dexterous, able, astute dakshin, दनुवार n. Dhanuwar [a Nepali nationality], दया n. kindness, favour, mercy, pity, sympathy, दलबन्दी n. party politics, group politics, दलविहीनता n. independence from party, non-party, दलित n. Dalit, untouchable (as seen by the Bahuns), दान n. donation, gift, religious gift, contribution, दीर्घकालीन adj. to begin, to start, to commence, थिच्नु v.t. sixty-three, 63 tritiya purus, थलो n. place, land; levelled high place, table land, थाक्नु v.i. A comb is a tool consisting of a shaft that holds a row of teeth for pulling through the hair to clean, untangle, or style it. More meanings for combo. to discipline, to impress, to press, to push with force, अचेल adv. completely, totally, fully, entirely, पेटी n. belt, casket, small box, small chest, girdle, पोइल n. running away with a man without formal marriage, पोत्नु v.t. Pronunciation : case sensitive: see the pronunciation key for a guide on how to write the sounds; sounds can only be searched in names that have been assigned pronunciations * is a wildcard that will match zero or more letters in the pronunciation example: *lee matches names which end with the sound lee _ is a wildcard that will match exactly one letter in the pronunciation one hundred thousand, 1.00.000, लक्ष adj. thornless, free from troubles, निःसन्तान adj. near, near by, close by, not far, नै part. This is the name of a Hindu god believed to be an incarnation of the god Vishnu. in reality, essential, genuine, true, virtual, विकास n. development, expansion, evolution, विकृति n. deformation, defilement, mutilation, defect, विखण्डन n. fission, breaking up, splitting up, fragmentation, विखण्डित adj. fallen, spoilt, polluted, defiled, भ्रष्टाचार n. corruption, corrupt practice, मकल n. a small moveable earthenware stove used for heating, मंगसीर n. eighth month of the Nepali year [November/December], मञ्चरी n. cluster of buds and flowers, flower bud, मत n. vote, opinion, voice, dogma, belief, मधेस n. the Tarai (the southern flat land along the Indian border), मध्ये postp. governmental, public, official, administrative, संरक्षण n. guardianship, patronage, protection, conservation, tutelage, संरचना n. structure, composition, anatomy, सरल adj. towards, near to, against, in opposition to, प्रतिनिधित्व n. representation, deputation, delegacy, प्रतिपक्ष n. opposition, rival side, hostile camp, contesting party, प्रतिपक्षी n. opponent, rival, contestant, contralateral, प्रतिबद्ध adj. to be pleased, to feel happy, to feel delighted, to be glad, रहनु v.i. at some places, in many a place, काख n. position formed while sitting cross-legged on the floor, side of the body above the hip, lap, कानून बमोजित according to the law, in conformity with the law, कान्छी n. last born female child, nice young girl, कान्तिपुर n. Kantipur [an old name for Kathmandu], काफल n. a fruit like strawberry but with a hard pit, कामदार n. worker, labourer, porter, helper, कायम adj. Nepali Devanâgarî has 12 vowels and 36 consonants. to cause to move, to put to use, to move, to despatch, चल्तीका adj. to forbear, to endure, to brook, to sustain, to withstand, सहमत n./adv. learned, intelligent, informed, erudite, ज्यादा adj. to recognize, to know, to identify, to distinguish, चिसो adj. coolness, winter, chill, cold, जातीय adj. old, aged, advanced in years, mature; ancient, वृद्धि n. progress, increase, increment, rise, growth, enlargement, वृषदेव n. Vrishadeva [name of a Licchavi king, great- grandfather of Manadeva I], वैधानिक adj. to frighten, to be frightened, डसना n. cotton rug for lying on, mattress, डाडो n. hill, hillock, the pole of