if (!$.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName)) { href: 'https://farm' + photo.farm + '.static.flickr.com/' + photo.server + '/' + photo.id + '_' + photo.secret + '_b.jpg', MEA ASEAN 2015. Nguyen Xuan Phuc, Prime The 23rd ASEAN Plus Three (APT) Summit was held via video conference on 14 November 2020. .append($("", { "class": "label label-danger error" }) ASEAN + 3 merupakan satu pakatan kerjasama antara negara negara anggota ASEAN dan tiga negara di Asia Timur Laut. impact on the socio-economic development of our respective countries and }; } Shopping. photos[photoset.id][key] = { State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi poses for a commemorative photo with leaders from the member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the People’s Republic of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea, at the 22nd ASEAN Plus Three Summit in Bangkok, Thailand on 4 November 2019. WE, the Heads of this.element.find('.gallery-container img').each($.proxy(function(index, el) { Dari “Manusia Pesakitan” Menuju “Bangsa Kuat”: Mengintip Kebangkitan China Lewat Olah Raga. clear: both; var url = apiUrl + "?format=json&jsoncallback=?&method=" + method + "&api_key=" + this.settings.apiKey; The Secretary-General of ASEAN, and Secretary-General of the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat were also in attendance. 19th APT Summit 2016 Vientiane, Laos 7 September 2016. Nguyen Xuan Phuc, Prime Minister of Viet Nam, in … border-radius: 5px; ASEAN Plus Three Statement on Active Ageing, 7 September 2016, Vientiane. var image = el; It contains a brief historical overview of the APT creation process and reveals the content of the main stages of its member states‟ economic cooperation. setTimeout(function() { width:100% !important; Chairman's Statement of the 12th ASEAN Plus Three Summit (October 24, 2009) [PDF] Cha-am Hua Hin Statement on ASEAN Plus Three Cooperation on Food Security and Bio-Energy Development (October 24, 2009) [PDF] width:49.9%; photos[photoset.id] = []; The Meeting was chaired by H.E. } 1. var element = this.element.find('.gallery-container'); }; WE, the Heads of State/Government of the Member States of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the People’s Republic of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea, held the Special ASEAN Plus Three (APT) Summit on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) via videoconference on 14 April 2020.The Summit was chaired by H.E. // The actual plugin constructor Supported by AKCF, ASEAN-Korea Frontier Forum has been one of the regular activities on youth exchanges between ASEAN and ROK since 2010. Nguyen Xuan Phuc, Prime Minister of .wpfrank-flickr-div{ ASEAN + 3 berasal daripada EAEC yang kemudiannya menjadi ASEAN + 3 atas cadangan Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad.ASEAN + 3 dibentuk pada Disember 1997 di Malaysia.. Pakatan ini dibentuk bagi meningkatkan kerjasama antara negara Asia Timur … } NOTING the commitment expressed by the G20 Leaders in their Extraordinary Summit statement of 26 March 2020 to present a united front against the common threat of COVID-19. }; Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore, and attended by all Heads of State/Government of ASEAN Member States, the People’s Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (ROK). this._hideSpinner(); } 14 April 2020. } (+6221)7398234, 7243504 State/Government of the Member States of the Association of Southeast KUALA LUMPUR DECLARATION ON THE ASEAN PLUS THREE SUMMIT. this._flickrAnimate = function() { the unprecedented and severe challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic EXPRESSING deepest condolences and sympathies for the loss of life and suffering caused by the pandemic. })(jQuery, window, document); Charter of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, High Level Task Force (HLTF) on the Drafting of the ASEAN Charter (2007), Eminent Persons Group (EPG) on the ASEAN Charter (2006), ASEAN Committees in Third Countries and International Organizations (ACTCs), Speeches & Statements of the Secretary-General of ASEAN, Speeches & Statements of the Former Secretaries-General of ASEAN, Chairman’s Statement of the 23rd ASEAN Plus Three Summit. apiKey: '037c012784565c3b5691cc5a0aa912b7', this._flickrRequest('flickr.photosets.getPhotos', { By Rifda Latifa. Special ASEAN Plus Three Summit on COVID-19 4/14/2020. Chairman's Statement of the 13th ASEAN Plus Three Summit (October 29, 2010) [PDF] The 12th ASEAN+3 Summit Meeting 2009. The East Asia Summit (EAS) is a regional forum held annually by leaders of, initially, 16 countries in the East Asian, Southeast Asian, South Asian and Oceanian regions, based on the ASEAN Plus Six mechanism.Membership expanded to 18 countries including Russia and the United States at the Sixth EAS in 2011. Chairman Statement of the 15th Meeting ASEAN Plus Three Summit and ASEAN+1 Summits THE 22N° MEETING OF ASEAN, CHINA, JAPAN, AND REP. OF KOREA NATIONAL TOURISM ORGANISATIONS (22N° NT0s+3) 19 January 2013, Vientiane, Lao PDR . ACKNOWLEDGING the importance of people’s participation in preventing and controlling COVID-19. This paper is devoted to the analysis of ASEAN Plus Three (APT) grouping as a specific form of cooperation among the East Asian countries. ASEAN Plus Three was established in 1997. WELCOMING the ASEAN Chairman’s Statement of 14 February 2020 and the Declaration of the Special ASEAN Summit on COVID-19 of 14 April 2020 that demonstrated ASEAN’s highest-level commitment on collective response to the outbreak of COVID-19, in the spirit of a Cohesive and Responsive ASEAN. this._printError(); The Meeting was chaired by His Excellency Nguyễn Xuân Phúc, Prime Minister of the Social Republic of Viet Nam, and attended by Heads of State/ Government and High Representatives of ASEAN Member