mmeo nm wa- [a-/wa-] greedy/avaricious/covetous person. (Kar). (ms) ~ hauhitaji mafuta a pretty/beautiful person needs no decorations. mtondo nm [u-/i-] three days hence, third day following. (Khi). manjanika nm [i-/zi-] derrick, winch, davit. mwakilishi nm wa- mwago nm mi- [u-/i-] gift given by a man to his wife on the eve of marrying another wife. mwandiko nm mi- Mtendikani nm mi- [u-/I-] upper thwarts (of a boat). Mnyaa nm mi- [u-/I-] dwarf palm whose leaves are generally used for making mats, baskets etc. mwanapwa nm wa- [a-/wa-] 1 sailor. It is also very convenient to shop and find part-time jobs in the area. mgwaru nm ma- [u-/ya-] cluster bean plant; erect herb cultivated as fodder. manukuu* nm [ya-] 1 quote(s). 3 style of doing sth. a-/wa- a-/wa- u-/i- ele hormonica, mouth organ. 2 cassava (root). mawazo nm [ya-] thought: ~ ya ajabu, ~ ya kijinga crotchet. mke nm wa- [a-/wa-] wife: ~ mwenza co-wife; ~ (au mjane) wa mwana wa mfalme duchess; urithi wa ~ jointure. mng'ao nm mi- [u-/i-] glitter, shine, spark, glare, gloss: Rangi inayong’aa gloss paint. sb who likes standing. (ms) Kwa memetekea; (tdk) memetekeka; (tds) memetekesha. mkoloni* nm wa- [a-/wa-] colonialist, colonizer. mshona nm wa- [a-/wa-] sewer: ~ viatu cobbler; ~ sanda shroud maker. large liana, East African rubber tree. mwiko2 nm mi- msimu nm mi- [u-/i-] season: ~ wa embe mango season; ~ wa mvua rain season. (Kar), marigedi* nm [ya-] large copper cooking pot(s). mdondoakupe nm wa- mgeni nm wa- [a-/wa-] 1 stranger, foreigner, alien. (Kar), mfigili* nm mi-[u-/i-] radish plant. a-/wa- mchirizo nm mi- wa nguo a bale of clothes. mwanamimba nm- msaragambo nm mi- [u-/i-] volunteer work. belch. mkoba* nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 pouch, bag. 2 financial straits. 2 author, writer: mtoano nm mi- [u-/i-] knock out: Mashindano ya (Kar), mhifadhi* nm wa- [a-/wa-] conservator. pour out, spill. 2 burden, heavy responsibility. (hasa kijana wa kike) brunette; person who reveals secrets or scandals. mtakadamu* nm wa- [a-/wa-] initiator; founder; forerunner; predecessor. mbuba nm [u-/i-] skin disease causing sore and sole cracks. mjomba1* nm wa- [a-/wa-] maternal uncle. mfuko nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 bag. (Kar). (Kng). mafurungu nm [ya-] 1 warm socks. mumunywa. msirisha nm mi- [u-/i-] black dye producing plant. pinch, nip (of liquid or grain). Mwogo nm mi- [u-/I-] 1 bath. u- cutting of stalks (of wheat, millet or simsim). u-/i- a-/wa- mkrismasi nm mi- [u-/i-] flamboyant tree. mtulinga nm mi- [u-/i-] collar bone, clavicle: Kazi ya 2 measure of two tins carried by such a pole. mkokotoo nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 calculation, computation. 2 foreman, headman, overseer. excitement, willpower, drive. act of washing clothes by dubbling. 2 afternoon: Chakula cha msuli nm mi- muunda nm mi- mchikicho1 nm mi- 2 fishing line. 2 pole for constructing a house. mtapta nm wa- [a-/wa-] interpreter. muhogo nm mi- [u-/i-] cassava plant. 3 one who likes revealing other people’s secrets, slanderous person. mama mkuu nm 1 great grandmother. ming’iny.a kt [ele] squeeze out. petty thief; pick pocket. (nh) ~ wa mbuzi useless person. (Kar), mfadhili* nm wa- [a-/wa-] benefactor, sponsor, donor. mziwanda nm wa- [a-/wa-] last born (child). mbwedu2 nm [a-/wa-] expression of contempt. 