NATO Foreign Ministers will meet over the next two days to address key issues. From Turkey to China, NATO Focuses on Challenges Ahead of Meeting . Meeting of the NAC in Foreign Ministers’ session. The Foreign Secretary spoke this week at the virtual NATO Foreign Ministers’ meeting on the future of NATO. 2020 14:49. (Own report) - NATO must strengthen its cohesion and take new steps to position itself against Russia and China, according to the report "NATO 2030" officially presented by the military alliance at its meeting of foreign ministers that ended yesterday. NATO Foreign Ministers agree measures to help Coronavirus response, Coronavirus response: NATO Foreign Ministers to address COVID-19 crisis, Coronavirus response to top NATO Ministerial agenda, Meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministers, Brussels, 2 April 2020 - CHANGED / NEW ARRANGEMENTS, More news, photos and footage on NATO's role in fighting COVID-19, No access to HQ for media with NATO annual accreditation (2020), Factsheet - NATO’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic (April 2020), Media Backgrounder - NATO-Russia Relations: The Background (March 2020), Fiche d’information - Les relations OTAN-Russie : Rétrospective (mars 2020), RUSSIAN: Справочная информация для СМИ - Отношения между НАТО и Россией: справочная информация (Март 2020 г. On the same day, for the first time in NATO history, its foreign ministers' meeting was held in the form of a videoconference. NATO. NATO Foreign Ministers will also assess the global shift in the balance of power with the rise of China. Meeting of the NAC in Foreign Ministers’ session with the Asia-Pacific and European Union Partners (OPENING REMARKS) International. Biographies NATO Secretary General; NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs; NATO … issued following their meeting of 2nd April 2020 We, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of NATO, meet today in the midst of an unprecedented pandemic which is affecting... NATO is doing its part. Register on our new multimedia portal, a one-stop shop where you can browse and download professional-quality videos and b-roll. The meeting included an outside expert panel report on how to further adapt NATO for the future, Russia’s military build-up around the Alliance, from the High North to Syria … NATO Foreign Ministers will meet via secure video conference on Tuesday and Wednesday (1-2 December 2020) to discuss key issues for the Alliance. Secretary General: NATO Foreign Ministers to address key issues for our Alliance 30 Nov. 2020. NATO Secretary General online press conference following the NATO Foreign Ministers Meetings (DAY 2 - Opening remarks) They include NATO’s continued adaptation, Russia’s military build-up, the rise of China, and NATO’s training mission in Afghanistan. Specifically, outgoing US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo blasted Turkey over its provocative behaviour in the East Med and for purchasing the Russian … Ministers will also address Russia’s military build-up around the Alliance, from the High North to Syria and Libya. 16 December 2020 Contact: Dr. Ian Davis Email: NATO seeks a new political path but continues to march to old military tunes A review of the NATO Foreign Ministers teleconference, 1-2 December 2020 By Dr. Ian Davis, NATO Watch Key activities and decisions taken: Ministers discussed the NATO 2030 Meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs - DAY 1. 02 Dec 2020 18:38. And our mission in Afghanistan. As of the current COVID-19 situation, the pandemic has undoubtedly become the top topic of the conference. Ahead of the meeting, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that Afghanistan had come a long way since NATO … They include NATO’s continued adaptation, Russia’s military build-up, the rise of China, and NATO’s training mission in Afghanistan. Pre-ministerial press conference of the NATO Secretary General 20 Nov. 2020. Meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs (2 April 2020) Mr Jean-Yves le Drian, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, participated in NATO’s ministerial meeting, which took place on the 2nd of April 2020 by secure tele-conference. * Precautionary measures are in place at NATO Headquarters to limit the further spread of the COVID-19 virus, including restricted access to visitors, media and non-essential staff. 02 Dec 2020 18:46. Indian Minister of External Affairs Subrahmanyam Jaishankar (L), Japan's Minister of Foreign Affairs Toshimitsu Motegi (R), Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Marise Payne (2nd L) and US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo (2nd R) gather for the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) ministerial meeting on October 06, 2020 in Tokyo, Japan. On April 2, 2020, the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases worldwide exceeded one million. NATO Foreign Ministers will meet via secure video conference on Tuesday and Wednesday (1-2 December 2020) to discuss key issues for the Alliance. 