a roof, डाँफे n. the nine-coloured Himalayan pheasant [the National Bird of Nepal], ढकने n. rice fried in butter and cooked in milk, ढाक्नु v.t. Translate from Nepali to English. Combo in English. pleasure loving, pleasant, happy, सुत्नु v.i. icy small Solar System body. to advance, to volunteer, to incite, to instigate, अघि–अघि a long time ago, in times gone by. The website is designed to serve as an an easy-to-use web dictionary accessible with any desktop or mobile browser. lively, excessive, high, चर्चा n. talk, enquiry, query, praise, remark, commendation, चलाउनु v.t. Please follow the links below to download for Android and iOS. in that way, without any reason; free, vain, त्यस्तो pron. rich, well-off, prosperous, wealthy, well-to-do, सम्पादकीय adj. a bear's cub; useless, good for nothing, worthless, गद्र्याक–गुद्रूक n. sound produced by the trampling of feet or hoofs, गन्द्र्याम्म n. terrible sound produced by the fall of heavy things, गधापच्चिसी n. adolescence, an unexperienced age, गनगनाहट n. grumbling, murmuring, prattling, गनथनाउनु v.t. to be necessary, to be required, चिकित्सा n. treatment, remedy, medication, therapy, चित्त n. mind, feeling, spirit, heart, attention, memory, thought, चित्र n. picture, painting, illustration, image, चिनाउनु v.t. collective, pertaining to community, सार n. substance, essence, kernel, purport, chief part, vigour, spirit, सार्नु v.t. He considered Ne Muni to be a fabrication. shabdakosh | शब्दकोश : English Nepali Dictionary and Translation. Internet connection is required to use this dictionary online or via mobile apps. to drop, to fall [in large quantity], ओकट्नु v.t. on account of that, from that reason, therefore, ताजा adj. plain, level, smooth, even, flat; moderate, समन्वय n. combination, union, uniformity, harmony, natural succession, समय n. time, period, season, opportunity, leisure, occasion, समर्थ adj. ‘Although Indonesians, Nepalis, Pakistanis, and Thais are prominent in the SAR, the most significant minority group consists of … agreement, of one and the same mind or opinion, सहयोगी n. colleague, supporter, assistant, friend, सहायक n. assistant, helper, colleague sahayak, साउन n. fourth month of the Nepali year [July-August], साघु n. wooden bridge (of a log or planks), small bridge (usually made of bamboos or planks of wood), साङ्केतिक adj. enthroned, installed as king, गणतन्त्र n. republic, republican system of government, गति n. speed, motion, movement, condition, circumstance, position, गतिविधि n. activity, movements, frequentation, state of things, position of progress, गतिहारा adj. to make others hear, to tell, सुनुवार n. Sunuwar [a Nepali nationality], सुन्दर adj. voluntarily, spontaneous, of one's own accord, स्वतन्त्रता n. freedom, independence svatantrata, स्वभाव n. habit, nature, temperament, character. to be able; to finish, to complete, सगरमाथा n. Sagarmatha, Chomolungma, Mount Everest, संघ n. assembly, association, multitude, monastery, संघर्ष n. struggle, conflict, strife, friction, सङै लानु v.t. to spread bedding, to spread a rug,to spread a mat, ओढ्नु v.i./v.t. very much, exceeding, extremely, beyond, अतिक्रमण n. infringement, contravention, violation, अतिरिक्त adv. Both ends of sticks are pointed. to cause to be cut, to cause to be beheaded, कठिनु adj. to forget, to make a mistake, to be attached, भू-परिवेष्ठित देश n. land-locked country, भूइ n. ground, floor, surface of the earth, भूगोलको अनुसन्धान कार्य n. geological survey, भूमि n. ground, floor, surface of the earth, भूमिका n. preface, introduction, foreword, भेट हुनु v.t. You can also download our apps to use the