Do you stick with the assassin strat (with all the flexibiity that provides) or go Grefax. I've been playing around with some ideas and come up with a list as follows, based on an inquisitor requisitioning stuff from everywhere. Totally foreign style for me though, so it will be interesting. She no longer has her special Aura of Oppression psychic power, and she can only cast one power per turn. What left her utterly appalled though, was seeing how the Im… Based on her special rules, Inquisitor Greyfax will be useful for taking on enemy pyskers. This datasheet has HQ Battlefield Role. Please use Painted Armies. The inquisitor and acolytes without hotshots ride in the land raider, 2 units of hotshot acolytes ride in each Razorback, the Crusaders and priest ride the immolator. While her play rate overall was typical for a new warlord, in Terra she made up a massive 1 in 10 games played for the whole season. Beyond this, she has some strong special rules: She’s got reasonably solid stats with WS and BS of 3+, St and T of 3, 4 Attacks, but the good part is 5 wounds and a 3+. I am leaning Greyfax now just because that is one model to build and in 4 weeks paint rather than 4 lol. Get the latest info, sweet deals, and additional Frontline content through our email list. The Psychic Pursuit ability was updated to reference the Look Out, Sir rule. Exactly. Typically though, I find it best to be patient and not overexpose her, advancing up behind the bulwark that is the Bullgryn. Sounds like a very interesting list, actually. The real reason you take them, however, is for their loyal servant rule. On the other hand, she eats an entire detachment from your army, and especially in the Imperium that is a pretty significant downside, since you have access to so many other good tools. The set has been hugely popular, and some regions have sold through their stock. I saw on Neverness’ Hobby Blog a Hobby event to paint an Inquisitor in August and I hadn’t planned on doing Greyfax anytime soon but I do like a community challenge. And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart! It’s just one more tool in her tool-chest and something that can really gunk up your opponent’s plans. For me she’s only ever in melee if the wheels fall off of the bus or if an enemy character that triggers her abilities comes within striking distance for some reason. I’ll eventually get to assassins and branching out to other builds so no harm in diversifying. Inquisitor Greyfax Information. Despite being a powerful Psyker herself, when Greyfax emerged she was shocked at the sight of Imperial psykers using their powers without sanction and to see the Space Wolves Chapter's Wulfen running rampant on the battlefield. 5 wounds is a solid amount and a 3+ in cover goes to a 2+ which means you have reasonable defense against Oathbreaker Missiles, the Vindicare, etc. Why? Three sprues for St. Celestine, another three for Belisarius Cawl and a smaller one for Inquisitor Greyfax. +1 to denials is quite big, even in the absence of other stuff, and it makes shutting down a key spell a lot more probable. Another Inquisitor that I have found very useful is Hector Rex from Forge World. This is more useful for them because they only have BS/WS of 4+. They also can steal any ride they want and have the same Quarry rule. GW verified that the rules … They are dirt cheap, you gain a cp AND they take her hits if within 3 inches on a 2+! She’s not too pricey, coming in at 85pts with gear and has some solid kit to boot. It would really come down to the list, ultimately. An incredibly imposing figure, she is clad head to toe in master-crafted power armour, which is covered in details – Inquisitorial sigils, skulls and ornate seals all feature heavily. Run her as a full Vanguard detachment with 3 acolytes. Mortal wounds inflicted by attacks in addition to normal damage always apply, even if normal damage saved. This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble Inquisitor Greyfax. Hello All, thanks for checking out my latest offerings to the Paint Gods! The major changes here were: Inquisitor Greyfax’s Psyocculum ability was changed to ignore Look Out, Sir if the target is a Psyker Character or Daemon Character unit. Quarry works the same as does the “Authority of the Inquisition” rule. That helps a ton to resist all of the various methods in the game to kill her with Snipers, etc. Without further ado, here's this week's entry: Inquisitor Greyfax. Ich habe im Online Codex zwar geschaut aber nichts gefunden. I also have an Astropath which gives even more defense, but the Culexus+Greyfax is money. If manifested, closest visible enemy unit in 18" suffers D3 mortal wounds. That’s Not All. Hey everyone, Reecius here to share some knowledge on how to use Inquisitor Greyfax to best effect in your army! Key Features The Eye of the Emperor – a legendary Inquisitor An intricately detailed model covered in baroque features Remarkably powerful psychic abilities make her a daemon’s bane Utterly uncompromising, devoid of mercy or remorse, Inquisitor Greyfax acts as the self-appointed executioner of any she names heretic. If manifested with a Psychic test result of 11+, enemy instead