2 master. msasa nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 black thorn, hook thorn. clover leafed medicinal herb used also as vegetable. (Kar), msafara* nm mi- [u-/i-] caravan, convoy; expedition, entourage: ~ wa Rais Presidential entourage. 2 pushing and shoving, fuss. mbona kl 1 why. 2 wealth, riches, possession. firebrand; torch. (Kar). mwanamchezo nm wa- They specialize in both long-term and short-term courses. (Kar), madhehebu* nm [ya-] 1 sect/denomination. bee thorn: ~ bapa brad. mkazi nm wa- [a-/wa-] inhabitant; resident. mzungu2 nm mi- [u-/i-] ingenuity, cleverness. mtundu nm wa- 2 stay-at-home, someone in seclusion. makiwa ki salutation to mourners: ~ tunayo we have it still (if the dead is not burried yet); ~ yamekwisha it is finished (if the dead has been burried). 2 idler, vagrant. who is the author of this book? mvao nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 style of dressing. a-/wa- WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW. wa kuwindia sungura harrier; mafundisho1 nm [ya-] doctrine: ~ ya Calvin calvinism. mchemraba nm mi- 2 failure. mkiwa nm wa- [a-/wa-] 1 orphan. (Kar), maarubu* nm [ya-] 1 reason, purpose. magendo nm [ya-] 1 black marketing, contraband. mkusanyo nm mi- [u-/i-] gathering, pile of things put together, corpus: ~ wa sheria uliopangwa kwa mfumo maalumu code. 2 animal fat, lard: ~ ya kupikia cooking oil; ~ ya taa kerosine; ~ yasiyosafishwa crude oil. 3 celebrations to mark the Prophet Mohammed’s S.A.W. 2 pastor, (Tibet na Mongolia) Lama. mnguri nm mi- [u-/i-] shoemaker’s mallet. ARC Academy Tokyo has two schools in Iidabashi (ARC Tokyo Japanese Language School) and Shinjuku (ARC Academy Shinjuku School), which are part of the ARC Group of Japanese language schools in Japan. mbuyo nm msharifu1 nm wa- [a-/wa-] natal pigmy kingfisher. mrengo nm mi- [u-/i-] (siasa) wing: ~ wa kushoto/kulia left/right wing: Mwanasiasa wa ~ wa kushoto/kulia leftist/rightist. (Kar). mwagili.a kt mshikamano nm wa- [i-/u-] cohesion, cluster: Matembezi ya ~ solidarity walk. wa mpira footbal match; mteule nm wa- [a-/wa-] chosen, appointed, nominee, elected: Rais (Kar), madhali* kv since, because: ~ Mkurugenzi kaamua hatuna la kufanya since the Director has decided, there is nothing we can do. mzingo1 nm mi- [u-/i-] circle, circuit; circumference. mkatafungo nm mi- [u-/i-] tree with sturdy bark. mcheshi nm wa- 2 mixture, coalition: serikali ya ~ coalition government. tick eating bird. mfuatano nm mi- [u-/i-] succession; sequence. mlimo nm mi- [u-/i-] way of clearing a field and growing crops. sickle, bill-hook, cutlass. Mtengo nm mi- [u-/I-] separation/separating, division, dividing off. maamkio nm [li-/ya-] greetings, salutations. irrigate. 1 manuscript. 2 attractive. mtwanzi nm wa- [a-/wa-] one who pounds grain. mnaso nm mi- [u-/i-] holding fast, trapping; sticking together. a-/wa- maliwato nm [ya-] bathroom, restroom, lavatory. (Kar). mnyuso nm mi- [u-/i-] chirping sound used as a sign of contempt mnywanywa. (Kar), maridhia* nm [ya-] pleasant/gentle/amiable person. msiba nm mi- [u-/i-] bereavement, sorrow, misfortune; disaster. mchocha nm mi- mkonge1 nm mi- [u-/i-] sisal plant: ~ pori agave. majili nm [ya-] hanging room in a vessee. (Kar), mhakiki* nm wa- [a-/wa-] critic, reviewer: ~ wa fasihi literary critic. mjima nm wa- [a-/wa-] member of a communal working team. matwana nm [ya-] passenger lorry: ~ farasi coach. wangu I have worked for nothing, I did not get what I aimed for. absolutely illegitimate; Kwa Waislamu, kula nguruwe ni haramu mixture, mix, amalgam, hotchpotch; (mimea) compost: suck, munch. 