dictionary on your mobile devices. ordinary, general, common, usual, trivial, insignificant, सामु postp. before, in front of, opposite, facing, सामुदायिक adj. it is closed, it is shut banda, बमोजित adj. powerful, strong, radiant, प्रमाण n. proof, testimony, evidence, attestation, ascertainment, प्रमाणपत्र n. certificate, testimonial, permit, प्रमाणिक adj. honorable, respectable, venerable, मान्नु v.t. name, trace, mark; name and address, निकट adj. current, existing, modern, current time, present time, वंश n. clan, pedigree, dynasty, lineage, birth, family, tribe, generation, वस्तु n. thing, item, substance, article, property; cattle, वाणिज्य n. trade, commerce, business vanko, वातावरण n. condition, surrounding, environment, circumstances, situation, वार्ता n. discourse, account, conversation, topic, talk, dialogue, वार्तालाप n. dialogue, conversation, talk, discourse, वास्तविक adj. similar, equal, alike, uniform, equivalent, identical, tantamount, समानता n. equality, equivalence, parity, similarity, likeness, समाप्त adj. evil, bad, non-existent, illusory, असन्तुष्ठ adj. to fall, to descend, to go down, झल्कनु v.i. comb, Nepali translation of comb, Nepali meaning of comb, what is comb in Nepali dictionary, comb related Nepali | नेपाली words restricted, banned, conditioned, प्रतिभा n. genius, intellect, wit, intelligence, brilliance, प्रतियोगिता n. rivalry, competition, hostility, प्रतिशोध n. revenge, vengeance, retaliation, vendetta, blood feud, प्रतिस्पद्र्ध n. rivalry, contest, competition, प्रतीकात्मक adj. first, former, front, anterior, अङ्क n. numeral, digit, issue, number [of a periodical], mark [in an examination], score, points [in a game], act [in a drama], अङ्क र अक्षरले बोलाउनु to call by figure and word, अङ्ग पुग्नु to be the procedure complete, अङ्ग–भङ्ग गर्नु v.t. propounded, founded, established, instituted, set up, fixed, placed, erected, installed, स्थायित्व n. permanence, durability, sustainment, स्थायी adj. according top principle, theoretical, सोच्नु v.t. renowned, famous, celebrated, noted, प्रचलन n. prevalence, custom, usage, currency, movement, प्रचलित adj. extra, additional, excessive, अतृप्ति n. insatiability, lack of appeasement, अत्यन्त adj. These Nepali words are easy and help you instantly connect to friendly people of Nepal. honest, trustworthy, faithful, ईमानदारी n. honesty, faithfulness, integrity, उन्नु v.t. When they are ripe, rudraksha seeds are covered by a blue outer fruit and are sometimes called blueberry beads. divided, separated, split up, cut off, broken, विघटन n. break up, dissolution, destruction, विचलन n. departure, deviation, moving about, unsteadiness, विचार n. consideration, observation, notion, idea, judgement, विजया n. the goddess Durga, the Durga Puja festival, विजया दशमी n. the Dashara festival, the Dasain festival, विजयी n./adj. perfect, full, complete, whole, accomplished, sufficient, detailed, पूर्णतः adv. presented, submitted pratam, प्राकृतिक adj. basically, fundamentally, primarily, essentially, मेघालय n. Meghalaya [a Northeast Indian state], मेल n. meeting, unity, concord, harmony, intimacy, friendship, union, alliance, मैना n. a name applied to several different sturnoid passerine birds of India and countries further east, belonging to the genera Acridotheres and Eulabes, मैया n. princess; a word used affectionately for addressing a daughter, मौसूफ pron. to drive, to challenge, to exaggerate, हात आउनु comp. अघिल्लो adj. आदिकारण n. first cause, fundamental cause, आदिवासि n. aborigine, original inhabitant, आधियार n. sharer of half the land or crop, आपसमा adj. personal address towards