Eliotrope : Sa mécanique de portail lui facilite de se déplacer rapidement sur de grandes distances et d’augmenter ses dégâts. Osa pretty much dominates everything from group pvp to 1v1 pvp to pvm. Taking place 1000 years before the events of Wakfu, you'll create a character from 1 of 18 different classes that all have different playstyles. C'est par ici que ça se passe. Sa mécanique d’état élémentaire lui permettant de multiplier par 4 l’efficacité de ses sorts, ainsi que sa grande capacité de déplacement lui permettent de gérer toutes les situations. Retrouvez la liste de tous les DCE actifs pour le mode FUT de FIFA 21. Mais sur la version 2.xx de Dofus, toutes les classes ont le même bonus de Prospection. Well I didn't want everybody to agree , I wanted to see what tier list people could come with in order to create a discussion around it. Ill make a tier list regarding how much they're used, and how key they are for specific strategies. Choisir son serveur sur Dofus, ça n'a rien de facile. Characters new design - Ankama Announcements - Imps Village ... Sacrier - Classes - - DOFUS, o MMORPG estratégico. Use our Tier List Maker to generate your free Tier List and share it with your friends. Retrouvez la liste complète des Pokémon à récupérer dans l'Île solitaire de l'Armure. Everything these class does another classe can do it Better/easier , With Challenge they might struggle in Duo but will need a lot of caracther and team comp for end game content to be relevant, I Don't know in what place Sac is since it's their 3rd rework, Reminding you this is my opinion on the Subject my main is in silver tier because I've got my way around it and I've saw the potential , keep in mind other classes might excel in an other domain. A+ Enu, sram, Elio. I would like to ask you please to tell me the current meta of dofus, i mean, the current pvp tier list in lv …. Lors des derniers équilibrage de classes, le Zobal et l’Ouginak ont subi un UP. Tous les guides de Stuff de toutes les classes de Dofus sont disponibles ici, et mis à jour régulièrement. Right now the most optimal team for all the contents i think it's iop/eni/panda/(elio or cra) /enu with only these 5 for me you can do everything . Bienvenue ! Elio Altought they have a lot of potential into god tier , the main reason why they aren't their is they can be Hard countered by othe classes. En monocompte sur Ilyzaelle peu importe la … I dont think it's rank should go any higher. S+ Panda. ofc i know relearning the class is inevitable, but based on prior experiences with this game if later i find out that "oh yea, rogues are ok. but like feca do literally the same thing with far less headache and are actually much better at it," im going to strangle someone. DOFUS is a tactical turn-based MMORPG with 18 classes and an unusual 2D isometric style. Eca pretty solid Damage but lack in range and can be a healer . S'il vous plaît entrez votre commentaire! Sado(Osa) , Invo are useful , healer and booster . Feb 19, 2019 - Our Dofus Touch Class Tier List will show you the best and strongest classes to play for both PvM and PvP. Use our Tier List Maker to generate your free Tier List and share it with your friends. Sram's Shadow. Buy dofus kamas best price, compare prices before you buy, 100% Secure website and delivery till 3 minutes fast, Secure trading of dofus kamas on try and judge Filters allow you to access rankings by server, by class, by level, etc. I think agi/int/cha cra is far superior to the regular power/omni build. Une classe S étant la plus puissante et la classe C la moins puissante. Coupler à ses sorts de protection et sa mobilité correcte cela en fait une classe très efficace en solo. Cela concerne donc principalement les combats PVM solo et la capacité du personnage à franchir les obstacles potentiels (combats de quêtes / donjons spéciaux etc).Elle est donc idéale pour les serveurs monocompte Jahash et Ilyzaelle mais peut également convenir aux serveurs multicompte. Sezione riservata alle discussioni su ogni classe di DOFUS. Enutrof's Fingers. Ce guide vous aidera à trouver le serveur qui convient à votre style de jeu. Sram invisibilty and traps are usefull for clean hand challenge. Un mot de passe vous sera envoyé par email. Sacrier's Blood. Pandawa : Le Panda bien qu’excellent en groupe souffre seul de ne pas pouvoir profiter de sa mécanique de base. Cela lui donne la possibilité de faire face à toutes les situations.Xelor : Le Xelor, complexe à jouer combine capacité de déplacement, mais surtout remboursement de ses PA. Cela lui permet sans problèmes d’être indépendant. Classes tier list. A-Eca, Sadida, OsaB Masq, Hupper, Feca, Fogger, Xelor. Eca : explosive damage and have a lot of regen, Panda : Shield every turn and lots of damage, Foggernaut : They have fairly everything and are verstatylle can heal and shiel + do big damage, Feca Cancerous play style ap / mp red damage glyphe etc , but lack regen, Cra : Lots of range but can be hard countered with close combat and tacle, Iop: IMO they are in a bad shape for Pvp even tho they have a lot of damage , if you can keep them far they are pretty useless, Sadi And Osa : Cancerous but can be hard countered , combat will usually be a pain in the ass, Masq : Big shield , but shield can be countered by a lot of class and lack in range, Bronze Tier: Xelor : they're win depends a lot on people not knowing to fight them and Ap removal can be hard countered, Enu : IMO they are better off staying pvm ( Talking pvp solo here), Same here for Sac I know they were good prepatch but right now idk, Keep in mind this was for SOLO pvp not team, I would like to hear your opinion and your tier list here, Cra should have its own tier that is only cra and everything else lower.