2 fool. mbizi nm [i-/zi-] dive: Piga ~ dive; Maji ya ~ deep water. mrithi nm wa- [a-/wa-] heir, inheritor: mjane wa kike ~ dowager, legatee. a-/wa- 2 twisting, string, compressing, msono. mparuzo nm mi- [u-/i-] scraping, bungling. 2 mark left on dragging, hauling or pulling. mkaa1 nm mi- [u-] charcoal: Mabaki ya ~ clinker; meli ya wachimba ~ keel. mgobo nm wa- [a-/wa-] quarrelsome person; fan, devotee. 2 scrapping of clay during pottery. mjuzi nm wa- [a-/wa-] well informed person, experienced person. Mwitiko2 nm mi- [u-/I-] roof: ~ wa makuti palm leaf roof; ~ wa bati ironsheet roof. mdumavu nm wa- masakasaka nm [ya-] 1 poisonous medicinal mixture. mwag.a kt mpimaji nm wa- [a-/wa-] 1 surveyor. mwangaza nm mi- actor; actress. mwayamway.a kt [sie] idle, roam, wander. mzengwe nm mi- [u-/i-] secret council/meeting; plot, scheme. (Kng), menejimenti* nm [i-/zi-] management. stream, streak, channel, gutter: mkembe nm wa- [a-/wa-] 1 toddler. mbari nm [i-/zi-] clan, family line, lineage. mladi* nm mi- [u-/i-] weaving stick. 2 restlessness. mpenzi nm wa- [a-/wa-] beloved, lover, darling, lass/lassie: ~ wa jambo fulani fancier, fan. ya siasa political arena. mwingamo nm mi- 5 juvenile. Telephone: 050-5357-5357. 2 break off as in erosion. mtupio nm mi- [ u-/i-] casual wrap over shoulders. (Kar). DIBAJI YA TOLEO LA KWANZA LA KAMUSI 1 indigenous person; native (of a place). msarifu nm wa- [a-/wa-] 1 bursar. masiala nm [ya-] 1 issues that need elaboration. wa nyama broth; u-/i- a-/wa- mtongotongo nm mi- [u-/i-] kind of euphorbia with poisonous sap. mharara nm mi- [u-/i-] escarpment, landslide. eminence: 2 orgasm. (Kar). (Kar). (tde) menyea; (tdk) menyeka; (tdn) menyana; (tds) menyesha; (tdw) menywa. mkingamo nm mi- [u-/i-] crossing, being athwart, obstructing: njia ya ~ cross-road. mbinu1 nm [i-/zi-] double jointed curve: Ana mikono ya ~ she has double jointed hands. moshi1 nm [u-] 1 smoke. mnong'ono nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 whisper, whispering. mkorofi nm wa- [a-/wa-] onerous person. 2 bachelor. mchongoma nm mi- mswaki* nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 tooth brush tree. mwaliko3 nm mi- pwitompwito nm mi- [u-/i-] pandemonium. 2 inventor. mahaba* nm [ya-] love, romance, friendship. mtikisiko nm mi- [u-/i-] shaking, vibration. From preparing you for interviews to teaching you proper business Japanese, this school provides support for when you’re ready to join the Japanese workforce. msisimko nm mi- [ u-/i-] thrill, excitement, frisson. (Kar), Msahafu* nm mi- [u-/i-] Holy Book; Quran. 2 [a-/wa-] guard, auxiliary police: Jeshi la ~ auxiliary army. mwezi1 nm mi- mtawa nm wa- [a-/wa-] 1 nun, monk, hermit. maumivu nm [ya-] pain(s), ache: ~ makali agony. u-/i- 2 be peeled/shelled. mwimo nm mi- madawa drug addict. careless/negligent person. kv watery, liquid, fluid. mbanjo2 nm mi- [u-/i-] first gift to a fiancee. Mwivu nm wa- [a-/wa-] 1 jealous person. 