suffers D6 mortal wounds. Ordos are the inquisitorial sub-factions, with each unit having an keyword to replace with your chosen one from a list of four (named characters obviously have specified ones). Units that Fall Back cannot shoot or manifest psychic powers this turn unless they are. Each mortal wound inflicted on a unit causes one model in the unit to lose one wound. The opponent can attempt to deny the psychic power by taking a Deny the Witch test. If a Blast weapon targets a unit that has between 6 and 10 models, it always makes a minimum of 3 attacks. Stubborn Indomitable Will- When making a Deny the Witch test, Inquisitor Greyfax always counts as having a higher mastery level. First of, her rules can be found in Imperial Index 2. If that isn’t a good choice then Terrify is solid, particularly against armies like T’au or other similar shooty armies, and of course, you can always just Smite! One melee attack is a lot less scary than shooting with one gun in most cases, though. So if, when determining how many attacks are made with that weapon, the dice rolled results in less than 3 attacks being made, make 3 attacks instead. Fits into a battalion for 9 Command Points. Greyfax isn’t terrible, though certainly isn’t the best Inquisitor. As most Imperial Knights in the game now are Characters, this power’s found new life. A model with an invulnerable save can use it instead of its normal Sv. Inquisitor Greyfax has been nerfed with the release of 8th edition. Attempt to manifest the psychic power by taking a Psychic test. A Culexus by itself won’t typically stop most spells, but in combination with other psykers it is devastating. are good targets as their weapons are really nasty. Yes, people were trying that tactic at the event but I found it really didn’t help too much. Utterly uncompromising, devoid of mercy or remorse, Inquisitor Greyfax acts as the self-appointed executioner of any she names heretic. The instructions are bound in a A4 sized leaflet, containing the rules, the assembly and a citadel paint guide for all of the miniatures. Double number of attacks made if target is within half range. When resolving an attack made with this weapon against a, Ordo Malleus Inquisitor in Terminator Armour. The big one was the introduction of Inquisitor Greyfax. If successfully manifested, resolve the psychic power’s effects. Additionally, her powers are awesome, particularly Dominate. Today we take a closer look at the second member of the Triumvirate of the Imperium: Inquisitor Katarinya Greyfax, including a bit about her origins and how she works on the tabletop. Run her as a full Vanguard with 3 or more acolytes. Full disclosure, I've never used Inquisitor Greyfax, don't own the model, and have barely skimmed her rules. She is a psyker of some power – a fact that has led more than one of her peers to brand her as a dangerous radical – and her abilities allow her to detect any lie. You can only include one of this model in your army. There, she’s in great position to use her powerful psychic defense to really screw up enemy plans. No saving throws can be made against mortal wounds. I am playing around with a 3 knight, 3 tank commander build (magnetized so some points flexibility) and I have been trying to keep 85 points free for the assassin (which is tough, there’s very little fat to trim) but Greyfax has an appeal also. #warhammer40k #warhammercommunity #warhammer40000 #paintingwarhammer #nooneexpectstheinqusition Additionally, she's the only character in the Inquisition … Utterly uncompromising, devoid of mercy or remorse, Inquisitor Greyfax acts as the self-appointed executioner of any she names heretic. 1/09/2017. I didn’t even look into her and similar because I just assumed they were on the high side of points. You cannot select the same psychic power more than once per battle round, unless that power is. Now, it’s important to remember that this power shouldn’t be the core of your strategy with her as it has multiple failure points. In this tutorial, Duncan shows you how to paint Inquisitor Greyfax in all her glory. Though looks like a few folks have been doing ok with similar builds based on BCP/BoK, despite it being a skew list. Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, if an INQUISITOR model from your army is on the battlefield. What do you think about Inquisitor Greyfax? Up for sale is a new Inquisitor Greyfax for Warhammer 40k. In my experience, it’s not difficult to get into range by turn 2 or 3 to start using it and it again forces your opponent to either stay away or risk having their powerful Knights shoot their own units. Psychic Powers. Only one model can use a Grenade when its unit shoots. This could be very powerful against non-Invisible Deathstars, as they frequently contain at least one psyker model. Posted on April 17, 2019 Kann man regeltechnisch Inquisitor Greyfax irgendwie zu den Space Marines zählen? As the single sprues are smaller sized as the box, I assume, that it is possible, that Games Workshop will release them later on individually. On a … Deswegen hab … Combine her with the Culexus if you have access to one vs. a psychic heavy enemy to really shut down key powers (just