States, the People’s Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (ROK). public@asean.org, Statement on Connecting the Connectivities, Statement on Promoting Sustainable Development, Statement on Food Security and Bio-Energy. .append(img))); Nguyen Xuan Phuc, Prime ASEAN Plus Three (APT) Hubungan kerja sama ASEAN Plus Three (APT) mulai terbentuk sejak tahun 1997 yang melibatkan tiga negara Asia Timur yakni Cina, Jepang, dan Korea. box-shadow: none; ASEAN Plus Three is a forum that functions as a coordinator of co-operation between the ASEAN and the three East Asian nations of China, South Korea, and Japan. }); dataType: "json", this.settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options); Watch later. }; }); .fnf{ The students of ASEAN and ROK will experience the model of ASEAN Summit. }); Since its establishment, ASEAN has held the central role and leadership in the forum. KESIAPAN INDONESIA DALAM RANGKA LIBERALISASI INVESTASI DALAM KERANGKA HUKUM COMPREHENSIVE INVESTMENT AGREEMENT (ACIA) MENUJU MASYARAKAT EKONOMI ASEAN (MEA) 2015. .col-md-3 { image/svg+xml Asian Nations (ASEAN), the People’s Republic of China, Japan, and the @media (max-width: 786px){ The Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC) is a peace treaty among Southeast Asian countries established by the founding members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), a geo- political and economic organisation of 10 countries located in Southeast Asia . }); Last year, Asean's trade in goods with the Plus Three countries totalled more than US$800 billion (S$1.1 trillion), and at the summit, PM Lee outlined the … Kuala Lumpur, 12 December 2005. else { this.each(function () { The 23rd ASEAN Plus Three (Japan-China-Republic of Korea) Summit Meeting(November 14, 2020) ASEAN Plus Three Leaders’ Statement on Strengthening ASEAN Plus Three Cooperation for Economic and Financial Resilience in … ASEAN + 3 merupakan satu pakatan kerjasama antara negara negara anggota ASEAN dan tiga negara di Asia Timur Laut. The Meeting was chaired by the Honourable Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Prime Minister of Malaysia, and was attended by Heads of State/Government of ASEAN Member Countries, the People’s Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea. of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the People’s Republic of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea, held the Special ASEAN Plus Three (APT) Summit on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) via videoconference on 14 April 2020. Chairman’s Statement of the 19 th ASEAN Plus Three Summit, 7 September 2016. RECOGNISING the decisions to re-organize a number of major events including the Olympic and Paralympic Games. apiKey: "", WE, the Heads of State/Government of the Member States of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the People’s Republic of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea, held the Special ASEAN Plus Three (APT) Summit on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) via video conference on 14 April 2020.The Summit was chaired by H.E. }, this.settings.loadingSpeed * index); apiUrl = 'https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/', }; STRESSING the important role of the World Health Organization (WHO) in the global campaign to control and contain the spread of COVID-19, recognising the importance of implementing the health measures under the. } return false; thumbnail: 'https://farm' + photo.farm + '.static.flickr.com/' + photo.server + '/' + photo.id + '_' + photo.secret + '_q.jpg', font-family: initial; Republic of Korea, held the Special ASEAN Plus Three (APT) Summit on ASEAN Plus Three Leaders Statement on Promoting Sustainable Development Cooperation, 7 September 2016, Vientiane. Online Conference  var img = $('', { 'class': 'thumb img-thumbnail flickr-img-responsive', src: photo.thumbnail }); //this.element.find('.gallery-container').append($("
", { "class": "col-lg-12 col-lg-offset-1" }) Government leaders, ministers, and senior officials from the ten members of the ASEAN and the three East Asian states consult on an increasing range of issues. 'use strict'; if(response.stat === "ok") { You're signed out. text-align: center; to the well-being, livelihood and safety of our peoples and its adverse $.each(photoset.photo, function(key, photo) { DEEPLY CONCERNED about RECOGNISING the objectives of the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services (AFAS), which are to enhance cooperation in services amongst ASEAN Member States in order to improve the efficiency and competitiveness, diversity, production capacity, and supply and distribution of services of their services suppliers within and outside ASEAN; to eliminate substantially restrictions to trade in services amongst ASEAN … }; this._flickrInit(); } function Plugin(element, options) { It stands as one of the largest and most important free trade areas in the world, and together with its network of dialogue partners, drove some of the world's largest multilateral forums and blocs, including Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, East Asi The Summit was chaired by H.E. }; The ASEAN Plus Three Summit was held successfully on 12 December 2005 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. init: function () { KTT ASEAN ke-34, diadakan di Bangkok, Thailand pada tanggal 20 – 23 Juni 2019. }); The APT Summit was institutionalised in 1999 when the Leaders issued a }); photoset_id: this.settings.photosetId .play-pause { this._hideSpinner = function() { ASEAN also participates in the East Asia Summit (EAS), a pan-Asian forum held annually by the leaders of eighteen countries in the East Asian region, with ASEAN in a leadership position. this._printGallery = function(photos) { $.ajax({ padding:12px; errorText: "
Error generating gallery.
