Here are five of the craziest pranks played, a couple by well known news channel BBC! “A lot of … They broadcast a fake news story of farmers in Switzerland picking spaghetti from a tree. Soon after 9:47 am, BBC received hundreds of calls from people claiming that they felt the effect of decreased gravity. April Fools’ Day: Famous pranks 1) The Spaghetti Tree In 1957, the BBC played a famous April Fools’ Day prank, now called ‘the Swiss Spaghetti’ prank. On April 1, 1957, the BBC TV show "Panorama" ran a segment about the Swiss spaghetti harvest enjoying a "bumper year" thanks to mild weather and the elimination of the spaghetti weevil. On March 29, Roku introduced a new product it called the Roku Press Paws Remote for dogs.Roku said it created the product after a study revealed that users sometimes left their televisions on to entertain their dogs while they were away. (CNN) April Fools' Day ain't what it used to be. Pi is so challenging. The next day i.e. Jokes and pranks abound on April 1, April Fools' Day. Google has a pretty good track record of creating the newest, most advanced technology around. TIME's favorite April Fool's pranks. Most people got the joke, but those who didn’t ask where they could purchase the item. Why should right-handers be closer to cleanliness? Rumors were spread throughout London that the ritual “Washing of the Lions” would occur at the Tower of London on April 1. Not only did people believe it, they were outraged. What were the biggest and best April Fools’ Day pranks of all time? The most popular theory, according to Snopes, has to … Before staging the prank, he had notified the FAA and local police. When the Coast Guard pilot approached the mountain, he peered down into the crater. In 1989, a Seattle comedy show went on the air and said the city's Space Needle had fallen down. Companies will come up with gags. April Fool’s day is just around the corner, and as usual, everyone is busy with inventing new pranks and spoofs. CNN refers to this prank as “the biggest hoax any reputable news establishment ever pulled.” 7. on 1st April, thousands of customers ordered the left-handed whopper without even realizing that a burger is circular in shape, and a 180-degree rotation would not change a single thing.(1,2). Branson had another trick up his sleeve, which he revealed after landing the hot air balloon. Stacked in the cone of the volcano, burning with a greasy flame, was a huge pile of old tires. In 1976, BBC Radio 2 broadcasted a hoax that the gravity of Earth would decrease for a short time on 1 April. The Irish are no strangers to some epic April Fools Day pranks! National Public Radio’s piece on Nixon’s 1992 presidential run is one of its most famous April Fools’ Day pranks. Your kid will be surprised the next morning! Donut Box Trick. Be wary, April Fools’ Day is approaching! Then, in the early morning of April 1 at 4 am, Richard Branson took off in the hot air balloon. Burger King announced that the new burger is redesigned by rotating the condiments 180 degrees. But the residents of the town woke up with a huge shock when they saw smoke coming out off a dormant volcano. by Unbelievable Facts Apr 1, 2017, 12:00 am Comments Off on 10 Famous April Fool’s Day Pranks of All Time. To inspire ideas for your next prank we have brought 10 famous April Fool’s Day pranks of all time. Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez deny breakup in statement, Matthew McConaughey is considering a run for Texas governor, Watch Sharon Osbourne clash with co-host over Piers Morgan support, 'The Masked Singer' reveals the identity of the Snail, Michelle Obama tackles the stigma around depression in new video, Bidens' dog goes from White House to dog house after bite incident, Woman's bathroom mirror discovery goes viral, See Thai PM spray journalists with sanitizer at news conference, Watch 8-year-old actor's emotional award acceptance speech, This teen was offered over $1 million in scholarships, Car crashing through wall sends people scrambling, Burger King slammed for International Women's Day tweet. The ad mentioned that the hamburger would still consist of lettuce, onions, pickles, mayonnaise, ketchup, and four-ounce flame-grilled hamburger patty. IT’S April Fool’s Day today and what better way to start you thinking of the best pranks to pull with 10 all-time classics that fooled millions. Concerned residents called the local authorities, and soon, a chopper was sent out to investigate. Branson had planned to land in Hyde Park, but due to the poor weather conditions, he was forced to land in Surrey Field. When the local residents of Sitka, Alaska woke up on April 1, 1974, they found their nearby dormant volcano, Mount Edgecumbe, billowing out black smoke. April 1, 1974, was a bright, clear morning in Sitka, Alaska. Everybody will have a good laugh, but nobody will be fooled. In 2015, Cottonelle tweeted that it was introducing left-handed toilet paper for all those southpaws out there. We definitely don't advocate hurting anyone or destroying or damaging anyone's property, but if you want to prank someone – here are 25 good ways to do it! Here are five of the craziest pranks played, a couple by well known news channel BBC! To pull off this prank, he got a custom made hot air balloon in the shape of a UFO with strobe lights over it. The Most Epic April Fools’ Day Pranks Of All Time 7 Instant Color TV. THE WASHING OF THE LIONS. 