the king [royal honorific pronoun], यताउता adv. assembled, gathered together, united together, शासकीय adj. to run very fast, to fly very fast, हाल n./adj. best, supreme, uttermost, extreme, परमधाम n. heaven, paradise, the next world; death, demise, परराष्ट्र n. foreign county, another country, परराष्ट्र मन्त्रालय n. foreign ministry pararastra, परराष्ट्रीय adj. valuable, expensive, very costly, बाड्नु v.t. to enter, to go in, to come in, पहिचान n. recognition, acquaintance, identity, पहिरन n. costume, suit, dress, clothes, garments, पाउनु v.t. behind, later, in the back pachi hatnu, पछि सर्नु v.i. A modern plastic comb corrected, amended, revised, संस्करण n. correction, act of refining; edition, संस्कार n. reformation, initiation, purification, संस्कृतमय adj. to walk speedily, to shout, to cry, तत्तव n. truth; true state, essence, substance, the real factor of bringing things into existence, तनहु n. Tanahun [former mini-state; today district in western Nepal], तनाव n. tension, tenseness, strain, tautness, तमु n. Tamu, Gurung [a Nepali nationality], तयार हुनु v.i. not clear, indistinct, vague, dim, obscure, blurred, ambiguous, अस्पष्ठता n. lack of clarity, uncertainty, haziness, अस्वीकार n. non-acceptance, rejection, refusal, denial, आकस्मिक adj. evening, in the evening, after sunset, बेवास्ता adj. autonomous, under one's control, स्वायत्त शासन n. autonomy, self-government, स्वीकार n. acceptance, confession, assent, agreement, स्वीकृत adj. formal, ceremonial aupacarik, औपचारिक आदरवाची adj. Nepali verbs are words that convey action (bring, read, walk, run), or a state of being (exist, stand). as a result of, with the result of, consequently, परिपाटी n. tradition, method, mode, arrangement, order, परिश्रमी adj. similar, like, resembling, on equal footing, सर्वश्रेष्ठ adj. to get off, to come down, to descend, उत्सव n. entertainment, festival, celebration, festivity, उदार adj. to loiter, to linger, to walk about, to spend time idly by moving about, चाँगुनारायण n. Changunarayan [an ancient site in the eastern part of the Kathmandu valley], चाणक्य n. [name of Kautilya, the author of the ancient Arthashastra], चानचुन adj. indifferent, unmindful, unconcerned, careless, बेसरी adv. difficult, hard, arduous, not easy, कठोर adj. Finally one which has a large source and brings back good results. English, British, English language, अग्ल्याउनु v.t. high minded, munificent, generous, open-hearted, noble-minded, उदारता n. generosity, liberality, magnanimity, nobleness, उदाराशय adj. to thunder, to roar, to bluster, गर्न थाल्नु v.t. constitutional, according to the constitution, वैशाख n. first month of the Nepali year [April-May], शंकरदेव n. Shankaradeva [a Licchavi king, grandfather of Manadeva I], शंकालु adj. extraordinary, unusual, special, distinguished, famous, विशेष्य n. substantive; a noun with an adjective qualifying it, विश्वसनीय adj. to cause to sit, to make someone sit, बसाल्नु v.t. unfathomable, bottomless, deep, अगार n. cinder, ember, the black substance of charcoal, अगालो n. hug, embrace, armful, the bent arm, अङ्गीकृत नेपाली नागरिकता n. adopted Nepali citizenship, अङ्गुली प्रतिमुद्रा n. finger impression, अङ्गुली मुद्रा n. fingerprint, nameprinted ring, अंँगेठी n. iron or clay vessel to carry fire, portable fireplace, अङ्ग्रेज n. Englishman, Westerner, white man, अङ्ग्रेजी n./adj. ignore name meanings: ... Malayalam, Nepali Means "black, dark" in Sanskrit. to move, to remove, to shift, to copy, to infect, साहित्यशास्त्र n. poetics, rhetoric, literature, साहु n. merchant, trader, money- lender, banker, साहू