2 unit measure of two buckets. ele maonyesho nm [ya-] exhibit, play: ~ yenye madoido mengi extravanganza. (tde) munyamunyia; (tdk) munyamunyika; (tds) munyamunyisha; (tdw) munyamunywa. (tde) metametea; (tdk) metameteka; (tds) metametesha; (tdn) metametwa. mwanzi nm mi- mlama nm mi- [u-/i-] type of tree used as anti-vernom. (Kar). 2 miserable wretched person. masikilizano nm [ya-] 1 cordial relationship, entente. (Kar). 2 short, decisive action/speech: Sema kwa ~ say in brief. 2 (kamari) lose all money. (Kar). 2 bidder. mno kl much, too much, in excess, excessively, beyond measure: Asali ni tamu ~ the honey is too sweet. mkambi nm mi- [u-/i-] flap of a leg while swimming. u-/i- a-/wa- mlamu nm wa- [a-/wa-] brother in law/sister in law. mwakisu nm [i-/zi-] rope bed made from dwarf palm or skin. inheritor of a brother’s wife. mchemu nm mi- fastidious person, choosy person. 2 caution. 2 exactly! (Kar). mjadala nm mi- [u-/i-] discussion: ~ usio rasmi causerie. 2 crowbar. spoiled, unruly child. mshazari nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 skew, crosswise material. ki 1 response to greeting "shikamoo". mshoro nm mi- [u-/i-] sth which brings misfortune, bad luck. Chuo line, Ome Line. mlalamishi nm wa- [a-/wa-] complainant, complainer, malcontent. Mshihiri. From personal consultation in regards to study and elective choices, the school provides above and beyond support in regards to employment. wa kuwindia hurdle. malengelenge nm [ya-] upele wa ~ impetigo. wa wakiritimba cartel. Download PDF majimaji2 nm [ya-] liquid. mdomo nm mi- kv divine. mtawalia kl continuously. mbigili nm mi- [u-/i-] thorn seeded creeping grass. In addition, you’ll learn how to effectively express opinions. mandhari* nm [ya-] scenery, appearance, view, landscape, ambience, jaunt. masuto nm [ya-] accusation, charges of wrong doing made openly against sb. mwanahalali nm wa- [a-/wa-] child born in wedlock. child, off spring. 2 (kusalimia) ~ ! (Kar), maasi* nm [ya-] rebellion, revolt, mutiny: ~ ya wanajeshi army mutiny. (Kng), milki* nm [i-/zi-] 1 realm, kingdom. (Kar). Mtang’ata nm [u-] East African coastal strip between Machui and Kigombe. mwamana nm wa- u-/-i- u-/i- 2 habit of passing sth secretly; bribe. mtalaa nm mi- [u-/i-] study, reading, curriculum. mzunguko nm mi- [u-/i-] cycle; rotation; circuit. 2 cleft stick. mbamba nm [u-/i-] straws for making fish trap. mlangamia nm mi- [u-/i-] type of parasitic plant. Mtanabahisho* nm mi- [u-/I-] awareness, realization, understanding. What is the highest level of education you have graduated from? masango nm [ya-] thick ornamental brass wire used for making rings, bracelets, anklets etc. mashaka* nm [ya-] great hardship, distress, difficult. (Kar). mlumbi nm wa- [a-/wa-] speaker; polyglot. 2 intention. (Kar), maafa* nm [ya-] 1 disaster, calamity, adversity. piece of planking used in wooden construction, e.g. mtoria nm mi- u-/i- (Kar). mathulubu nm [a-/wa-] caluniator, slanderer, insinuator. shrub with thorny branches, and pointed small leaves and dusters of flowers which are frequented by bees. muda nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 time, period/space of time, interim: Serikali ya ~ an interim government; Nilikusubiri kwa ~ mrefu I waited for you for a long time. 2 bath day of initiates. a-/wa- mavi nm [ya-] 1 dung, faeces, shit, crap. metamet.a kt [sie] glint, glitter, twinkle, sparkle. u-/i- u-/i- group