remember to keep the Culexus away from Greyfax as he nerfs her, too!). The Reborn Eldar guided the Celestinians through the Webway to the Realm of Ultramar in the Eastern Fringes of the galaxy, now also under ferocious assault by the forces of the Despoiler. Actually looking to use Tallarn initially so it can have some trickiness. Aside from getting a closer look at the background of the Inquisition, we’re also getting rules for the following heroes of the Imperium: Coteaz; Greyfax; Karamazov; Eisenhorn; On top of the new datasheets, we’re also getting Stratagems, Relics and a new psychic discipline – Telethesia! If in some instance an enemy Character has a Plasma weapon (or something similar) you can try to make them hurt or kill themselves by overcharging it and shooting something with a negative to hit. This comes up often with the Castellan especially. Ich finde die FIgur ganz schick und wollte mir die vielleicht einzeln kaufen, bei ebay oder so. Other than the new “Agent of the Imperium” keyword all other rules regarding taking an Inquisitor are the same, you can still only have one Inquisitor in any Inquisition Detachment, just like the Index. … Please see the description from Games Workshop below.FROM GWThis multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble Inquisitor Greyfax. Such is the power conveyed by the Inquisitorial mandate that every agent of the Ordos acts with the implicit authority of the Emperor himself. This thread is for discussing the rules are as they are, to try to unlock the unit's its potential for those who wish to use it. Utterly uncompromising, devoid of mercy or remorse, Inquisitor Greyfax acts as the self-appointed executioner of any she names heretic. Although her master-crafted condemnor boltgun is better due to the changes to their rules, her psychic might has been reduced considerably. Must end closer to the closest enemy model. by Siph_Horridus | Aug 30, 2020. She holds a … If you really do want to go for it on turn 1 due to a deployment scenario that is favorable for it, put her in a transport if possible, disembark and then haul butt forward for that extra distance which may just get you where you need to be. GW Grognard: Doing a Video Batrep? Greyfax’s biggest value is that she is a beast against Psykers (and Daemons as well, though the two often overlap), both shutting down their spells and sniping them if they aren’t careful with terrain. Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, if an INQUISITOR model from your army is on the battlefield. Select one point on the battlefield and roll one D6 for each unit within 2D6" of that point, subtracting 1 from the result if the unit being rolled for is a CHARACTER. 2014 Las Vegas Open Warmachine and Hordes Events and Results! I know this question depends on army build a bit, but say hypothetically you have the points and detachment and can fit either Greyfax or an assassin via the stratagem. Can never be used to attack units within the firing unit’s Engagement Range. Yeah exactly lol. 2 casts, 3 denies, deep strikes. Ah, that’s a tough one. Today we take a closer look at the second member of the Triumvirate of the Imperium: Inquisitor Katarinya Greyfax, including a bit about her origins and how she works on the tabletop. Doesn’t have the +1 to deny naturally, but has a Psychic Hood so gets it with 12″. I recently brought Inquisitor Greyfax in my Major event winning Tallarn army. If you stop a key Warp Time, Jinx, Quicken, Doom, etc. If she gets in range to blast one with her Condemnor it stings! A model makes attacks using the close combat weapon profile if it has no other melee weapons. I usually only take 1-2 deatchments anyway, so for me it was NBD but yes, she does eat a CP and a detachment but I found it to be totally worth the trade off. Anytime an Inquisitor takes a wound from an attack within 3" of this unit, roll a d6; on a 2+, the Acolytes lose a model instead. This kit comes unpainted, and will require assembly. By Turns 2-3 I had plowed through most infantry and the Knights had to reposition to do anything so the defense was limited. Never have to worry about games not finishing, lol. More time for beers. Just be sure to be aware of what powers your opponent has, what they do, and to decide ahead of time which ones you are going all in on to try and stop. HQ This is a suite of powers known only to the Inquisition that allows them to manipulate and dominate their enemies. Warp charge increases by 1 for each other attempt to manifest. After some initial distrust, the Celestinians were ultimately taken by the Ultramarines who called Ultramar home to the rea… Greyfax has a much better chance of shutting down enemy spells by her lonesome, but is overall not as synergetic at doing so. Special Rules: Independent Character Preferred Enemy (Psykers) Psyker (Mastery Level 2). Units that Fall Back cannot charge this turn. Has a 2+, 3++ and is not too shabby in CC. Most Psykers are in the 4-5 wound range so between that and a judicious application of a Vindicare or other sniper unit (like an Astra Militarum psyker with Psychic Maelstrom) means you can pop a key enemy support character quite easily. Each close combat