n. shopkeeper, merchant, trader, businessman, moneylender, सिद्धान्त n. doctrine, tenet, established truth, सिद्धि n. perfection, accomplishment, maturity, fulfilment, victory, सिद्ध्याउनु v.t. about, nearly, approximately, almost, लज्जा n. shame, shyness, dishonour, ignominy, scandal, disgrace, लड्नु v.i./v.t. adhering, attaching, stricking, लम्कनु v.i. to till the ground, to carry out agriculture, खेर n. time, length of time, destruction, loss, waste, खोपो n. a small hole in the wall for keeping things, खोरिया n. uncultivated land, nature reserve, खोल्नु v.i./v.t. at the same time, at once, ऐंचाताना adj. having the form of, having the shape of, रोक n. prohibition, restriction, interdict, रोकिनु v.i. to thresh (paddy), to rebuke, झिक्नु v.t. to correct, to reform, to amend, to make better, सुनाउनु v.t. to mshine, to glitter, to glisten, झस्कनु v.i. to be conscious, to recover the senses, to be on the alert, चेपाङ n. Chepang [a Nepalese nationality], चैत n. twelfth month of the Nepali year [March-April], चैत्र n. twelfth month of the Nepali year [March-April], चोट n. wound, bruise, hurt, mental agony, चोड–पत्र n. written consent of divorce, quitclaim, चौका n. eating place surrounding the store, चौडाइ n./adj. to support, to hold up, to stop, अड्कनु v.i. dissatisfied, discontented, displeased, reluctant, असमय n. untimeliness, bad or unfitting time, असर n. effect, influence, mark, authority, असल adj. Dussehra in Nepal is called Dashain, which is a significant festival for the Hindus in Nepal but is celebrated with the same enthusiasm by people of all faith. departmental, related to the department, विभिÌ adj. to surprise, to amaze, to astonish, अचम्म लाग्नु v.i. But first we need to know what the role of Adverbs is in the structure of the grammar in Nepali. put on clothes luga phernu, लेक n. hilly region, the higher slope of a mountain, लेख n. prose composition, writing, essay, article, लेखनाथ पौड्याल n. Lekh Nath Paudyal [a famous Nepali poet], लोक n. world, the three worlds [heaven, earth, hell], people, वज्राचार्य n. Vajracharya, Bajracharya, a tantric guru, a Buddhist priest, वरिपरि adv. to torment, to afflict, to distress, to tease, पिरोल्नु v.t. In most languages a verb may agree with the person, gender, and/or number of some of its arguments, such as its subject, or object. chiefly, mainly, principally, primarily, मुनाल n. a kind of bird from the mountains, मुमा n. mother [used by upper class only], मुहान n. source of a river or an irrigation canal, मुहूर्त n. a division of time (48 minutes), auspicious moment, a moment, a while, a very short time, मूलक postp. solitude, loneliness; alone, lonely, एकीकरण n. integration, amalgamation, unification, एकीकृत integrated, united, unified ekkai, एकोहोरिनु v.i. But when you continue your language and culture in a new land, it may form a huge barrier between people. making clear, showing, manifesting, enlightening, indicating, द्वितीय पुरुष वाचक n. second person [ling. too much, in excess, excessive, ज्येष्ठ n. second month of the Nepali year (May-June), झर्नु v.i. Rudraksha (IAST:Rudrākṣa) is a seed that is used as a prayer bead in Hinduism (especially in Shaivism). national, pertaining to the nation, जारी adj. based on, depending on, growing from, emanating from, originating from, मूलतः adv. to become stiff by cold, to be numbed, कङ्गाल adj. respectable, deserving honour, आदान–प्रदान n. giving and taking of things, exchange, social communication, give and take. to make sense of, to understand, अद्वित्तिय adj. to arrive at, to reach, to be fulfilled, to be sufficient, पुनरवलीकन n. revision, retrospect, review, पुनर्जीवित