1. The first of April is the day we try to fool each other and try to best one another with clever jokes and pranks. But his 1989 stunt with a UFO-shaped hot air balloon is the most talked and known April Fool’s prank. As the sun began to rise, the UFO was seen over London’s M25 highway. Balloon Surprise — Write “Happy April Fool’s” on an inflated balloon, put it in the toilet, and close the lid. George Plimpton, always a wry writer, invented the tale of Mets pitcher Siddhartha "Sidd" Finch for Sports Illustrated. For this April Fools' Day prank you need to get up early or stay up late. Don’t do this if your child is toilet training. Famous April Fools’ Day pranks. 2011 - Trademarking "April Fools’ Day" (Groupon): Groupon launched a full website announcing that it had acquired the intellectual trademark to April Fools' Day itself. Also, he explained that the powerful combination of the gravitation of the two planets will cause this effect. Also, spray-painted in the snow beside the tires, in 50-foot-high black letters, were the words “APRIL FOOL.”, The fake eruption prank was staged by a 50-year-old local prankster Oliver “Porky” Bickar. Each year on April Fool’s day, we renew the promise of not to falling prey of someone else’s prank. Where are the White Lions? April Fools’ Day Quotes with different styles on the annual basis on 1st April, In this day peoples make fools to each other or someone beloved, family members, friends, and colleagues. Though the news was a hoax from a man named Mark Boslough, it. Grab a donut box and fill it with fresh veggies for a funny fake out! Best April fools pranks probably come from newscasters and newspapers. The Butterfly Advertising is one of the many jokes pulled off by Virgin Atlantic group on April Fool’s day. BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) once tricked the whole nation with their funny prank that spaghetti grows on trees in Switzerland. The Madison Capital-Times’ 1933 April Fools’ edition included a doctored photo of the Wisconsin state capital in ruins. But we never question the ingenuity of the human mind as each year a prank better than the earlier ones arrive, leaving us all in splits. April Fools' Day (April 1st) is fast approaching, so we thought we might offer a few prank ideas for the more mischievous pandas among you (and if you're not prone to mischief, now you'll have some idea about what to look out for). But he forgot to notify the Coast Guard due to which the truth came out soon enough. The moment BBC fell for the Observer’s April Fools The BBC is a master of April Fools’ jokes. Branson, a billionaire entrepreneur and founder of the Virgin Group, is well-known for his elaborate pranks and publicity stunts. In 1957, the BBC pulled off one of the greatest April Fools' Day pranks in history with its report on the harvest of spaghetti from trees. One woman who called even stated that she and eleven of her friends were sitting and had been “wafted from their chairs and orbited gently around the room”.(source). From typical balloon pranks to airhorn-jokes and sneaky fake texts. Many UK citizens fell for the prank and called the BBC to inquire as to how they could plant their own spaghetti. In 2005, the company said it was branching out with a new drink: Add it to fake Google products including Google Romance, Gmail Paper and Google Voice for Pets. 4.) Or the hilariously good prank that Taco Bell played, assuring that they have bought the Liberty Bell, now to be known as Taco Liberty Bell. The Irish are known for their wit and sense of humor but also for their love of practical jokes. April Fools' Day pranks can be glorious, but when the person you're pranking is your significant other, you need to plan accordingly.. Roku also pulled an elaborate April Fools’ Day prank. On April 1, 1957, a news broadcaster told … Companies will come up with gags. To making fool or captures other person mind thinking great … While everyone's asleep move the car around the block. Updated 1013 GMT (1813 HKT) April 1, 2019. So in... 5 … In 1962, all of Swedish television was broadcast in black and white. What were the biggest and best April Fools’ Day pranks of all time? But not Gmail itself, however: In retrospect, however, perhaps the bill -- fake or not -- wasn't a bad idea. This arrangement will cause ‘spills’ for the left-handed burger lovers. (source). We're all so much smarter now, aren't we? The Hot Wheels packaging