He migrated from Ur to Haran in southern Turkey, the actual homeland of the Patriarchs, and then to Canaan (Genesis 11:31; 12:1-5). Hussein had good relations with the Soviet Union and a number of western countries such as France and Germany, who provided him with advanced weapons systems. The list featured pictures of wanted individuals along with a description of … "In an article titled "Axis of evil or axis of resistance," the paper wrote in 2002 that "the only common denominator among Iran, Iraq and North Korea is their resistance to US hegemony." Sabah Arar/AFP/Getty Images This is the most obvious culprit. I think the Buzzanco article on how the US and Iraq became enemies bears great significance because as pointed out … During the 2003 invasion of Iraq by a United States-led coalition, the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency developed a set of playing cards to help troops identify the most-wanted members of President Saddam Hussein's government, mostly high-ranking members of the Iraqi Regional Branch of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party or members of the Revolutionary Command Council; among them were some of Hussein's family members. Yugoslavia. Gallup first asked this "greatest enemy" question in the pre-9/11, pre-Iraq war environment at the outset of George W. Bush's presidency in February 2001, at which time Iraq was the clear leader, followed by China and then Iran. In just a few days hundreds of sellers materialized and the price dropped to just a few dollars per deck. The ace of spades is Saddam Husayn, the aces of clubs and hearts are his sons Qusay and Uday respectively, and the ace of diamonds is Saddam's presidential secretary Abid Hamid Mahmud al-Tikriti. Republika Srpska. The crisis in Iraq has given rise to widespread expectation that the US and Iran will join hands to shore up Iraq against the al-Qa’ida splinter group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis). Since 1980, the foreign relations of Iraq were influenced by a number of controversial decisions by the Saddam Hussein administration. Copy and Paste Join us! Below is a list, with some details, on the wars and conflicts of Iraq, from the First World War to the current Iraqi Civil War involving the Jihadi Islamic State. Enemies of the state: Iraq publishes list of 60 most-wanted jihadists and Baathists. The first -- envisioning 30,000 U.S. troops in Iraq through 2017 -- would cost an additional $570 billion over 10 years. With Al Qaeda declared dead, former Sunni resistance fighters wearing American-supplied uniforms, and the Mahdi Army lying low, killings in Iraq are way down. Problem is, the United States cannot broker the deal. Turkey. Iran. Israel declared war on Iran to prevent Iraq and Syria from launching any possible attacks on its borders, but the chaotic Palestinians have the ability to split.World War 3 2030 On that same evening Max Hodges, a Houston-based entrepreneur, found and downloaded a high-resolution artwork file for the deck from a Defense Department web server. Click here to donate by check. Hussein long viewed ethnic Kurds as a long-term threat to Iraq's survival, and the oppression and extermination of the Kurds was one of his administration's highest priorities. That same day, according to Agence France Press, the U.S. Air Force, for the first time in memory, declared that it had carried out not a single bombing raid or combat mission anywhere in Iraq, due to an "improved security situation. Discovering the following day that the file had vanished from the military web server he became the first eBay seller to offer the artwork file, in PDF, which could be used to reproduce the deck. But for the first time since the invasion in March 2003, there is a real opportunity for the two main blocs of Iraqi Arabs, the Sunni and Shia communities, to strike a deal. Much of the humour of the round came from the reactions of the two team captains: while Paul Merton was clearly familiar with the game and greatly enjoyed it, his opponent, Ian Hislop, admitted he'd never seen Play Your Cards Right and appeared mystified by the game's rules and etiquette (when at one point Merton and the crowd shouted the traditional cry of "lower, lower," to predict the next card in the hidden sequence, Hislop commented, "I'm not sure this programme could get much lower! U.K enemies list. Trends in Perceived Enemies. Yugoslavia. What unites Iraqi Arabs, from the Sunni resistance to the Mahdi Army, is opposition to the U.S. occupation of Iraq, as well as opposition to Al Qaeda and to Iran's heavy-handed interference in Iraqi affairs.Next Step: A New Iraqi Accord?A new, nationalist Iraq is emerging underneath the presence of 160,000 U.S. troops. The term was used by the Libyan daily newspaper Al-Zahf Al-Akhdar in response to American president George W. Bush's claim that Iran, Iraq and North Korea formed an "axis of evil. Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, a lame duck recently voted out by his own party, since 2006 has run an authoritarian, Shia government that systematically excluded Sunni Iraqis from power and favored the country's majority Shia population. Former Centcom Commander General John Abizaid, a realist-minded, anti-neocon officer, recently predicted that U.S. forces would have to stay in the Middle East "for the next 25 to 50 years," and he was pretty blunt about the importance of oil. The highest-ranking cards, starting with the aces and kings, were used for the people at the top of the most-wanted list. Iran wants to make this island a sort of military base. Why are we there? In his 90-minute presentation to the Security Council, Colin Powell made a compelling case for the prosecution that Iraq is not cooperating fully and freely in its own disarmament. Help ensure AlterNet remains independent long into the future. Gen. Vincent Brooks, deputy director of operations at U.S. Central Command. With the aim of ending the reign of terror of ISIS, Iraqi forces have been given few limits on their … ... How the US and Iran became enemies. Did you enjoy content from David Cay Johnston, Common Dreams, Raw Story and Robert Reich? The rise of ISIS is a major threat to Iranian interests in both Iraq and Syria, and Tehran has been pouring resources into fighting the group in Iraq. The two dominant ethnicities of Iraq have traditionally been Arabs in south and central Iraq, and Kurds in the north and northeast, particularly along the Iranian border. Do you approve of Biden's presidency so far? In Anbar Province, according to Crocker, "People do feel the weight's off. The security situation in Iraq is far better than it's been at any time since 2005. Thank you. The far more popular forces of Muqtada al-Sadr and his Mahdi Army aren't the enemy either. ... Iraq. As of 2021, all but 4 of the 52 most wanted have been either killed or captured, eleven of whom have been released. And we’re proud to say that we’ve been bringing you the real, unfiltered news for 20 years—longer than any other progressive news site on the Internet. ... How the US and Iran became enemies. Independent journalism is increasingly imperiled; ads alone can’t pay our bills. Support progressive journalism with a one-time contribution to AlterNet. The New York Times's award-winning team provides insight — and answers questions — about combatants on the faultlines, and civilians caught in the middle. The majority of Americans -- from the left to conservative realists -- who want the United States to get out of Iraq quickly ought to seize this news and push for an acceleration of the momentum for withdrawal. No more than 3% of Americans name any other country as the United States' top enemy. Fear of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis, who now refer to themselves the Islamic State) is the new uniting factor for states in the Middle … The few others mentioned by … The U.S. military inadvertently included in the jokers the trademarked Hoyle joker owned by the United States Playing Card Company of Cincinnati, Ohio. To the extent that things are getting better, that's good news. Russia and the United States have fought many proxy wars. Friends and Enemies of the U.S. Notably, it was recently reported that U.S. legal advisers to the Iraqi Ministry of Oil helped Iraq to cancel an enormous Russian oil deal with Iraq to develop its West Qurna oil field, which the New York Times called "one of a dozen or so supergiant oil fields in the world." Since 2010, the latter has fallen into the single digits. Attacks on U.S. forces in Sunni-dominated areas, including the once-violent hot-bed city of Ramadi, Anbar's capital, have fallen dramatically.Among the hard-core Sunni resistance, there is also significant movement toward a political accord -- if the United States were willing to accept it. certian political elements in the US. Then join the hundreds of readers who have supported AlterNet this year. The Pentagon, by allowing for too few troops and by exercising too much optimism in planning for postwar Iraq, shot itself in both feet. Playing Card Company exclusive rights to manufacture the authentic decks, if the trademarked images on the jokers are considered a requirement for being authentic. Perhaps they've convinced themselves that Iraq's ethnic and sectarian divide is so enormous that partition is the only solution, and that Iraq doesn't deserve to be a country anyway. The new U.S. administration said Tuesday a top priority in Iraq is to help the country assert its sovereignty “in the face of enemies” by preventing a resurgence of the extremist Islamic State group and addressing destabilizing activities of Iran and Iranian-backed militias. Trump accountant will flip to save his sons from prison -- according to Michael Cohen, GOP chair tweets proof that Biden was right about Trump's COVID lies 8 months ago, Ted Cruz accused of theft during 'own the libs' stunt, CNN's Anderson Cooper believes Trump can have credit for the COVID vaccine -- under one condition, These two big banks are refusing to get stimulus checks to Americans as quickly as possible, Sen. Ron Johnson sparks outrage after revealing the reason he 'wasn't concerned' about Capitol rioters, The most stunning part of President Biden's speech was totally missed by the media, 'We lost': HBO's Bill Maher breaks down how China is beating America -- at everything, White nationalist GOP congressman doubles down on support for white nationalist ‘America First’ group, Security contractor who participated in Capitol riots confirmed to be a white supremacist: Navy investigators. With Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accusing Tehran of an attack on an Israeli-owned ship in the Gulf of Oman, here is a recap of their volatile relations over the past half century. Hussein