attack is made with a melee weapon. Considering she wasn’t available for the whole season, that’s an unprecedented playrate. Painting Inquisitor Greyfax. by Reecius Often an Inquisitor will work undercover, only revealing themselves when the moment is right. I saw on Neverness’ Hobby Blog a Hobby event to paint an Inquisitor in August and I hadn’t planned on doing Greyfax anytime soon but I do like a community challenge. Check the Tactics Corner for more great articles and tips. The Culexus giving a -2 to cast and her+1 to deny means that even against psychic powerhouses like Thousand Sons or Eldar you will have excellent odds of stopping key powers which by itself can tilt a game in your favor. Subscribe to our e-mail newsletter to receive updates. She is a psyker of some power – a fact that has led more than one of her peers to brand her as a dangerous radical – and her abilities allow her to detect any lie. it can be absolutely huge. A flat 3 Damage sniper weapon is no joke with a full re-roll aura and potentially 2 shots. Subscribe to the Frontline Gaming email list! All Rights Reserved. That strong defense and her ability to snipe Psykers really screws up enemy plans. Full list of Inquisition units sharing same Battlefield Role follows: Master-crafted power sword used in following datasheets: Frag grenade used in following datasheets: Krak grenade used in following datasheets: Psyk-out grenades used in following datasheets: The INFANTRY keyword is used in following Inquisition datasheets: The INQUISITOR and TERMINATOR keywords are used in following Inquisition datasheets: The INQUISITOR keyword is used in following Inquisition datasheets: The datasheets using AGENT OF THE IMPERIUM keyword can be found in following Factions: The AGENT OF THE IMPERIUM keyword is used in following datasheets: The FALLEN keyword is used in following Chaos Space Marines datasheets: The ORDO MALLEUS keyword is used in following Inquisition datasheets: The ORDO HERETICUS keyword is used in following Inquisition datasheets: The ORDO XENOS keyword is used in following Inquisition datasheets: The ORDO MINORIS keyword is used in following Inquisition datasheets: The IMPERIUM keyword is used in following Inquisition datasheets: The INQUISITION keyword is used in following Inquisition datasheets: The CHARACTER keyword is used in following Inquisition datasheets: The PSYKER keyword is used in following Inquisition datasheets: The AGENT OF THE IMPERIUM keyword is used in following Inquisition datasheets: The PSYKER and INQUISITOR keywords are used in following Inquisition datasheets: The INFANTRY and INQUISITOR keywords are used in following Inquisition datasheets: The ACOLYTE keyword is used in following Inquisition datasheets: The DAEMONHOST keyword is used in following Inquisition datasheets: The JOKAERO keyword is used in following Inquisition datasheets: Inquisitor Greyfax is a single model equipped with: master-crafted condemnor boltgun; master-crafted power sword; frag grenades; krak grenades; psyk-out grenades. The Psyocculum is great, allowing Greyfax and a unit she joins to hit psykers on a 2+ re-rollable in the shooting phase. Assume there’s some infantry to make use of her ld buff, but not the 100 or so you had at BSB. For example, if a, When a Blast weapon targets a unit that has 11 or more models, do not roll dice to randomly determine how many attacks are made – instead, make the maximum possible. Toggle menu 304-268-6542 If a unit attacks with multiple weapons, all attacks made with weapons that have the same profile must be resolved before resolving attacks with the next. They are dirt cheap and if kept near her can take her wounds on a 2+. Select one point on the battlefield and roll one D6 for each unit within 2D6" of that point, subtracting 1 from the result if the unit being rolled for is a CHARACTER. After I heard about your luck with her, I tried her with 3 elysian sniper teams and my opponent(GSC) just was stunned with her ability to stick it to characters AND what I did to his characters. There are also specific powers … Natfka. Note that this will never apply to psychic powers, including Perils. In all, I have found her to be invaluable in my Guard army and I am sure you could make great use of her in other Imperial Armies too, particularly those that are looking for some solid answers to enemy psykers and/or need some morale support. Thanks for the feedback and the article, that still gives me info to go on. Only one attempt can be made to deny each psychic power. © 2018 Frontline Gaming. Many folks were asking why I brought her and how she worked so I thought I’d explain in greater depth. Do you have any other Denies in the list? The set has been hugely popular, and some regions have sold through their stock. Chapter Tactics #197: What Normalizing Team Tournaments Would Do for Competitive 40k. That’s quite a bit of goodies for the Inquisition in this months White Dwarf. She will, however, add on to the amount of psyker-hate they can put out with 2 Denies and a Condemnor Boltgun. Part 5: Finale. Even units like Bobby G, an Archon with a Blaster, or Mortarion, etc. No denies (although I could probably squeeze a single one in).