of Wonder Woman’s invisible jet shows that the invisible jet is nestled between the cardboard and plastic molding. No one can really decide where April Fools' Day comes from, but one thing we can all agree on is that it’s hilarious to prank your mates on the 1 April. After landing, the UFO door opened, and dry ice billowed out and a dwarf wearing an ET costume emerged down the platform. Moreover, it had strategically placed strobe lights which blinked every 10 seconds. How can anybody work with an irrational number that goes on and on and on? The UFO-shaped balloon looked just like an actual UFO. conjugation of Jupiter and Pluto at 9:47 am, people will be able to feel the reduction in gravity on the Earth for a brief time. Well, to prepare you for this day of trickery, here are 10 of the best April Fools' pranks in history. 10 Unbelievably Beautiful Places You Must See Before You Die! Morning commuters were stunned, cars pulled over, police forces mobilized, and the army was alerted. Oreo Cookie Trick. Moreover, Mattel’s designer had weights hidden inside the packaging to make it feel as if it contains a real toy. According to the Museum of Hoaxes, the earliest recorded April Fools prank was in 1698. This special burger was named “the left-handed Whopper”, which was made available from April 1. That’s when Mattel decided to sell a limited-edition collectible. Create Brussels sprout cake pops that look super-appetizing, but become quite the surprise at first-bite! By this time, the Surrey Field was surrounded by a police force. 1. The night before April Fool's Day, print out some pictures of your family's favourite celebs. Everybody will have a good laugh, but nobody will be fooled. An interesting activity for the elderly that will lead to discussion and reminiscence. Google loves April Fools' Day almost as much as making doodles. Would you have fallen for any of these? Would you have fallen for any of these? Plimpton later turned the story into a novel. So, the weight of the sandwich is redistributed, and the bulk of them skew to the left. Mark Twain said, "The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year." 10 Most Dangerous Waters You Will Never Want To Swim In, 10 Unbelievable Incidents that Actually Happened, 10 Weddings that Unbelievably Turned Into Disasters, 10 Women Who Disguised Themselves as Men to Achieve Their Dreams, 10 Mysteries from the Past that Were Solved in Recent Times, 1200 Years Old Ancient Hindu Temple Carved Entirely From a Single Rock, Chinese Billionaire takes 6400 staff to France to celebrate 20th Founding Anniversary of his Tiens Group of Companies, 10 Interesting Backstories Behind Common Things, 10 Historical Figures Who Were the Giant Trolls of Their Era, 15 Household Items You Didn’t Know Were Hazardous, 10 Things that Were Invented Because of Peculiar Reasons, 12 Things that Are Surprisingly Older than You Think, 10 Clever Strategies Businesses Use for Their Utmost Benefit,, Then, once everyone else has gone to bed, swap out any framed photos that you have around the house. Whether you've recently started dating or … Send a hilarious April Fools' Day text prank! Where are the White Lions? (CNN)April Fools' Day ain't what it used to be. Their artists mocked up a box and posted the picture along with the post. In 1998, a day before April Fool’s day, Burger King announced the launch of a new burger designed specially for lefties. Oh, for the days when April Fools' Day hoaxes and pranks. Nevertheless, the prank succeeded beyond Porky’s wildest dreams and ran in papers around the world. He stated that due to the astronomical event i.e. Use a butter knife to scrape off the Oreo filling and … When Branson revealed his prank the officers were unamused and initially threatened to arrest him. (source), As an April Fool’s day prank, Mattel’s social media team posted a prank post on Facebook announcing it would start selling the “Wonder woman’s invisible jet”. Whatever the history of April Fools’ Day, the tradition of playing pranks on the day has become one followed by everyone from newspapers to businesses. Mount Edgecumbe, a volcano which had been dormant for about 400 years, looked like it was preparing to blow. Lawmakers in Alabama allegedly thought so, passing a law in 1998 that redefined 3.14159 ... to, simply, 3. The, In other TV-related jokes, in 1962, the Swedish national network put on a technical expert who told the public that its black-and-white broadcasts could be made color. On April 1st, however, that was... 6 Gmail Paper. He managed to convince the listeners that if they would jump into the air at that exact moment, they would feel a floating sensation. The prank turned out to be a huge success. One of the most famous April Fools' Day pranks of all time is the BBC’s famous “spaghetti harvest” segment. Replace Oreo cookie filling with toothpaste! This was internally known as Project Dawnstar. The story was on television -- then a relatively new invention -- and Auntie Beeb would never lie, would it? The exclusive item was sold at $5. The prank was invented by the English astronomer Patrick Moore. Like Tinder, it also published a blog post three days before April 1. 