01 Dec 2020 15:18 Teaser. China does not share our values. ** Media representatives registered in advance will have the option to adress questions to the NATO Secretary General during both press conferences. Last updated: 03 Apr. Whatever path we choose, it is important that we do so together, in a coordinated and deliberate way.”. In a separate session, they will be joined by Georgia and Ukraine to discuss the security situation in the Black Sea region and the Alliance’s ongoing support for both partners. NATO foreign ministers concluded two days of virtual meetings on Wednesday (2 December 2020) to discuss key issues, including NATO’s adaptation, Russia’s military build-up, the rise of China, and Afghanistan. A new report 'NATO 2030', prepared by a group of so-called 'wise persons' and containing 138 proposals will be discussed by NATO foreign ministers on Tuesday For more information, please consult the media advisory. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg holds a joint press conference with Turkish Foreign Minister after their meeting at the Foreign Ministry building in Ankara, on October 05, 2020. December 1, 2020 10:50 pm. Nov. 30, 2020; ... the start of a two-day meeting of NATO foreign ministers that is likely to be the last for Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. They will joined by Asia-Pacific partners Australia, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea and also by Finland, Sweden, and the European Union High Representative. Meeting of the North Atlantic Council (NAC) in Foreign Ministers’ session via tele-conference (OPENING REMARKS) International. ... 01 Dec 2020 18:58. Technology. We face a difficult dilemma. Whether to leave, and risk that Afghanistan becomes once again a safe haven for international terrorists. But there are also important challenges to our security. The Secretary General will continue his consultations with Allies, civil society, young leaders, parliamentarians and the private sector before putting forward his recommendations to NATO Leaders next year. We will discuss the NATO 2030 project and the continued adaptation of our Alliance. NATO Secretary General online press conference following the NATO Foreign Ministers Meetings (DAY 2 - Q&A) International. The Foreign … Secretary General: NATO Foreign Ministers to address key issues for our Alliance, Programme of the meetings with links to transcripts, photos, audio and video, Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC), NATO Public Diplomacy Division’s Co-Sponsorship Grants. These rules follow limitations on movements imposed by the Belgian Government since 18 March. Press conference by NATO Secretary General following the meeting of the NAC in Foreign Ministers’ session (opening remarks) International. It is coming closer to us, from the Arctic to Africa and by investing in our infrastructure. In what was described by sources as a fiery confrontation between Turkey and NATO allies at Tuesday’s NATO Foreign Affairs Ministers meeting, the US did not hold back its feelings on Turkey’s change of foreign policy and behaviour.. The Secretary General said: “China is not our adversary. 07 Dec 2020 14:28. Ahead of the meeting, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that Afghanistan had come a long way since NATO forces went into the country after the 9/11 attacks on the United States. NATO Official > 2020 > 202012 > Meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs > Meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs ... Meeting of the NAC in Foreign Ministers’ session . Its rise presents an important opportunity for our economies and trade. 01 Dec 2020 18:23. 2020) Participation of Jean-Yves Le Drian in the Munich Security Conference - Declaration by the Spokesperson of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs (15-16 Feb.20) Meeting of the North Atlantic Council (NAC) in Foreign Ministers’ session via tele-conference, NATO Secretary General’s online* press conference, NATO Secretary General’s online* pre-ministerial press conference. Thursday 2 April Wednesday 1 April. The Foreign Secretary spoke this week at the virtual NATO Foreign Ministers' meeting and underlined the strengths of the Alliance. NATO, … Media tags Reference NATO827062 Meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers. Addressing the situation in Afghanistan, Allies underlined their commitment to the NATO training mission and to supporting the Afghan security forces in the fight against terrorism. We need to engage with China on issues such as arms control and climate change. 