Multi-tenancy Argo CD is a service of nine Managed GKE that allows to continously deploy applications to the GKE cluster by using a gitops workflow. Kustomize and Helm don't have the same roles, and so they can't "fight" with each other. Kustomize¶. In this post, we will install Loki, a log aggregation system inspired by Prometheus.Loki is chosen just as an example app, which is used to show how we can apply Kustomize and Helm together ️. Unfortunately, sometimes the Helm chart is not flexible enough to do what you want to do, so you have to fork and contribute and hope that your contribution is quickly merged upstream so that you don't have to maintain your fork. Note that we are deploying the ks-guestbook-demo container with the “0.2” tag. When you start to deploy more complex applications you might use tools like kustomize and/or Helm which allow you to configure and adjust resources for your use.. Details For customers who need to continously deploy application code, Argo CD provides: declarative and version controlled application deployments automation and |_prod/... and I point two argo apps one to dev and the other to prod, that's really the point of kustomize for me, is apart the final mile touches, I can configure for different environments... so I used to use replicated/ship to turn the helm chart into kustomize, and then I would add the overlays -- but they're not really updating that tool anymore. This is not possible using a configuration plugin as the keys helm and plugin are mutually exclusive. Helm renders your templates and communicates with the Kubernetes API; Helm runs on your laptop, CI/CD platform, or wherever you want it to run; Charts are Helm packages that contain at least two things: 1. If you're generating resources, you should read up how to ignore those generated resources using the IgnoreExtraneous compare option. neco-apps is using Kustomize for its ability to manage the differences between environments and it is easy to use Off-the-Shelf Configuration, described below. Furthermore, ArgoCD supports Kustomize and Ksonnet as Kubernetes configuration management tools, as well as raw Kubernetes manifests. Just wondering how could we could point the app to kustomized dev/prod overlays? Before we lift the lid on Kustomize and see what it can do for us, let’s take a… helm template ../../ --name-template $ARGOCD_APP_NAME --namespace $ARGOCD_APP_NAMESPACE --include-crds > ../../all.yaml && kustomize build. If you don’t use Helm or plain Kubernetes manifests, you can also use Kustomize with ArgoCD. Use Helm to package, share, and install well-defined Kubernetes applications. Argo CD can be used with some manifest rendering tools such as Helm or Kustomize (among others). The ArgoCD resource is a Kubernetes Custom Resource (CRD) that describes the desired state for a given Argo CD cluster and allows for the configuration of the components that make up an Argo CD cluster.. While helm leveraged templates and override files, kustomize aims to stick to the Kubernetes API objects as is (i.e no templatization) and generate new objects using a kustomization.yaml file which declarativy defines the changes that need to happen to a given API resource (aka object).. OMG. ArgoCD has also recently added native support for Helm repositories. It allows you to merge your code in Git with your secrets in Hashicorp Vault to deploy into your Kubernetes cluster(s). Helm's primary purpose is in packaging apps -- its templating features are secondary. |_dev/... Demo Part 1 - Deployment Requirements needed before starting : GCP account; kubectl; kustomize; SOPS