long viewed ethnic Kurds as a long-term threat to Iraq's survival, and the oppression and extermination of the Kurds was one of his administration's highest priorities. Using Iraq's countert… [3] He quickly contracted Gemaco Playing Card Company to print 1,000 decks for about $4,000 and started selling both the decks, in advance of receiving them from the printer, on eBay, Amazon.com and his own web site. AlterNet counts on readers like you to support our coverage. Iran’s invasion of Iraq is the gateway to help Syria. Sunday 10/11/2019. In the Alice in Wonderland-like wilderness of mirrors that is Iraq, though, they're anything but.We aren't fighting the Sunnis. Syrian sponsored Baath party extremists. Virtually the entire Sunni establishment, from the moderate Muslim Brotherhood-linked Iraqi Islamic Party (which has been part of every Iraqi government since 2003) to the Anbar tribal alliance (which has been begging for U.S. support since 2004 and only recently got it) is either actively cooperating with the American military or sullenly tolerating what it hopes will be a receding occupation. Iraq (Arabic: العراق Al-Irāq) is a country in the west of Asia.It lies at the north end of the Persian Gulf and has a small (58km) coastline in the south east of the country. Evidence for a very advanced culture from Abraham’s day has been unearthed at Ur. [14], The 13 June 2003 edition of the BBC One satirical news quiz, Have I Got News for You, featured a set of the playing cards in one round, spoofing guest host Bruce Forsyth's 1980s game show Play Your Cards Right (the British version of the American series Card Sharks). Mohammed, Riyadh, "Hussein Backer Set Free in Iraq", "Buyers beware: The real Iraq 'most wanted' cards are still awaiting distribution", "The Faces Behind the Faces on the 'Most Wanted' Deck", Iraq Most Wanted Identification Playing Cards (PDF version), "As last Iraqi POW released, Noriega only U.S. POW", "Iraq Frees Saddam Hussein's Interior Minister", "Watban Ibrahim al-Hassan, half brother of Saddam Hussein, has died - Iraqi News", "أبرز وجوه النظام العراقي السابق: أين هم الآن؟", "Iraq: Peacekeeping Operations: 2 Mar 2009: Hansard Written Answers", "تلفزيون الناصرية: وفاة وزير الدفاع الاسبق سلطان هاشم في سجن الحوت", "Iraq executes Saddam Hussein's aide Abid Hamid Mahmud", "A NATION AT WAR: THE HUNT; New Tape of Hussein Prolongs Debate on His Fate", "A NATION AT WAR: THE IRAQI CAPITAL; HUSSEIN RALLIES IRAQI DEFENDERS TO HOLD CAPITAL - Page 2", Brigadier General Vincent Brooks introduces Iraqi cards at CentComm press conference in Doha, Qatar, Brigadier General Vincent Brooks introduced the first set of Iraqi freedom cards, Card Makers Producing 'Most-Wanted' Decks: Company Warns Others About 'Joker' Image, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Most-wanted_Iraqi_playing_cards&oldid=1008205723, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Surrendered 24 April 2003 and sentenced to death, Captured 13 April 2003 and sentenced to death, Killed in standoff with the U.S. Army in Mosul, Iraq 2003, Killed in standoff with US Army in Mosul, Iraq 2003, This page was last edited on 22 February 2021, at 02:57. No lesser authority than General Petraeus himself now admits that Al Qaeda has been expelled from every single one of its strongholds in Baghdad. Other armed conflicts involving Iraq. Having spent five years boosting sectarianism in Iraq, killing innocent Iraqis, busting down doors in small villages, and trying to turn Iraq into an American colony, the United States simply has no credibility left.Any deal we broker, any leader we promote, any government we sponsor has just gotten the kiss of death. There is no real government; the economy is in shambles; basic services --- electricity, water, trash collection -- are nonexistent; and most areas of the country are ruled by militias, gangs, criminal elements, or local warlords. By Russ Wellen | June 16, 2014 The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps. We have met the enemy, and -- surprise! Thus, in some sense, the U.S. military inadvertently granted The U.S. Playing Card company does not object to the government's use of the image, they do object to other companies using the trademarked image. In late August, Sadr declared a ceasefire, ordering his militia to stand down; and, since then, attacks on U.S. forces in Shia-dominated areas of Iraq have fallen off very sharply, too. Special relationship For decades, the Kurds have been America's (and Israel's) closest allies in Iraq. Both sides remain oblivious to the obvious truth shown repeatedly throughout history that this sort of ideological blindness, mutual recrimination, and contempt is the surest road to ruin and desolation for the entire country. A new American strategic blunder on par with the Iraq War would distract ISIS's Islamic enemies and turn the battle, once again, toward the U.S. In 2001, 38% named Iraq as the greatest U.S. enemy, which until this year was the highest proportion of … The Shia merchant class and elite, organized into the mostly pro-Iranian Supreme Iraqi Islamic Council and the Islamic Dawa party, are part of the Iraqi government that the United States created and supports -- and whose army and police are armed and trained by the United States. He has since fled to Syria where most of the other 6 uncaptured members of the deck of cards are reported to be hiding.