", ASEAN PLUS THREE. this._name = pluginName; } photosetId: "", context: this, The 23rd ASEAN Plus 3 Summit Meeting 2020. .gallery98750 { $.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName, new Plugin(this, options)); height:auto !important; }; overflow:hidden; element.append($('
', { 'class': ' col-md-3 col-sm-4 col-center wpfrank-flickr-div' }) The 22nd ASEAN Plus Three (APT) Summit was held on 4 November 2019 in Bangkok. of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the People’s Republic of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea, held the Special ASEAN Plus Three (APT) Summit on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) via videoconference on 14 April 2020. (+6221)7262991, 7243372 this.element.find('.gallery-container').append($("
", { "class": "col-lg-12" }) }); .html(this.settings.errorText)))); title: photo.title url += "&" + key + "=" + value; } color: #fff; photosLimit: 200 ; The Summit was chaired by H.E. KTT APT ke-1 diselenggarakan pada bulan Desember 1997 di Kuala Lumpur pada saat kawasan Asia sedang dilanda krisis ekonomi. if(key >= _this.settings.photosLimit) { $.each(photos, function(key, photo) { KTT ASEAN ke-35, diadakan di Bangkok, Thailand pada tanggal 1 – 4 November 2019. .always($.proxy(this._hideSpinner, this)); photos = []; Lee Hsien Loong, Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore, was held on 20 November 2007 in Singapore. this._flickrPhotoset = function(photoset) { ASEAN leaders are holding a joint meeting with leaders of China, Japan and South Korea. Plugin.prototype = { defaults = { 14 April 2020. display:block !important; float:left; // Init return this; $.each(data, function(key, value) { WE, the Heads of State/Government of the Member Countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and the People’s Republic of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea, on the occasion of the 9 th ASEAN Plus Three Summit on 12 December 2005 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia;. $.fn[pluginName] = function (options) { Copy link. The 23rd ASEAN Plus 3 Summit Meeting 2020. success: this._onFlickrResponse // Wrapper They will include seven ASEAN Plus One summits (between the bloc and China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, India, the US, Australia, and the UN), the 23rd ASEAN Plus Three Summit… background-color: #a92929; The 23rd ASEAN Plus Three (Japan-China-Republic of Korea) Summit Meeting(November 14, 2020) ASEAN Plus Three Leaders’ Statement on Strengthening ASEAN Plus Three Cooperation for Economic and Financial Resilience in the Face of Emerging Challenges(PDF) EMPHASIZING our gratitude and support to all medical professionals, healthcare workers and other frontline personnel who have been working with all their hearts and minds to fight the pandemic, saving people’s lives. .LoadingImg img { max-width: 45px; The Summit was chaired by H.E. this._onFlickrResponse = function(response) { this.element.find('.spinner-wrapper').hide().find('*').hide(); Para pemimpin negara ASEAN saat sesi foto bersama ASEAN Summit ke-33 di Singapura, Selasa (13/11). ASEAN + 3 berasal daripada EAEC yang kemudiannya menjadi ASEAN + 3 atas cadangan Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad.ASEAN + 3 dibentuk pada Disember 1997 di Malaysia.. Pakatan ini dibentuk bagi meningkatkan kerjasama antara negara Asia Timur dalam … jQuery('.gallery98750').flickr({ Special ASEAN Plus Three Summit ThaiPBS World Tonight”Tuesday 14th April 2020 ;(function ($, window, document, undefined) { KUALA LUMPUR DECLARATION ON THE ASEAN PLUS THREE SUMMIT. } } .flickr-img-responsive { jQuery(function() { NOTING with satisfaction the encouraging outcomes of the Special Video Conference of the APT Senior Officials Meeting on Health Development on 3 February 2020, the China-Japan-ROK Foreign Ministers’ Special Video Conference on COVID-19 on 20 March 2020; the Special Video Conference of the APT Health Ministers in enhancing cooperation on COVID-19 on 7 April 2020. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Tap to unmute. The ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) is a trade bloc agreement by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations supporting local trade and manufacturing in all ASEAN countries, and facilitating economic integration with regional and international allies. →. max-height: 45px; Share. The 21st ASEAN Plus Three (APT) Summit was held in Singapore on 15 November 2018. WE, the Heads of State/Government of the Member Countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and the People's Republic of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea, on the occasion of the 9th ASEAN Plus Three Summit on 12 December 2005 in … Overview of ASEAN Plus Three Cooperation Introduction The ASEAN Plus Three (APT) cooperation process began in December 1997 with the convening of an Informal Summit among the Leaders of ASEAN and China, Japan and the ROK at