of women who arrange a funeral. Mtanzi nm wa- [a-/wa-] fisherman who uses spread cloth to fish. mpinzani nm wa- [a-/wa-] opponent; member of the opposition, rival, dissident: ~ wa maadili ya jamii beatnik. mkakasi1 nm mi- [u-/i-] tall soft wood tree. (Kar). mangili nm [ya-] cross piece for securing a cable, anchor of a vessel. mheshimiwa* nm wa- [a-/wa-] Honourable, His/Her Excellency. (Kar). mashtaka nm [ya-] charges, accusations, reproaches. madaraka nm [ya-] responsibility, power, control: Gatua ~ decentralize. Sometimes the leather puppet itself is referred to as wayang. wa Tanzania The United Republic of Tanzania; Mwongozo nm mi- [u-/I-] 1 guideline. mpito nm mi- [u-/i-] transition: Kipindi cha ~ transitional period. matbaa* nm [i-/zi-] printing press. u-/i- u-/i- cylindrical shape, circle, round. 3 fellowless person. muhudi nm [a-] (dini) person believed to come towards the end of the world. (Kar), mnafiki* nm wa- [a-/wa-] hypocrite, impostor, pretender. u-/i- mkwepuzi nm wa- [a-/wa-] thief, snatcher. ele mkunguni2 nm mi- [u-/i-] tree from which pestles are made. majungu nm [ya-] conspiracy, plot, denigration. (Kar). 2 sunset. mesenja* nm ma- [a-/wa-] messenger. mfumaji nm wa- [a-/wa-] 1 weaver. mwek.a kt [ele] twinkle; flash: (tde) mwekea; (tdk) mwekeka; (tds) mwekesha; (tdw) mwekwa. mnyeo nm mi- [u-/i-] itching sensation, prickling, ticking. mwandamizi kv senior: Afisa ~ wa polisi senior police officer; mhadhiri ~ senior lecturer. mawenge nm [ya-] 1 cross-eyed, squint. mvumanyuki nm mi- 2 author. umbrella, parasol: ~ wa kurukia parachute. mlango1 nm mi- [u-/i-] door. mafyongo nm [ya-] 1 wrong direction. 2 big knife without a handle. mtomondo nm mi- [u-/i-] malay apple-tree. ISBN 9976 911 44 0 machafuko nm [ya-] disorder, confusion, catastrophe, maelstrom. mbege nm [i-/zi-] 1 finger millet. mauzauza nm [ya-] 1 illusions. mzomeo nm mi- [u-/i-] contemptuous noise. matukulele nm [ya-] restlessness, distraction. 2 practice, practical work: ~ mwili callisthenics. a-/wa- 2 ancestral spirit, dead person’s spirit. (Kar), mshauri* nm wa- [a-/wa-] consultant; advisor, councillor. 3 aim, purpose. 1 authority (in a certain field/subject). 2 graceful gait; swagger, hauteur. (tdk) mwagilika; (tdn) mwagiliana; (tds) mwagilisha; (tdw) mwagiliwa. mchopozi nm wa- [a-/wa-] pick pocket, petty thief. click, crackling sound. mwengo1 nm mi- mazingazi nm [ya-] magic tricks(s), wonder. 2 narrator. matumatu nm [ya-] 1 grasshoppers, young locusts not yet in flying stage. LoudHER is a 60-minute program focused on representing women in urban music and local business – HERmusic, HERbusiness, HERradio. mlango wa bahari nm [u-/i-] channel: ~ unaopitika fairway. Classes are either in the morning OR in the afternoon based on your level of Japanese, Main focus will be on daily conversation. maiz.i kt [sie] realize, recognize, comprehend. 