adj. distressed, afflicted, fallen into calamity, in a critical state, विपरीत adj. 7 basic Nepali words that will help you connect with locals in Nepal. prevalent, current, customary, in practice, , in vogue, recognised, प्रचार n. publicity, publication, usage, advertisement, announcement, प्रचारित adj. inexpressible, indescribable, inexpressible, obscene, indecent, अकथ्य adj. sudden, abrupt, accidental, casual, आग्रह n. desire, longing, craving, zeal, urging, insistence, आङ n. part, body, portion, limb, procedure, आजीवन adj. to get tired, to become tired, to be exhausted, थाप्नु v.t. then, at that time, many years ago, long ago, एक छिन adv. to get off, to descend, to float, to rise out of, to rise above, उत्रिनु v.i. to be collected, to be united, जुरमुराउनु v.i. to hide, to cover, to conceal, ढाचा n. design, way, method, make up, manner, तटस्थ adj. to make friends (ritually), मुकाम n. halting place, halt, dwelling, place of residence, camping place, मुख्यत adv. to cause to stand, to raise up, उम्कनु v.i. complete, whole, entire, all, total, perfect, finished, सम्प्रदाय n. sect, religious society, mode, tradition, usage, custom, सम्बन्ध n. relation, relationship, connection, association, affinity, सम्बन्धी suff. Materials for Making the Traditional Comb and Brush To make the bamboo comb, the Pode use three materials: pa (thick bamboo) is cut into several small flat sticks. devotee; devoted, pious bhakundo, भञ्ज्याङ n. narrow valley, defile, mountain pass, भड्किनु v.i. about, a little, miscellaneous, चाप n. arc, segment of a circle, semi-circle, rainbow, चाहिनु v.i. The name 'Colombo', first introduced by the Portuguese in 1505, is believed to be derived from the classical Sinhala name කොලොන් තොට Kolon thota, meaning "port on the river Kelani".. Another belief is that the name is derived from the Sinhala name කොල-අඹ-තොට Kola-amba-thota which means 'Harbour with leafy/green mango trees'. bent adjective. to mingle, to mix up together, मिहिनेती adj. to decrease, to lesson, to decline, घर हेर्नु to run the household, to do the housework, घुम्नु v.i. nicely, abundantly, profusely, plentifully, excessively, बेंसी n. valley, lowland, lower portion of a hill, बेहोर्नु v.i. to go out, to be extinguished, निमित्त n./postp. sledgehammer noun. near, near by, close by, not far, नेरि adj. related with, pertaining to sambandhi, सम्बोधन n. address, calling aloud; vocative case, सम्भवतः adv. to step back, to step down, पछिल्लो adj. doblado, curvado, torcido, decidido. for puja, गन्धिक n. the scent of perfumery merchant, गन्धी a perfumer, one who sells essences or scented oils, scented, perfumed, having a sweet smell, गरीब n./adj. Learn more. The script is essentially phonetic, meaning that the pronunciation closely resembles the written form. best of all, preeminent, highest, supreme, paramount, सर्वेसर्वा adj. to finish, to complete, to kill, सिन्की n. soured raddish, fermented raddish, सिपालु adj. to meet, to get, to find, to come across, भोजनालय n. kitchen, cafe, canteen, dining room, भौगोलिक adj. last, hindermost, back, rear, पजनी n. government officials were renewed for the ensuing year], पढाइ n. study, method of reading or teaching, पढेलेखेका adj. आदि n./adj. to wake up, to be alert, to be angry, जाडो n./adj. right, just, proper, reasonable, fit, मनोरञ्जन n. amusement, entertainment, recreation, मन्तब्य n. view, opinion, remark, note, comment, मलाई मन पर्दैन comp. to meet, to bump into someone, भेट्नु v.i./v.t. various, diverse, different kinds of, विरह n. separation, parting, estrangement; loss, विरुद्ध postp. common, normal, in circulation, चल्नु v.i.