15:00. “Turkey gets plucked to pieces at NATO conference,” by Alex Constantine, Greek City Times, December 2, 2020: In what was described by sources as a fiery confrontation between Turkey and NATO allies at Tuesday’s NATO Foreign Affairs Ministers meeting, the US did not hold back its feelings on Turkey’s change of foreign policy and behaviour. The NATO Communications and Information (NCI) Agency provided technology to connect the newest NATO Alliance Member Nation, North Macedonia, to the first meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers held on 2 April 2020 by secure video conference. “After North Macedonia formally joined NATO on 27 March 2020, and following the flag-raising ceremonies at the NATO headquarters and military commands, this is the first time FM Dimitrov will actively participate in a discussion of priority issues and activities of the Alliance,” the Macedonian Foreign Ministry reports in a press release. We went into Afghanistan to support the United States after the 9/11 attacks. The report … He underlined NATO’s commitment to Afghanistan’s security and to the peace process: “In the months ahead, we will continue to assess our presence based on conditions on the ground. Meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs - Brussels, 01-02 December 2020 (online event) 16 Nov. 2020. ), UKRAINIAN: Довідка для ЗМІ - Відносини НАТО – Росія: передісторія (Березень 2020), KFOR ''placemat'' (Contributing nations and troop numbers) - April 2020 (PDF), Fact Sheet - NATO Mission Iraq (April 2020), Fiche d’information - Mission OTAN en Iraq (NMI) (avril 2020), Media Backgrounder - NATO-Afghanistan relations (April 2020), Fiche d’information - Relations OTAN-Afghanistan (avril 2020), Media Backgrounder - Afghan National Army (ANA) Trust Fund (April 2020), Dossier médias - Fonds d’affectation spéciale pour l’armée nationale afghane (ANA) (avril 2020), B-roll: Meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministers, Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC), NATO Public Diplomacy Division’s Co-Sponsorship Grants. Meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Foreign Ministers’ session via tele-conference. It does not respect fundamental human rights and tries to intimidate other countries. Or stay, and risk a longer mission, with renewed violence. We must address this together, both as NATO Allies, and as a community of like-minded countries.”. 02 Dec 2020 19:58. A pre-ministerial online press conference by the Secretary General’s will take place on Wednesday 1 April 2020 at 11h00. Meeting of the North Atlantic Council (NAC) in Foreign Ministers’ session via tele-conference. Public opening remarks by the NATO Secretary General, no media pool* - Still and video images will be available on the NATO … The rise of China. General André Lanata, NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, joined the NATO Foreign Ministers' virtual meeting on December 1 st and 2 nd , to discuss key issues for the Alliance. Commentary. The NATO allies discussed current issues related to the Euro-Atlantic area security and the possibilities of enhancing political cooperation among the allies. Visit the portal at and click ‘Register’ on the top right. The meeting of NATO foreign ministers will start on Thursday 2 April 2020 in the afternoon. NATO’s meeting of foreign ministers last week to discuss several security issues, including the … On 1-2 December 2020, Minister Zbigniew Rau took part in a meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers, held in the form of a video conference. Dec 1, 2020. paolo. Foreign Ministers meet to discuss NATO’s continued adaptation and global security challenges 30 Nov. 2020. April 10, 2020. Russia. Press conference by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg following the meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs, 2 April 2020. China is investing massively in new weapons. In light of these measures, there will be no media opportunity at the NATO Headquarters. 2 December 2020. Outgoing U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo slammed Turkey during a virtual meeting of NATO foreign ministers on Tuesday, accusing Ankara of stoking tensions with fellow allies in the Mediterranean and of giving a gift to the Kremlin by purchasing a Russian-made anti-aircraft system. NATO - Jean-Yves Le Drian’s participation in the Meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers (02 Apr. Ministers will also discuss NATO’s continued adaptation through the NATO 2030 initiative, including a report by an expert group appointed by the Secretary General. Ministers discussed the (...) Coronavirus. Opening remarks by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the NATO Foreign Ministers Meeting, Dec. 2, 2020. Credit: NATO Advertisement. Vetoing inconvenient decisions by the Alliance will be made more difficult. 02 Dec 2020 18:58. Foreign Ministers Meeting: 22 Oct. 2020 - 23 Oct. 2020 : Meetings of NATO Ministers of … Multiple teams from across the Agency collaborated to achieve this result in such a short period of time. As well as Russia’s military build-up.