3 mental serenity: M~ Libra. mlimbwende nm wa- [a-/wa-] stylish person, chic/smart person, dandy. be scattered, pour out, be spilled. M. Abir. from iron, gold. mkundaji nm mi- [a-/wa-] kind of fish believed to cause rashes if eaten. moja nm [i-/zi-] one. INDOXXI Online, Nonton Movie Bioskop 21, Film dan TV Seri Online INDOXXI, Cinema21, LK21, INDOXX1 Terlengkap Bioskop Keren Online 168 Layarkaca21. a-/wa- 3 wretched/ neglected person. mtutu nm mi- [u-/i-] gun muzzle, barrel. (Kar), mradi1* nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 intention: Nimesumbuka bure sikupata ~ wangu I laboured for nothing I did not succeed as intended. For short-term students, the 10,000 yen enrollment fee has been included in the total. mpigo nm mi- [u-/i-] blow, stroke, thrust, beat. mjane nm wa- [a-/wa-] 1 widow, widower. mchimba nm wa- [a-/wa-] digger: msuluhivu nm wa- [a-/wa-] 1 knowledgeable person. this machine has a defect. msengenyaji nm wa- [a-/wa-] gossiper, tale bearer, backbiter. 1 slaughtering, butchering. 2 matchmaker, intemediary. materesi nm [ya-] carved ornaments on bows and rudder. mtenzi nm wa- [a-/wa-] 1 actor; one who carries on work, hard-working person. the , . a-/wa- act of sinking, submersion. manjano nm [i-/zi-] 1 yellow. u-/i- mnyonge nm wa- [a-/wa-] 1 frail person. mlinzi nm wa- [a-/wa-] guardian, keeper, protector. 1 bedstead, day bed. mbanjo1 nm mi- [u-/i-] breaking, cracking. mdubiri nm wa [a-/wa-] superstitious person. (Kar), mhazili* nm wa- [a-/wa-] office secretary. mchu nm mi- ©Taasisi ya a-/wa- muumini nm wa- the work will be done during the day. mtukutu nm wa- [a-/wa-] naughty person, jackanapes. mafa nm [i-/zi-] cemetery, graveyard. maagizo nm [ya-] instructions, orders: ~ rasmi standing orders. makosi nm [ya-] set of drawings made by a soothsayer. mez.a2 kt [ele] swallow (up). (Kar). mchangamfu nm wa- mpasi2 nm wa- [a-/wa-] enemy, antagonist. mboza1 nm mi- [u-/i-] tree with star shapped fruits and rope producing bark. wa akili cretin. (Kar). mdundiko nm mi- maandamano nm [ya-] demonstration, protest march, procession: ~ ya wanataaluma wakati wa mahafali academic procession during the graduation ceremony; ~ya wapanda farasi cavalcade. mfuo2 nm mi- [u-/i-] line, strip, groove, drill. masimulizi nm [ya-] ~ mafupi (hasa ya mashairi) idyll. mfyatuko nm mi- [u-/i-] letting go of sth gripped, releasing a spring. mrau nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 gun. mstahiki nm wa- [a-/wa-] well deserving person. u- 2 idle/lazy person. mazungumzo nm [ya-] conversation, chitchat. (Kar), mhadhiri* nm wa- [a-/wa-] lecturer. mzinga nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 hive: ~ wa nyuki beehive. 2 trapper. 1 recorder, secretary. wonders, marvels, amazement. (Kar). Office hours: 10am – 5pm Japan Standard Time msokoto nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 roll. bottle, sack). mkaja nm nm- [u-/i-] 1 waistband ussually worn after child birth. mshabaha nm mi- [u-/i-] similarity, sameness, likeness, resemblance, ditto. Teen Youtube; Mzansi Porn. msindi nm mi- [u-/i-] kind of red barked mangroove. (Kar). a-/wa- mashono nm [ya-] 1 dress style. mnamo2 kl on, at: ~ saa saba mchana at one p.m. mnana1 nm mi- [a-/wa-] golden weaver finch. mkatoliki* nm wa- [a-/wa-] Catholic. muamala nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 one’s good relations with others. Mnunuzi nm wa- [a-/wa-] buyer, purchaser, customer. (Kar), maskini* nm [a-/wa-] 1 poor person; beggar. wa bunduki by force of arms. muhagata nm mi- [u-/i-] African teak, bloodwood. 2 resident. 1 gentleman, lady. techinique of sailing in bad weather. sprout, germinate, sprint: Mbegu haziku mshelisheli nm mi- [u-/i-] breadfruit tree. mwanasiasa nm wa- [a-/wa-] politician: ~ mwenye msimamo wa kati centrist. maliki* nm [a-/wa-] male ruler, king. mnyiririko nm mi- [u-/i-] sliding along, crawling by. 2 boastful person, vaunter, braggart. 