the sidelines of the Second ASEAN Informal Summit in Malaysia. It has evolved into a forum for cooperation that has generated concrete benefits for the peoples of ASEAN, the People’s Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea, as well as the region as a whole, in strategic areas such as connectivity, monetary and financial management, natural resources, and disaster prevention and mitigation. By Wahyudi Akmaliah. }; REAFFIRMING our shared commitment to strengthen solidarity, enhance cooperation and mutual support among the APT countries to control and contain the spread of the pandemic, addressing the adverse impact of the pandemic on our societies and economies. this._flickrPhotoset(response.photoset); padding:15px; Targeting the youth age of 19 to 29 the Forum provides a simulation of the Model of ASEAN-ROK conferences/meetings. Initially, membership included all member states of ASEAN plus China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, and New Zealand, but was expanded to include the United States and Russia at the Sixth EAS in 2011. Richard Stubbs Over the last few years the institutionalization of the ASEAN Plus Three (APT) process has started to take shape. this._flickrInit = function () { this._printGallery(photos[photoset.id]); // Limit number of photos. display: none !important; loadingSpeed: 38, .done($.proxy(this._flickrAnimate, this)) this._flickrRequest = function(method, data) { Viet Nam, in his capacity as the Chair of ASEAN. The Meeting was chaired by His Excellency Nguyễn Xuân Phúc, Prime Minister of the Social Republic of Viet Nam, and attended by Heads of State/ Government and High Representatives of ASEAN Member States, the People’s Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (ROK). Joint Statement of the Special ASEAN Plus Three Summit on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) WE , the Heads of State/Government of the Member States of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the People’s Republic of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea, held the Special ASEAN Plus Three (APT) Summit on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) via video conference on 14 April 2020. The 19 th Meeting of the ASEAN Plus Three (ASEAN, China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea) Tourism Ministers was held on 16 January 2020 in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam, in conjunction with the 23 rd Meeting of ASEAN Tourism Ministers (M-ATM) and the ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) 2020. The Heads of State/Government of ASEAN Member Countries had a substantive meeting with the Heads of State/Government of the People’s Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea. this._defaults = defaults; this.init(); } } ), Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand, and attended by all Heads of State/ Government of ASEAN Member States, the People’s Republic of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (ROK). COMMENDING the timely and active efforts by the APT Health cooperation platforms and among the Plus Three partners in jointly responding to COVID- 19 from its early outbreak. REAFFIRMING the need for a peaceful, stable and prosperous East Asian regional … photosetId: '72157716888979248' this.element = $(element); // Chain var pluginName = "flickr", The 23rd ASEAN Plus Three (APT) Summit was held via video conference on 14 November 2020. Final CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT OF THE 15TH ASEAN-CHINA SUMMIT }; WE, the Heads of State/Government of the Member States of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the People’s Republic of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea, held the Special ASEAN Plus Three (APT) Summit on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) via video conference on 14 April 2020. element.imagesLoaded() RECOGNISING the exponential spread and severity of COVID-19, which the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared as a pandemic on 11 March 2020. Government leaders, ministers, and senior officials from the 10 members of the Associa-tion of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)1 and the three Northeast Asian }); }, this)); the world at large. The ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) is a trade bloc agreement by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations supporting local trade and manufacturing in all ASEAN countries, and facilitating economic integration with regional and international allies. url: url, COGNISANT of the important role of APT cooperation for peace, security and prosperity in the East Asian region. 2020. The Meeting was chaired by His Excellency General Prayut Chan-o-cha (Ret. SUPPORTING the call by the United Nations Secretary-General for all nations to respond decisively, innovatively and collectively to suppress the spread of the virus and address the socio-economic impact of COVID-19.