher levels of certain nutrients than their conventional counterparts. The application of organic farming will ensure that animals are given a free-range condition and provided with natural diet. To be valuable, it must equal the food types being required by customers. However, it can often lead to the loss of its natural taste in the process. Environment-Friendly. 8. This might be due to the absence of fertilizers and pesticides in which plants will be able to produce phytochemicals to boost resistance against weeds and bugs. High Price Levels: In organic farming, the produce is usually lower due to lack of synthetic fertilizers. And we have a healthier generation ready! Pesticide Contamination If pesticides are present in tap water, it can lead to unsafe levels in a matter of weeks, according to the Environmental Working Group. The decision on whether or not it is essential for people can be easily done without prior knowledge regarding the benefits of eating organic. Even the overhead costs are higher in organic farming. However, people are having misconceptions regarding the consumption of organic food as a better alternative for consumers. Sometimes, you may not be able to find organic food at a store near you. Compared to non-organic food, organic food does not contain hydrogenated fat. What are the benefits of organic food? Organic food is an environmentally friendly method of production. Even the overhead costs are higher in organic farming. Organic produce don’t have any bio-engineered modifications, which means that their DNA isn’t altered and … Copyright © 2011 - 2021 Incnut Digital. If you absolutely must purchase non-organic produce, stay away from the Dirty Dozen Plus 2 … Compared to non-organic food, organic food does not contain hydrogenated fat. Hence, they tend to be spoiled faster than processed non-organic food. 1. High Bacterial Levels Research say that organic food could have nutritional value compared to conventional food. Accordingly,... 3. List of Pros of Organic Food 1. Those who are concerned about the welfare of livestock should make this concept a way of treating animals fairly. Animal-Friendly. Likewise, it does not undergo any irradiation procedures. Organic foods are often chosen because people are trying to avoid artificial chemicals. Synthetic pesticides commonly used in the food production process can harm local wildlife. As such, these benefits are passed on to you whenever you eat these products. Let’s have a look at the various pros of eating organic food: Unlike conventional farming, organic farmers are restrained from using synthetic fertilizers, chemical additives, or preservatives to their produces. Because it is not stored for long periods of time, produce grown for the local market may not be … Even Low-Level Pesticides Can be Harmful Biofortification via genetic engineering strives to promote food sources for hundreds of millions of people by enhancing the nutritional quality of staple crops. Food items which have a long shelf life decrease the expense of wastage for makers, retailers and distributors. It has been revealed that even the organic food is not safe from the contamination caused by it. People can live longer in this world if most of their foods in their dining rooms are organic foods. Another route is to choose from the EWG's "Clean 15" list. Yields Less It takes a lot more time, effort, and money to be able to produce organic food in bulk compared to traditional methods, which can be a pitfall for many growers who want to make a living off of their produce. 7. Eating nutritiously can take many forms -- vegetarianism, low-carbohydrate diets, meal plans high in fiber. 4. There are only two options when it comes to organic foods, either it tastes the same as non-organic products or better. But it’s time now to plunge into their flip side as well. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Farmers who produce organic food, are focused on using renewable resources and conserving soil and water for future generations, this makes organic farming a better choice for the environment as well. Perhaps the cost of producing such products is the main reason why organic food is not the favorite choice of many consumers. Organic farming increases the potency and benefits of soil. Since pesticides are used to avert harm from weeds and insects, they are known to be toxic. Doing this will mean that you are consuming lesser sugary and fatty foods. Several kinds of diseases can be prevented in the body of every people with the help of these foods. The Cons and Pros of Food Processing | The Pros And Cons Of Organic Food. Likewise, it is best to limit up to 2 servings of protein-rich foods daily and 2 servings of dairy foods with low-fat content. Environment-Friendly Organic foods must meet many USDA qualifications before they can be marketed as organic. Consumption of fruit and vegetables as well as starchy carbohydrate foods should be consumed more by people. However, according to an article published in Scientific American, organic production still makes up less than 1 percent of agricultural land around the globe — perhaps due in part to the complex interplay between the pros and cons of organic food and farming. It Is Tasty. 6. There are several commonly associated benefits associated with organic foods. One of the main benefits of organic farming for farmers is the opportunity to diversify cultivated products. According to the National Academy of Sciences, exposure to low-level pesticides can be harmful to children and fetuses because of their vulnerable immune systems. Compared to non-organic food, organic produce has the possibility of going off a lot quicker. The pros: 1. Advantages of Organic Farming; Disadvantages of Organic Gardening; Top 10 Organic Farming Pros & Cons – Summary List ; Conclusion; Advantages of Organic Farming. Here are some pros and cons of organic food to begin with. The reduction of pesticides from the plant might end up going into your drinking water. Food produced close to home saves gas and supports small business. 4. Or… The most obvious example is “golden rice.” Golden rice seems to be golden because it carries an … 1. At […] Likewise, they believe that it may be a lot safer and more nutritional to consume. It may be hard to identify the differences with an untrained eye. Mere common sense will bring to light the fact that fresh produce grown without pesticides MUST be more healthy than those grown with the use of these substances. 10 Best Cosmetic Dental Clinics In Mumbai, 18 Of The Best Face Creams For Women In India, Top 15 Skin Exfoliants Available In India – 2020, 10 Best Body Scrubs Available In India - Top Picks For 2020, Top 10 Herbal Cough Syrups Available In India, 10 Best Neem Soap Brands to Look Out for in 2020, 10 Best Mole Removal Creams Available In India - 2020, 17 Best Organic Face Creams You Should Try Today In India, 15 Best Full-Coverage Foundations In India That You Should Try In 2021, Best Mascaras Available In India – Our Top 15.