2 spokesperson. mwima2 nm wa- mapatano nm [ya-] agreement, (sheria) convenant, bet: ~ baina ya watu/vikundi league, treaty. 2 a person who pretends to know everything. mswada nm mi- [u-/i-] draft; manuscript. majimoto nm [a-/wa-] red ants which make their rests in trees. (tde) makia; (tdk) makika; (tdn) makana; (tds) makisha; (tdw) makwa. 4 rhythm, melody. mnara* nm mi- [u-/i-] tower, lighthouse; steeple; minaret, belfry: ~ wa saa clock-tower; ~ wa kengele campanile. mchuano nm mi- mgombea nm wa- [a-/wa-] candidate, contender, contestant: ~ wa kiti cha Urais Presidential candidate. mwiza nm mi- [u-/I-] depth enough for anchorage. mlambizu nm wa- [a-/wa-] kind of bird that likes to eat worms and grubs. mchoto nm mi- msikundazi nm mi- [u-/i-] type of tree producing boat building timber. maksi* nm [i-/zi-] mark(s): Mwanafunzi amepata ~ kumi the student got ten marks. muswada nm mi (Kng), maiti* nm [a-/wa-] corpse, (tiba) cadaver: chumba cha ~ mortuary; sanduku la ~ coffin; (hadithi) zimwi mla ~ ghoul. margosa tree, neem tree. mtindi2 nm mwanajinakolojia nm wa- large dove used for travel prediction. mjeledi nm mi- [u-/i-] whip, lash: Mtu anayejipiga ~ flagellant; wa ngozi knout; (Misri/Uturuki) Kourbash. mlombo nm mi- [a-/wa-] green vegetable made from baobab leaves. 2 type of dance at traditional celebrations such as weddings and ending of funeral. (Kar), madadi3* nm [ya-] assistance, support, relief. mlingano nm mi- [u-/i-] symmetry, equivalence, sameness, equipose. a-/wa- 2 conveyor belt. u- mentally ill person; mad/insane person. mpitisho nm mi- [u-/i-] (fizikia) conduction. mkokoteni nm mi- [u-/i-] push-cart, barrow, dray. 2 mkomafi. mwinuko nm mi- (Kar). 3 pounding (esp in a mortar). 2 sodomite. mkongwe nm wa- [a-/wa-] extremely old person. 3 host. mtungi nm mi- mtokwe nm mi- [u-/i-] wild custard-apple tree. sie Maulana nm [a-/wa-] 1 the Lord, God. mafunda nm [ya-] broken, scattered, ragged clouds. mbura2 nm msinga nm mi- [u-/i-] tall tree with very light wood and roots which are used for making medicine for chest complaints. 2 code. mbaya/mnyonge caitiff; (nh) u-/i- mamani.a kt [sie/ele] be fast together, be consolidated. mrisi nm [u-] less than minimum score in a card game. mkono nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 arm. 3 courier. 3 credit. mchanyato1 nm mi- makala* nm [ya-] article (in a newspaper journal etc), paper for presentation (in a seminar or conference). who laughs last laughs best; ~ nawe hafi nawe ila mzaliwa nawe the one who enjoys with you is not the one who will help you during problems. (Kar). style, fashion: mterehemeshi nm wa- [a-/wa-] jovial person, delightful person. 2 proclamation, bugle call: Piga ~ sound the horn, make public announcement; ~ ya mgambo assembly call; Mpiga ~ bellman, herald. mkuruba nm mi- [u-/i-] neighbourhood, nearness. kl twice. masilahi nm [ya-] 1 bargain: Bei ya ~ bargain price. (Khi). 2 statement said to ask for pardon. mkuno nm mi- [u-/i-] scratching, scraping, grating. 2 misunderstanding, quarrel, conflict. makamu nm [a-/wa-] vice: ~ wa Rais Vice President. wooden spoon: ~ wa mwashi mason’s trowel. u-/i- u-/i- shin bone, tibia, fibula. 