60 April Fools’ Day Pranks: 1. 1. On April 1, 1860, many Londoners received this invitation: ‘Tower of London: Admit Bearer and Friend to view the Annual ceremony of- Washing the White Lions. Many credulous Britons were taken in, and why not? This April Fool’s prank is bound to get everyone! (source), 936 SharesComments Off on 1200 Years Old Ancient Hindu Temple Carved Entirely From a Single Rock, 1.4k SharesComments Off on Chinese Billionaire takes 6400 staff to France to celebrate 20th Founding Anniversary of his Tiens Group of Companies, 858 SharesComments Off on 10 Most Dangerous Waters You Will Never Want To Swim In, 468 SharesComments Off on 10 Strange Yet Fascinating Sea Creatures, 468 SharesComments Off on 10 Unbelievable Incidents that Actually Happened, 546 SharesComments Off on 10 Weddings that Unbelievably Turned Into Disasters, 468 SharesComments Off on 10 Interesting Backstories Behind Common Things, by Janhabi Banerjee Mar 5, 2021, 7:53 pm, 858 SharesComments Off on 10 Historical Figures Who Were the Giant Trolls of Their Era, 624 SharesComments Off on 15 Household Items You Didn’t Know Were Hazardous, 702 SharesComments Off on 10 Things that Were Invented Because of Peculiar Reasons, 702 SharesComments Off on 12 Things that Are Surprisingly Older than You Think, 702 SharesComments Off on 10 Clever Strategies Businesses Use for Their Utmost Benefit, by Harshatha Raja Jan 20, 2021, 9:00 am, © Copyright 2021, All Rights Reserved,, on 10 Famous April Fool’s Day Pranks of All Time, 21 People Who Were Declared Clinically Dead and Then Revived, Shared Their Experiences, 10 Real News Stories On April Fool’s Day That Everyone Thought Was Fake, on 1200 Years Old Ancient Hindu Temple Carved Entirely From a Single Rock, on Chinese Billionaire takes 6400 staff to France to celebrate 20th Founding Anniversary of his Tiens Group of Companies, on 10 Most Dangerous Waters You Will Never Want To Swim In, on 10 Strange Yet Fascinating Sea Creatures, on 10 Unbelievable Incidents that Actually Happened, on 10 Weddings that Unbelievably Turned Into Disasters, on 10 Interesting Backstories Behind Common Things, on 10 Historical Figures Who Were the Giant Trolls of Their Era, on 15 Household Items You Didn’t Know Were Hazardous, on 10 Things that Were Invented Because of Peculiar Reasons, on 12 Things that Are Surprisingly Older than You Think, on 10 Clever Strategies Businesses Use for Their Utmost Benefit, Bizarre Case of Gloria Ramirez, AKA “The Toxic Lady”. Here is some trivia about famous April Fools Day pranks. The joke followed a 1998 stunt by Burger King about its new ", Few people may have been taken in by Cottonelle, but that wasn't the case in 1973, when, In this now-classic 1996 prank, Taco Bell took out newspaper ads saying, The Brits are masters of April Fools' gags, and in 1980, the BBC's overseas service said the iconic clock tower was getting an update. The story about Finch, who could throw 168 miles per hour. But the sandwich had been redesigned to fit more comfortably in the left hand. Serena Williams and her daughter twin in new fashion ad, ran in the magazine's April 1, 1985, issue, the Indiana legislature attempted to pass a bill, Johnny Carson cracked a joke about a toilet paper shortage. After all, forewarned is forearmed. The origin of April Fools' Day is something of a mystery — no one is quite sure where it comes from. Click here to go back to regular YouTube and happy April Fools Day!” Fly to Mars: Expedia ran a prank on 1 April 2009, offering flights to Mars. Oh, … April Fools’ pranks date all the way back to the 1700s, and the “holiday” is also sometimes referred to as All Fools Day. To inspire ideas for your next prank we have brought 10 famous April Fool’s Day pranks of all time. Later, a Coast Guard pilot went over the crater to investigate. However, later, they decided against any formal action. A version of this piece was first published in 2016. One of the best aired on April 1, 1957, when it claimed that people in Switzerland were planting spaghetti on their farms. 2. The earliest known record of April Fool’s day prank is of April 1, 1968, when people were sent to wash Lions being washed! This announcement took jokes to a new level when genetically modified butterflies were included as their advertisement campaigns. 'Froot Loops' on pizza: Culinary abomination or inspiration? Or, as Abraham Lincoln once observed, "Don't believe everything you read on the internet.". Every April until 2007, as an April Fools' Day prank, Gamepro printed a 2-5 page satirical spoof of the magazine called Lamepro, a parody of Gamepro's own official title. He couldn’t believe his eyes when he looked closely.