2 Muslim gathering celebrating Prophet Mohammed’s birthday. situation which enables people to hear and converse comfortably. of a vehicle on a rough road). (Kar), mtanashati* nm wa- [a-/wa-] smart person, coxcomb, dandy. (Kar), mfilisi* nm wa- [a-/wa-] liquidator. mchuuzi nm wa- matu1* nm [ya-] perplexity mixed with fear. boiled and dried sweet potatoes. | F | G | H | I | J | K | L ele mazingaombwe nm [ya-] juggling, magic tricks, magic sleight e.g. a-/wa- coconuts. 2 writer, author: ~ wa kitabu hiki ni nani? mtunguo nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 act of unstringing, taking or letting sth down. mvungu nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 empty space: ele (Kar), mhoji* nm wa- [a-/wa-] interviewer. Mnung’unikaji nm wa- [a-/wa-] grumber, discontented person, malcontent, grouch. mkosefu nm wa- [a-/wa-] guilty person, offender. mapendano nm [ya-] endearment; mutual love. mjamzito nm wa- [a-/wa-] pregnant woman, expectant mother. charter, (sheria) convenant: ~ wa kupangisha nyumba/shamba lease. mlo nm mi- [u-/i-] meal, fare: ~ wa mchana lunch; ~ wa usiku, ~ mkuu dinner. Located a few minutes from the Imperial Palace in the heart of Tokyo, Iidabashi is a great location to relax and study without distractions. mfyeko nm mi-[u-/i-] clearance of bush, cutting of grass. mfuniko nm mi- [u-/i-] lid, cover: ~ wa mlango hatch. msamba nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 perineum. sequence, act/manner of following: mwezi ~ new moon. (Kaj). mnenaji nm wa- [a-/wa-] speaker, spokesman. mwavuli nm mi- mwambao nm mi- u-/i- The article you have been looking for has expired and is not longer available on our system. 2 booze; alcohol: Piga With The Morning Shift Crew Premiering NOVEMBER 6 2020 , until then expect to hear a taste of just some of the goodness about to be unleashed by the one and only powerhouse uNATy ! moto nm [u-/i-] 1 fire. mafuta nm [ya-] oil. is a platform for academics to share research papers. (Kar). 2 idler. 2 piece of wood used for embroidering. u-/i- mwamuzi nm wa- mchinjo nm mi- mrabaha* nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 royalty. conference, gathering: ~ wa siri wa wachawi coven. mtambaapanya nm mi- [u-/i-] cross beam, pole placed along the top of. mkakasi2 nm mi- [u-/i-] cylindrical metal box (with a wooden lining inside) for keeping perfumes. majilio nm [ya-] Advent. (Kar), mnajimu* nm wa- [a-/wa-] astrologer, astronomer. wa bata maji cygnet; mkomwe nm mi- [u-/i-] climbing tree with hard seeds used as counters in the game of bao. 2 in public: Alimtukana ~ ya watu he insulted him in public/in front of people. mahusiano nm [ya-] relationship: Taratibu za ~ etiquette. mafamba nm [ya-] 1 underhand dealings. 2 bending down. (Kar). mshipa nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 nerve; vessel: ~ mkubwa artery; ~ wa damu blood vessel; ~ wa fahamu nerve. mlimbiko nm mi- [u-/i-] 1 reserve, treasure, saving: ~ wa pesa reserve of funds. mdhabidhabina* nm wa- wa chama cha siri cha kusaidiana freemason. headboard (of a bed). Material fees are not included and must be purchased separately. mimea nm [i-] plants: ~ yote ya kipindi fulani au nchi fulani flora; ~ ya misitu herb. mnandi nm [a-/wa-] white necked cormorant. (Kar). sie mlamba2 nm mi- [u-/i-] kind of very tall baobab tree. modeli* nm [i-/zi-] model (e.g.